Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jul 1912, p. 14

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mgTT^. --"^^ \:V',«&|rf!^^ THE LAkE 8 Ssas«=s= '^"WilL^: What People Are Doing in Evanston I' kâ€" â- &-•<â-  •f!Mr. Morris Wilson is the guest of Jits brother, Mr. Oliver Wilson, at Mackinac, Mich. ',} prof. Alphonsfe de Salvio of North- western university is spending the summer in Boston. Mrs. Alfred El. Holt, 1209 Maple ave- iuie, is visiting in Rockford, 111. She Win be gone two weeks. Mrs. Frank R. Seelye, 724 Judson avenue, is entertaining Mrs- J. S. fcaker of Philadelphia, Pa. )' Mrs. Jessie fi. Hammond, 744 Hin- tnan avenue, will spend part of the season at White Lake, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Fulcher, 725 Foster street, left Thursday for a short visit in Madison, Wis. Miss Lena Magnuson, 1133 Leonard place, has returned after a few days' visit with friends in Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Willis H. Towne and -daughter, 819 Judson avenue, are spending the summer at Lake Ripley, Wis. Mr. E. T-W.K1U no? T? i-» snanna <ife taking a trip through the Grand canyon of the Yellowstone and Colo- rado. Miss Henderson of Washington, D. C, is visiting her cousin*, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Henderson, °13 for- est avenue. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Bragg and fam- ily, 1838 Chicago avenue, pre spend- ing the summer at Lake ' f "ays, On tario, Canada. Prof, and Mrs. B. P. Baillot, 2109 Sherman avenue, are »pendtn" sev eral weeks at the D* Ne*°" f«rm, Fond du Lac, Wis. Mrs. Frank Rasmussen and little son, 741 Judson avenue, have gone to Berrien, Mich., where they will re- main during July and August. Mrs. F. A. Chapman and daughter, Helen, 1122 Michigan avenue, are vis- iting Mrs. Chapman's daughter, Mrs. J F. Rheimbolfc of St. Paul, Minn. Mrs. Edward Middleton, 2026 Or rlngton avenue, had as her guests Thursday Mrs. Norman Carr of Aurora and Mrs. Henry Clay Miller of Highland Park. • Mrs. M. S. Woodward aud ttou Wai ren, have gone on <* uwnth'b U"li» among ""he Thou*«nid >jl.uJe aud »*eor gian bay! * They will byend the uioutL Of AugUbC caiii^iiife at the Rujhm<;ie club, St Clair fUta, ueur l>etiolt Mich. Fade-Proof $2 & $1.50 SHIRTS, $1.27 7or OffictjandJBiuting foul ':i You'll feeljfee Miemove >at tfae^ hdejjavs if wear'flip; thesej?eat blymfV stripesbgj^sfflr rgoft defBcnable collar can't wilt, and you 11 scarcely feel the soft "turnback" cuffs. *Take your pick of these fine madras and mer- & 1 f\H cerized shirtings . tPA»Zri A5<**l*ide*di0tuivaletitof5c cash) with evmy $1 pmrctuue. MOtSBACB, fas. Mr. Horace G. Butler, 2519 Harri- son street, has gone to Oklahoma on .1 business trip. Mies Grace Bartlett of Batavla, N. Y., is the guest of Mrs. C. L. Bart- lett, 1415 Judson avenue. Mr. Arthur B. Smith, 2324 Hartzell street, returned Friday from an ex- tended business trip to Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. E. D. Shaw of Oskaloosa, la., Is visiting bis son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F, M. Boyer, 1924 Jackson avenue. Miss Eva Hardin, 2135 SheYman avenue, left Thursday to spend July and August at La Salle, 111., the guest of her sister. Mr and Mrs. Kaulbacb, who have been living at the home of Mr. and AJrs. Gradler, 2520 Harrison street, have moved to Chicago. Mr. Franklin Milner has just re- turned from Michigan and is now with the Central pharmacy, Central street »r\d West Railroad avenue. tvun^a ** iu«g° Louise E. HclHstw" 2106 Central street, will be glad *o lea'n that she Js recovering from a i\eeat attack of pneumonia. Mr. and Mr«. F. E Keighley, 2515 Hartzell street, have as tbeir guests Mr. Keighley s parents, Mr. and Mip Keighley of Fort Arth> ' Canada. Miss Vera H >nsall of Spr'cane, Wash., who ha« been visit!"g Miss Pauline Murphy, 1H5 Maple avenue, left hcve Tbnrsday for ber ' >n10 Mrs. Rlla R. Pet' -r. 2621 HRit~o\l street. hn« gon* tr WpirT, Tdr to make an extended W with *>er daughter, Mrs. Arrhi- M ^arsor. Mrs, Roberts, v bo '^ ^pen visit- ing at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Charles H. Ros* 2410 Pr-k place, left Thursday f<" her home »♦* riev**- land, o. Mrs W. J. 8orn«>n, ?614 Harrison street, ertertained a few of. the neigh- bors lapt Hi^day a'te'uoon. In honor of Mrs I. A Mnorp of New York, for merly of Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C> Redman. 823 Peba pla<e. who left her? in the spring t.» make their home in Des Moines, lit., have returned and aiu Ilviug on die south side, Chicago 'I Lie iti». -uilL league » .». > -. / ..c^.l.if, >.. la.) tvc... lugH 0 i,> / , . >*.»« Th, j change t. ,.u . Il^Iu^ uutil about Cl'LLt 1 ) c)l, tK ,, t cti iit *g Lr W J boi.nen. 2614 ljari joq >tr«et, i «v^ £. oe to BOUth- eiu ultuwiib to vvs t M.s Moore's peo i>io before retdruii.g to their home in i«ew Yoik ivllea Mn»io,. ». -a A ItoLeruiUale, Aia it b«ra ^lAiti. g Miss Ethel GaJo Li*. o)u » /eet 4i«d Elm avenue Miss Hunt wua formerly of Evanston. She vill spend about three weeks at the uooj*, of MUs Gale. A picture postal received from Mts. H. M. Sage advises that sh* and Miss Dorothy will sail Aug. 10 for the homeland. The postal indicates that they have been living in a most pic- turesque spot, thu viuaint old town of Chateau d'Oer The green slopes are dotted with Swiss chalets, some of which were built as long ago as 1632. The mountains are snow-capped and many of the streams of water are made to produce electricity for light- ing the little town. A very* hearty welcome awaits Mrs. Sage and Miss Sage by the many friends they left in Evanston. Sixty of the women of the local .Congregational church held an enjoy- able picnic in the grove at the foot of Milbura. street Jast Wednesday. The gastronomic feature of the occasion was a box luncheon, but Mrs. George Bridge augmented the lunch with cof- fee, ice cream and cake. After the luncheon an interesting meeting was held. Mrs. J. J. Collins, the president of the Women's Home Missionary so- ciety, presided. Mrs. A. D. Sanders. Sr., told of a scheme for raising money for a needy church which she calls "Social Wheels." Almost all of the women present promised to oe wheels and invite at least ten other women to be spokes in their wheels, the spokes paying 10 cents each for toe privilege. Miss Lydia Finger, the secretary for the Congresntional ;S5s Chnreji Bidld^Ml Miss Helen Brown, S08 Gjrove street* is visiting her cousins in Racine, wis. Rev. Horace B. Williams, 222« Cen- tral street, has returned from Misha- waka, Ind. Miss Gillette, 1726 Hinman avenue, has gone to Charlevoix, Mich., for the summer. Miss Hazel Filar, 1125 Elmwood avenue, has gone to Argos, Ind., tot a short stay. Mr. and Mrs. A. J.'Harding, 1624 Wesley avenue, are spending the sum- mer at Plum Lake, Wis. Mr and Mrs. W. D. Murdock, 726 Noyes street, are staying at Harvard club, Lake Geneva, Wis., for the sea- son. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Grover, 1100 Hinman avenue, and son, Mortimer, are spending the summer at Les Che- neaux, Mich. Mrs. John W. Douglas* and chil- dren, 24^4 Harrison Btre«* w"l spend th'a month and August it Murray Bay, Canada. Miss Marjorie DeGolyer, 1819 Hin- man avenue, left Thursday for Grand Forks and Farjro, N. D She expects to be away two months. Mr. W B. Lewis, 1127 Hinman ave- nue, returned last Wednesday from a business trip to Louisiana, Tennessee and other southern states. Fred Mann, 1565 Sherman avenue, left Thursday for a week's trip to Michigan. He went to Detroit and from *het«» visited many places of in- terest. Mrs. O. F. Carpenter and daughter, Catherine, 746 Forest avenue, are vis- iting Mr. Carpenter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Niles Carpenter, Rushford, Minn. Miss Blanche A, Ahrendt, 2314 Hart- z'-n street, returned last week from a sh^rt visit at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Priesmeyer of Sheridan road, Lincqln park. Miss Gertrude Roome, 837 Hinman ovenue, is the guest of her sister, Mrs R^ese Bowman Kester of Kan- sas, who has a summer cottage at Fp worth Heights, Ludington, Mich. Mrs, Horace G. Butler, 2519 Harri- son street, and two children, Jeft Thurs- day for Champaign, HI, returning with her father and mother, Mr. and \irs. Rolff, who have been vIfiting her lor some time. Mis. Joaepb W, Williams of Mar- uusvMe, ind., and two Bonn, Richard w)d junior, came today, and will ♦i.e.. i the summer with hof parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Richards, 2526 tianieou street, The yionic ot the Delano chapel Sunda> school was held Thursday afternoon in the park at the foot of Main street. The entire Sunday school and teachers spent an unusual- ly enjoyable day. Miss Marie Shoemaker. 2400 Har- rison street, has as her guests Miss Marjorie Robbing of London, Bng., Miss Katharine Conrad and Miss Grace Deets of Des Moines, la. The? will remain during July. Mrs. PI. B. Judson, 912 Biag* *>e nue, and her friend, Mrs. Charles Neg- ley, from Miles City, Mont, returned Friday from Grand Rapids and Sauga- tuck, where they visited Mrs. Schrei- ber, formerly of this city. Rev. Albert L- Fisher, pastor of Wheadon Mr B. church, will return from his summer home near Benton Harbor, Mich., to preach on Sunday. He will spend the week days there with his family during July and Au- gust, returning each Sunday to fill his pulpit. On Wednesday, July 24, the Foreign Missionary society enthusiasts of the Congregational church are to enjoy a picnic on the grounds adjacent to the home of Miss Burge in Wilmette. Mrs. Guy S. McCabe is to give some of her delightful impersonations on a little stage to be erected out of doors Prof, and Mrs. Wilbur Jone»~*&fcy vi ere entertained for a few days at the home of their uncle and aunt. Dr. and Mrs. Finley Ellingwood, 2209 Central street. Prof. Kay is well known in Evanston, having lived here several years while taking his aead- emj and college course. He finished this course at the University of Chi- cago and was recommended from that Institution to the chair of oratory and 0110110 speaking in the Washington and Jefferson college at Washington, Pa., which ehair he has filled with great credit for ten years. Mrs, Kay -wfts also known in Svanetoa as Miss Fannie Jones, one o| the former temchr t_,*«t*t*rs MNIfrr** ^^ibif$ w#?;^ »afti»i^^ ..........:!; V";X^-t! Mrs. t; W* 'Mi^lM^'^^ avenue, fs at wMM&miK'm*^ summer. "' " ' . • Mrs. T. C. Keller, 100* OirsWTOod boulevard. Is spending Jul* «* »*** poisett, Mass. * Mr. and Mrs. Richard flmltH. 634 JudBon avenue, announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, July 3- Mrs. Bogart, 1111 Maple avenue, has returned after spending some time with her daughter in tegtewoo4. Mrs. George A. Kelley and iittte aon, 824 Hinman avenue, hare returned from a several weeks' visit at Troy, N. Y. Mrs. Walter B. Jones and son,. 1242 Maple avenue, are making an extend- ed visit with Mrs. Jones* parents In Denver. Mrs. Frank Kadlee, who has been in the St Francis hospital, Is now rapidly improving from her long siege of sickness. Miao Eulth Chase, 811 Washington street, left Saturday for St. Cather- ines, Ont., Canada, where she,'will visit lor some time. Mrs. William H. Maclear and daugh- ter, Mary, 742 Michigan avenue, are visiting Mrs. Leeds Nelson (Isabelle Maclear) in Montreal, Canada. jifcirtahj Miss "argsrst j»;v«i »*v »••«*•»«» street, left Friday for Yellowstone Park, and from mere she w#l go to Spokane, Wash., to be gone until Sep- tember. Mr. and Mrs. Qe?r§e M. Ludlow, Forest avenue and Hamilton street, left Monday for . Green Lake, Wis. While there they will stop at Pleasant Point hotel, Mr. and Mrs. 0, f. Morse, 1019 Mich- igan avenue, have gens to Green Lake, Wis,, where they wU» fenjaln until Aug. 1, They wilt stnp at ?fee*« ant Point hotel* Mrs. Lincoln Niaaley, and two daughters, Violet and Iaone, 711 Madi- son street, have gone on an extended trip to Canada. They will visit Tor- onto, Montreal, the Thousand Islands, and other Canadian points. Mr. B. H. Lapham and daughter, Miss Helen, 822 Sherman avenue, and Mr. George 8. Ballard and daughter, 826 Reba place, |ef| Saturday for {he Georgian Bay trip, Tfcer wl|| be on. the water eight or nine days, Mr. and Mrs. R, K. Hitefee«s and family, 1|24 Hudson a?enuers|efpend- ing the summer at S|. ^eao Brong0- liste, Canada, $§0 niijes nort$ of Que- bec They are to the yirgto forest, on a beautiful stream, wfcefe ||uat- ing, boating an4 flshiug occupy tfeelr time, Mrs. EliRabeth R|pks 4»d iiaughter of Chicago have t*fcen the refidence of Mr. William J; Piersen, *p Lin- coln street, for th§ summer- Mfc Pier- sen and sisters, Miss Alios aa4 M|s« Mabel, are taking a trip to Alaska, and will probably go to their brother's farm in Michigan on their return for the rest of the season. The Rev. James Madison Stiller i./t Monday, to be gone until Sep- tember. During his absence the pul- pit of the First Baptist church will be filled by well known Baptist preachers, among whom are Dr. D. T. Denman of Oak Park, Dr. Gerald B. Smith of the University of Chicago, and Dr. Benjamin Otto of Peoria. Next Saturday the Sunday school ot Hemenway M K. church will hold then- annual pienta at Foss park. North Chicago, leaving here at u:l* a. m., and returning from there at & o'clock. There will be games for the children and a goog time in store for all who attend. ' The mejnbers of the picnic committee are: Messrs. John W. Follows, F. J. Stark, James Whit- S«iu, 3. F. Burden, James D. Wiggtn- ton, 8. H. Cocker. Frank Milhenlag and Miss Edna Har/er. The young ladies' gynmasium class of the northern part of town enjoyed a very pleasant evening at the home of Miss Marion Stewart, Central street and Stewart avenue, Wednesday even- ing. The grounds were beautifully decorated and strung wjt& Japanese lanterns. Qw$pg |o the fast that the class boasts a number of artists, a very interesting program was given. Miss Lydia Leicfcsenrifig fare a solo dance, and later was assisted by her sister, Mfss Jano. In the Highland schottische. Both were gtren in their usual charming manner. Miss Sigrid Aronson read, and a â-¼oca] solo was rendered by Miss Johnson. The dass Quartet was especially appreciated for its) efficient rendition of tho dass to the tune of nmhola?* thehrfk mi fe^iS5gfe^' ftef Mr. and lS* •V^s^ ::'-4"%! *-'|-<r â-  W* â- $! Wllcoxon, Maple avenue, havo Just returned a visit at Terra Haute, Ind. Miss Agues Conovan, 806 Cent buildliig, b^ Taturne^ from a months'^rip through the west. Mrs. Loag Johnson, 811 Wash ingt« street, hm-$^ltifi^V[^ from a;$P weeks* visit at Providence, R. I. 1 Mr. WUson P. Watklns, 2607 Praji avenue, spent Sunday with some off college friends in Chicago, 111. Miss Marlon Murphy, 719 MichUj avenue, is entertaining her coi Miss Mildred.Murphy of Oklahoma. Miss Mary Collard of Chicago spending the summer here, and ing- her home in the Century buildli The Sewing ciub wiii be entertaii this afternoon at the home of Mi| Ruth M. Je^ilnp, 2710^Stanley av nue. ^^ Mrs- Ms^WaUaoi Milwaukee. w§| |s ylsitrng at the home of her dau^ fa?, Mrs. George & Valentine. 2 Pioneer road.. , Miss Florence Graham, *m Wi ington street, left Monday for Grf Lake, Wif„ wfe?y# she Wi!) spend tty or four weeks. | Mr, and Mrs, Gilbert A, Pond daughter, Elizabeth, 7d7 Michigan a| nue, have left tp spend; |hejr yacattl iat Ohetok, WUf* Mr, §eors^ Wltlbold, ^entraj strf near Reese street re|urned S^tui night frp#i the Bpy scput capip Crystal mfy W&r My, an* Mrs, William Green family, V8H Central street, have turned from a two weeks' outing Crystal Lake,, Mich. Prof. Edward Colebeck of Birmti ham college, Alabama, was the gu« of Mr. William C: Levere, 600 Dai street, over Sunday. ; Af|ef ^ ^ fee^ vifit »t &* hol p/ her ajffil ifrs, W»l^m Blftir, Mi Bfbecca B|alr. has returned to b bpme at %H1 Gentral street, Mfss Mp|)le M. Moore. §14 Warr^ 'ftrfjfc. *f4 *m .I4» vt W$m> 9 WasbJpg^pn street, left Saturday the Thousand Islands and. Quet^, Miss Jessie Hauser, m MM«roj| street, b^ returned fron) a Vi»u wJtt2 ber upcle'lp New Y©Ffc c|ty, wui east she Yisjtep; pther ppi^ts A terest. # mm This Week! Af25 Showing Ail the •â- Ml^^if®^ beantifujgss3ffs;t4^, pjtr jtjtnpea thai a?*; Let styl sel at They blues. men of atyleâ€"|abr|c and (\'^n%l If JW 4* «f* IBW** "M»d<m OcW this will; gfep yon a* opporttinity to try tfeeni* _, ^ C*nsen?*0v€ **d English Sfyies(% U i&i'tji**? -â- WtffimS'

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