mr OP le •te;' Vff J ITS' a? it1 . fit .. >«d iU toQ^^^^^* "' om a gun.' 'is assailaat, IC#a J©»' et mid^*ifl|i^|^""' vae reiili$$^^ ' Thurs4i^';||^ttie4| '-as coiidltlonfcaTlstyng â- a the d dp* •>â- â- "' "-Terr.' "TTlJ; *jT?a'r7Wr5*,^^u â- •f â- :v!T" '.K by Prof. Attftt»hWi B. Woodt- ©e the depaxttnant of bacte& •'•ad" » Itzkl, < tacked 9 Of ...tUK, he'nadfi na3p0\.o| are notp â- h< «« thepfj ,tt â- was ~" '"""'......" >u< otgun. r head, '^B&^if^W^ :•' *. Tbo;%w^iB«^|h^ v« the ^£^^f^fe:^^^" lose tfie strii&le he cached. ^n«> Ato piwlcet And lack-knife* 'W^;>S»^|o#? (tabbed luik^oi^ pn<-cea»!$ iO lOSS'of describes bis success In ths 1 St. Fiaac^ hospital, 35vantt*n>bas been the recipient, through the kind- new Of Rev. H^P, Sinyth, ptetor of 8t M»^V.«h^h, <^ «i JMlnrtjmMe :a*^*|fc»^^ 'â- "' a# *to§ • beet' 'te' • ,*!** isaordonbt „. to «ie ope â- ^^^api^;vf^ made <*fcb i^ueed pne^^ In â- $iijf|a^tl^ ere<r;waa ^ 1 th>^ eAintfti inunnalt^ fwni' •> mj«t- ance to the, ftcta*l dieeiiee.IUelt trat nia-geraw^VethjiWood wounded mis wwilant r&iinir tter mootJj^ ^g^ipj* ght some penott telephonett the ivansim/^pl^ M-#^:iJSS|fPÂ¥' uned ^efot^"iWieJ^;ipii"^i^ |fe> i..... and I#fc^e4 t* ;^;^Mp# i. u.o police buggy. :•". M"\-' Foutid Wheire H^ $«nfc. ;'.^ ^r itzkl was fongsd lying tn the where he Jiad tftUen,^ hir face othing covered with blood. The d man wae hurried to^the police , where D*i Ti#^^ ^aWff- ouk twenty eUtohes In hla scalp, udldon ww »o sertoiw that the. ^ . .._,â- .- .lan c^E^^i^tile^^tei^^ id' hc)*!^^^:;: fjSrX r- *£*;\ '** fight of>TJhnrsd*y *â- ^ fltoe secies 'A> $d$l 'i^§:-,.<>CCipejS ..out this' s^^-^t|^-^# uade (langertras W the nunter- . Jous blind'plga and dliorderly iot the ^eVit^ p^bUc for |u^^ In the fom of dlanwndi, pearls and other predons stones: haa not been clieci^ hy^ advance in J «f Hving Is ahown ^ fiscal y^r ended Jnne8(t:j)f^ pearls and other g«ns 0 the value of |3M45^9 reached this country dur- ing the year through the port of New i I 8. . 8t . Bo Pli> Fiu 01 5 th tor Thls^ means more ten $41,000,000 worth of gems were imported by the people of thts country. â- .*â- '. « It Is estimated ttiat W per cent of the total gem lmportatloiii are brought In through New Tort ,. - â- â- * oua jok 1 ten Tlol ciU Of 1 ipal by uncivilized conditions In this y with Us numerous ilghU and environments harf aroused the „ of thU <»ty to'a: high pitch i6nationV:i;^hi Iffit&^MiM* ,»ocIation, which was oiganlsed uninent citizens of this city to put (Le dens out Of existence, has fou wit, ho Bituation* Arrests Made. ^ ' :^.l ts and raids 1>y deputy sher- v'e been Jnade by the score. iiave been imposed and , the closed. But no sooner Js this taken than the places reopen m conditions as bad if not than befo^:^^,;;%ef»r^nlo* . i f^mpting t^ jput thesa places Rainess >we ;|lnd^'d a etciie ,W841,^ said the Bev vladiBon Stifled Prerfdento* ociatioa^", .^Th^sjUto»;. attoTr ace is'::to:iM^^i^t^ ' added vi*Kjitt|i^^-^;;::; have more U» .thirty caws against: thase feltowa to the .c*,,u conTts,;.l^:|i^:^;^^^sjt: I we Ct.a get them. <km*ln(Bam3e% with *ut camber ah>,flfef,",':'^':/'v'i' '"*'"' \ to ------ - ••^Sfc iiib Pin Jolt aai., vitl. lest. i> out aga. Jain the , ne> diti ,fv> Petal Chlt m i :i:ft;' ;:&- staif, s^ the: commnhity in general, .will tmirerwa satisfaction aa^fe*^ f elt ttiank» »iaca tr is a thma ^^ l»arattdnnt 4mportahtce to the ihsti. pital on.aa e^mal footm^ superior, to any .hospital of its kind Jn tendering service to the, sifflicted PUbliC. \.- s- ••'?." /*5!- "â- "^•i' '5-i ' The apparatus has oeen installed te mlnnt^ form/naviflg a X-ray coiC whioh can ha us^d for prlvata diagnosis and treatment In any part of the building. The ma- chine is of a Scheideliyestern make, costing with^U the.*5Cfasories and ^€ 1£:&-\>Mik&',;-;*. ==^ ^'â- v?l â- f^H^i; [fl|ACY T«lsf)|iafieaB#4 end 9JB. 1 i"-i' iiit'rffii tLCCTfHCALCONTflACT#«8 -*^ •If MtU mm â- v,.;.--,r vi.-.-wtf â- â- „'%* Assl^^saV' shII&L* *.|s*|^iii|-B|lM- fc.^.,;...A.--.-Vtf..#-,^^-ai.- .-* ^|jij|jgs iwaya select, am* Freah .., ,^T *w« *07 Church Natron hent3553-R yn). Marion, a ia-^ear-old Bvanston colored lad, came very nearly being a victim of a stabbing match and owes his llarrow sscape to paasersby, who stopped James Allen, age 16/tolored, hie assailant, as he waa about to cut the Marion boy. s. The two lads were engaged ^i W argument at the confer of Foster street and Maple avenue Thutwiay afternoon. in pera«iial charge' In tl»e operating of this costly and. intricaie ^" apparatus, insuring '-l^f^iB^yf' *. ^MR wiSss*k*"cii--l^sJirvtai^ r* ; C .-^ V Besides this vahiahte gift, tiae Rev. ^»ath« Smyth has pres^tedth^ pita) with * gss anaast^esla appa- ratml of the beat make on tiie mac* le*. It wtil tie used in the operat- ing rooms to eliminate the 4nna^|n||t3ir of ordinary anaesthetics as far fti»^=»««^- possible. When the ordinary ether or chloroform anaesthesia are $br Jected to, this apparatus is then put Into service. A nitrous oxide gas, in combination with pure oxygen is used in the apparatus;, the flow M gas^ may be thus regulated, that a defi- nite known quantity of either of the gases may be givea, to the patient Has Advanced Hospital. r tsAJ^^myth, through the dona- e '&gb â- #£ these -two valuabie gifts to | St. Francia' hospital, has advanced the Institution some few stops to the | front, so that it wUl be ableto comf pate with any hospital and render the best of service to suffering humanity. Ad multos annos. ai^ss Sunday 1110. ^14* aw JEWELERS r*«i^'^: {ieUus ,aVr llsiiB^.tfÂ¥'ii â- â- •tern i itself absolutely^^ unable to cbpa ^ ^f wer« about to come to biows Alien pulled tmt» large pocketttnife. rion when persons passing by grabbed his arm. The boy* were turned over to the police and their cases reported to the probation oflker. NOTE th« Rf«««ful lboc«, the low- bons bodtti nd loos •«•!>•• JPuU view aiwader Mate vt«-&-n«. , EALPH TEMPLE AUTOMWaE CO. >' 1*19 MIeUstt At#. (W^r lath St> , » »* «)Mi • -*J'^-i MEETS WILL 8TAIT The twilight athletic meets to be tie had ttie weapon raised to sUb BIsr lield *t Mason pnrit w^ begin Monday it lay our .^^. leAe out witnoaiatt •> c^tinuanpa 'ii^S^0W^l^M *« accompUsJted. While John Faber and Lawrence Schaffer of Evanston were attending church early Hiursday morning a burghu entered their home and stole money and clothing valued at more ^hahl^.^v.:*^: â- â- â- ^js/y. -v :h- , Th> two men live in the old Eirk „ cottage in (ne^ real «t at,3rtr»itcla#ho» ... ^wrj£\..^:.-,-, . ^^0^-, cottaga at * morning to go to their wtimi, abemt ail how §»# plater/ttey dlsooveredtM tbeft |aa iiyfSs^^aWi ,*lf * «Er^:|ttp^W; ^T -^Si^ a^-ite^s^^la^-'ha^Bsa/ ....... i^tn>4a.|^.«^anca^:^ j^Igf ^ ^W^g^l evening, July 15, and will continue for seven weeks, two events to b* ran J off each tree*. A new plan has been inaugurated J this year, two classes being organised. The senior meet for athletes more thanl IS jeara old and the Junior evehts for" those, uhder that aga 13io Junior maeis win be bald each Monday evening and the senior events wiU come' :m Wednesday evenings. Seven points will he given for nrat places, live for second places, threa for third and one for fourth. Thai three highest point winners at the*end of the season wm reoeiva gold, silver and bronse medalsv. The ev^ta will occur to the follow- ing order: Twalra^oamd shot pat^ and 100-yard daani high Jump anA Ufr- yard ^aah; nm; broad lump akd eltfn bv; ropa| cUmb and maf nsfle; mnn|ng hop, atap; and Jump, and ona milar «^rao •**»* Printing of All Kinda ma .Promptly BOW pu*i.60*,?^ii rephonas SEWING MACHINES UPHOLSTERERS ANNOUNCEMENT I h»\ a opanad- CUe«toAt% ail my ofcT ...;« >'l' â- â- •â- ' ^ •1* c? c TJpi>olati_,__ . 928 Chicago Ave. Phene H7. triw Highest Prices Paid __^ hold G^bds. New and Old Household Ooodg Bongbi, Emerson SO. ' Kvanstosv tM. and other House* arpets, Stoves and JC&Mtia6ihSisi^l(1 •?*i«^£"!^Ss.tei4;i^»S<£ES