ll8BS^Ss8^Si fe^ipijfi i^^i^Sfl?? ;iifKS8ii; m A â- .â- * W &â- '- I" â- B-'r w* â- #:'•â- â- • !/• ȣ of the Commercial Committee to A^I Delays the Closing. WflLi STAftT NEXT WEEK Bvanston merchants did not close their stores yesterday afternoon. Though it has been definitely decided by the Bvanston Com- mercial Association committee to close the stores oa Wednesday after- noons during the months of July and August, the committee found it im- possible to notify all the merchants in lime, - consequently the half-holi- day program for the clerks will not go into effect until Wednesday, Jul***: The Bvanston Woman's ciub com- mittee and the committee from the Commercial association have com- pleted a canvass of the city and have found all hut two merchants willing to obey the wish of the women of tjte~ cltib * and" the Interdenominational safety and grant their clerks a naif <|ay rest each week. Though several of the merchants have signed the agreement only on the condition that all the stores close, only two have been found who absolutely refuse to They are I. Graft the clothier, Miss Clow, the milliner. J The Woman's club ' committee has completed its report and this week they are sending out circulars to the householders requesting them to as-1 other places similarly situated, and slst in the movement. The following (that customers have not gone to Chi the report of the committee: cago, or been appreciably inconveni- enced. F, £ Randt/IW C. F. Tboma, Misi * There are a tew others who did not want toeign the petition but who said they would close if the other stores did. The following two owners absolute* ly refuse* ^J$4*.r Mils.; QloW* and J. Graff, ': f " < f. 1% '.-â- ? Depends Upon Them. The entire matter of the dry goods merchants closing seems to hinge upon the refusal of these to close. The grocers and butchers expect to close every Wednesday afternoon be- ginning July 24 and continuing through August It seems to the committee, and we feel sure that a larger, part of the citizens of Bvanston agree with us, (hat all the stores will agree to close beginning with July 24, when the owners realise that it is a progressive movement extending throughout the country, and ens from which they cannot afford to be excluded. The committee of wom*m is send- ing this week to the housekeepers of Bvanston the following letter and hope that the women of Bvanston will co-operate as far as possible with the merchants to make the half-holi- day closing so great a success that it will become an established custom in this city: Respectfully submitted, Half-Holiday Committee The Letter. "Dear Madam: "Many Bvanston merchants have given assurances that they are will- ing to close their stores on Wednes- days in July and August at 1 o'clock, to give their clerks a half-holiday. "Naturally, some of them have hesi- tated to do this, for fear of losing custom. What they especially fear Is that their trade might go to Chi- cago. But they have agreed to try the plan. Inquiry has indicated that the experiment has worked well in m :'H'2 |'-*K Alter forking Jtor a a motorcycle ago, the Bvanston been rewarded fsA the stoleri m has been found at Kansas City, Mov A year ago the machine, which be- longed tp NeHi Nieberg, was Stolen from in front of the Greenwood ton. Hanry Wilcox, a sailor, bought the machine from the thief. He In torn sold It to a party, who took the ma- chine to Kansas City. Wilcox was known to have pur- chased the motorcycle but could not be located. He returned to this city Thursday and was arrested. He told the police where the machine was and was held at the police station until it was returned to its owner Of the large number of Ism,golf eiperts wkm4gi ^ penvor, where Ute^ the amateur ' Western Golf Evans, former Bvanston caddy, picked 16 Vim -^Slfft,, â- ,•â- . ( The coarse ovei $Pjfflb)< the event | will bo vm&A is fMk Wfea. oat $ j,f t jj jfj r • Ufa i] yll Mm Age Limit Pfaeed Too Low. Think of saying a man of 60 was too old to be a judge! Tet that was New York law in 1777. It was also New York law in 1823 when Chancel- lor Kent was forced off th« bench by it That he was by no means d*»creptt physically or mentally at the time is manifest from his noted work, "Com- mentaries on American Law," which he wrote after his retirement. Bursting With Self-Importance. "What is the matter with Jones? Ho used to be a modest sort of fellow, but lately he seems almost bursting with self-importance." "Haven't you heard? Mrs. Jones Is suing another woman for alienating hie affections, and put the damages at fifty thousand dollars." â€"Judge. •I »... fir;.**. V'V Osstist, SSi â- /, *#$&! Floor ','* ^y ^V °v'y ^V' ^.^ >\'* ^aV^ >Vy>vl'y. ^AV" >s.// >W?"'/' -*Vy- >'*'?»•' '•'-•'/ ?«' ^i'-'^'AS, mmm&mg2£S£s^%&m8smswsmm}, m 'â- *Vj ^T^ - 935 LAKE AVEvrmwV lOfK^tn t^e in tot loc*Hio«f oi l>^ tti^; â- ^ alllan4ac«|>« platavagetd 4ancais atuooo haa lOroonua towed oak* team hotwatarhaaft;! co>f)M*waatttar oti<i«htt automat '_ i»*aa*c!>^t%i4^6n<ft painted extador «i»cl decorated inlfertoi-; fmfmT f-y^fffl*" a&Jf^attftfr'.jiA* mmmmmmmfimm i The Report. For more than two months com- mitteel have been at work to secure for the clerks of Bvanston a weekly half-holiday during the months of July., and August. Much publicity has-been **ven this movement through The Bvanston News, espe- cially early in the campaign, when a committee of women chosen from the. interdenominational society, rep- resenting the churches In Bvanston and from the Woman's club sent a petition to the Bvanston Commercial association asking the merchants to grant, this* weekly half-holiday to their clerks. A< committee from the Commercial association, with Mr. Galits as chair- man, has co-operated with the com- mittee of women and the response from the merchants has, as a rule, been most satisfactory. The spirit of progress certainly exists among the, enterprising merchants of this city as Well as elsewhere for this half-holiday movement Is wide- spread^ affecting both the smaller as well as the larger cities. ^11%? -4; .THS fstition. :^ . petitions have been ctpoolated among the merchants, reading as fol- -fcjP&ii **â- -â- â- 'â- --'â- '. ^•We, *the undersigned, merchants of ftvanstod, agree to close our places of business at i o'clock on Wednes- dJ^r«fternoons during July and Au- (The ttttderatanding was,, of course, that it must become general before It could go Into effect.) The choosing of the day was left to the merchants, and irhUft' Wednesday . was not as conveaion^ to the grocers and batchers a* sbme other day. it was bettsr for the dry goods merchanU and so selected. So far the following slshatares have been secured: ^^0m,^.:^mimi^mt9i-'-9.- Wlater, "" wmr:<m. JR-v0^oaa«p, mnw M Co.. JWadJer a 8otl ^ Noilfc Bboro Oroeery, ML "You are a housekeeper. If you approve the plan and believe in it, you can ensure its success: "1. By planning and ordering on Tuesday for Wednesday as far as you can. "2. By ordering early on Wednes- day. "2. By giving the matter your at- tention, so as not to allow your patronage to go elsewhere, merely because your local merchant is doing a public-spirited thing which yotf ap- prove of. "Confidently bespeaking your co- operation, we are "Respectfully yours, "Half-Holiday Committee. "Appointed jointly by the Woman's club and Women's societies of twenty- six Bvanston churches." MOIERN EVE ACTORS TO PLAY FOR HOSPITAL *%r» Food ©o^ and at Ma»o» Macdoaatd, C. IgiHolsom BOao^hers/s, ttsa^Baylor, Wi'H* ~ m ToWas, Mary The management in charge of the benefit entertainment to be given at the Bvanston theater on July 30 for St. Francis' hospital, hare secured much professional talent for their program. One of the head-liners will he the famoas Texas Tommy dancers of the Modern Bve company, now playing at the* Oarrick. They are the champion dancers of the world, hav- ing won nineteen prises from many countries.. Among these prises are five silver cups, which will be on dis- play at the local theater on that evening of the performance. Many other stars famiUar to Chi- cago theater-goers will also take part in this program, which will consist of musical numbers, dances and charac- ter sketches. All who attend this entertainment wifl be sure to got their money's worth and at. the, same time aid a very worthy cause.' j Tiekets are; fo^*afcr ujt tike theater -vj wwakl gatitesd of hear- uig theuis^lt^- said the proprietor of •^•jsj<a]sjp|pi|ej,pi ^ â- if.lf *>'»jn/' ^•♦f^ . â- .'•:â- <â- <„.â- '.. . ('•- • . â- r. .., ... . ._* - ..# . .a ing or engraved. <ntfyi A11 the^modern: fashion ,â- *'#; "'^'. '^^" 4 â- â- v:„ : '-" â- Correct in size, compo«iti6nvand stoc^ r«w n t\f annv&u+A XW tK«* #nnrli»rfv fdftV»?iriiirtanM-«T^ â- â- /!'« ♦•>».â- *'. i t of n* ".'it i'rlHi'. n\i\ t«i£m ».y,. 1#H trw*}\tt \ i^f^^^il'^^ V„ 0 ^Mfcy.^ *» •avif* wfl a oitft?w bita " -". â- '<*' "*?.' V -A| * A'^ *.*>» â- 'tit*, '^ * ;i» h'1^4 t> r? â- tit' t"" ;•>'».• s-'W^jj^f fat*-* •'. b»>W 1m.; ,)'â- odT1' .da: rji. -r-.i- t .v. â- ;^:., ...... amunstttt* i» manrmgc xtf Jj«r i»m*p^tar *V .».'?â- # V.: ?â- *.< ott |u^iseaii»ry3]ota ilja JktttUJETSu :J?'ff,-.«'^ citma / et^.i .'-v.t-^ V • ifl^ri.**'^'??.^"1 ^^# 4iF.|*C : / .r^ »*^A' ^ '^*: - .,-'l|)"i.'.r.f?y w*." jiijf'l;^..1" T- -*.-?'• •V' *r:< ? .'.syf t >t*; ^>'>i. -----------â€"^"-----'Hi- I-------1------------ ^T< •i'l ♦•; "*-»*,r->.; """ |.awl:s^: 3S '^^^^^^iii-ms^^Mhi^^&^i^^iM^MiaM