»«!?w#r ISfififP^l^iiS^^iPPWitP1 ^flfpsi^gflt »«S*ifc5J»S*< ^m^imm^i^iiB^^imtm^hwss^ i^m.'Sil'Wi^gWW; VW* MiflB Sue.-Wm street haff:; Mr. SJJB^1:| r'leridan wish, Mr. _(i/i ••day tofm Mr. and Si J idan plWfll hing trip Mr. GepTI •;u Hintm e Bummer Mr. art© d»ugMer> ' South Mi88 L nan of r. H.|fc Mrs. I£ r* a -'« ^^^mm Mr. •oreai^»v*jii^ At t!i^:im^m»0^0^^ >aore adviaorT6o|tanittB0 n<»fil Bt «*« hildren'a bom* ctf Ridge aT<to»e and w^hiii«ton atw^t; it wa» deeded to «â- ** **P&j|rj>l^^ .laygronndv p::^;;.;.;,, -;•â- _.:. ^^tgffj Mr.- m|^^^^ w^v^fc^ â- IK^j^lfc^p'J i29 Sb£wi|p^ tvanstott mbeiil5£l%^ **§?^|*^ ^Kork, Niagara FaH«< Boston, take the ^S,^-^fe^lk^-^-^^ %pp|^f|^;-^a at* Miw Belt* ©i^sley^ have gone to Bnluth* Mian, mer iii the neii^borhood of tJhjat c^^^^^ 4 Mra. :M|ii^2lfe.t^^ J*ia* ?a&^i^-%0^M dowS frw their wnWlff home at ' to iittond ^; Mitfon*, of the .ago g^wM^Si^i^^^'^M Mr. li^^yii&^ii "-""*â€"â€"^ no *>, aa«pli||P^li|^^lpg bmerson . __^ *.. â- - fwr thdirlyiij^^ uking â- ^â- •.^.H .'.w> «<*â- «â- '-•.,• 'Â¥T.ii r'.u. -t'-'»- â- â- ". -in tp«ndinr. a tow da.3$ with Mi^a ^iS^t^i^'^pwi^ W;: tli^ *fri£ Methodiat church win -gii^#fe*# iapie avenue, hiui^^e tor CHp 004 • ta spend 4 JO«i& With lier Â¥^r Boa, lir. _ , on a trfir i j^ mH ' Xhousiiadja^^ •--â€"- Join nil -mgWi^i^f^i^'^0^^' Mr.*!^^^^ »feet, - ibMj;.i0Si^00i^^^^^^01' * \vashiiigtoi£|'"" ^-"â- â- 'r--w;"-/-^----"*-'«â€"â- i vovideacie tlub of librarian** utiawa, Mr. and -mip, j|j,.jf ,„;ip m.. g"". * â- - Hartjtt&iela^^ »»ua, have through JkfimtHmM^'i'^, IJanretitty «he iit;^^mic i©€;; |**fc a Beinfe *h^ ^ T^ <#Delnd }4iMk|id|' s?>->* iateat dl»o6T«T-Uiat of ,^'- ♦P*'^ ^P^'Jl^; children, avenue; g*%>si«^ect«jr home tke Urtter part ^ #ey- h|tr«; :te^(i:^-^^^ft»> Mlaa Mary lvyr Ma»on -of Jfckson^ " , I»t la gpending a part^of heji '•""'â- %*th Mm IX B, B»ker- at 43|j eet Mlee Maaon waa â- '%tit01 tor of Mia* Bake>« private kin^gar- eirly apartmenta left Monday ti rned Urs. avenue^" tununer 8hv> I«fy â-º 5>eda Groa* t »"owJeR I o»^ gaeata a^ttoW their chat^ ai a rato large^ R Beo^ both of Ifraaatcm, letjy taarried al t^ homer of tn* ,t................ ^^i^^ f4n*jw^ft',ij â- II1 «5S**^0? SSfe 'Titian ir £:,i «♦ m iftui**#a# â- gad' m Wi ^Slfci; )|i^:.:l^^^;'0i WMtfuiia^ i ^ & *ntlia«^ a*yft-$r. ' hi liill ta tailiiaa fraiiaaai T Mill' MttuMAllfaMt_l S^ane* % towla* **^ h»r» ^ bam itrieA It waa^otfrf tot liMifl e^ â- il l.jjm iii..nni. What»- No human t!" ^Jajhae^vMe _ p^nd 'tne- i#oWaft#jrir. i and -rW allmliatad «ot« « .â- Iimfalnlna the Cruah. ^ " - fM^^0wm ffi^tiA*?* '.•'-?/* â- »-.; â- 'fS'-s/ .'CIV^ i'^*r!! Pavsiiig briellr orar the abapla gidal act of -:.remover 'ftfesap^ which a part !a to h« transplanted, Dr. >Ma0tot ejB^Wna tl» metl^ It Stronger. V, hords ;ot hj|mjai*r: ..,_ itjcpfiainfno the Cruah. ••Cf^eat aali*hr commented the ad- ^The preaervtng aerwnv i* taken, not from th© body^(i^iil^^^dUial wWch b4a flirnlahed th^^ from one of the aame ape^tea. »rexy aaepUo preomntton ^emy; fegajndad., Mnnlit ank imtw<iit>flt»^i<r. jBlajmit -Ja gn apparatu* whtoh heap* taem at a ^efc ".iWBf(. IH?yWP^!^Krap^^.,_afiflappp».. 3^^i', "I am of the opinion toat a tomperar tore eflectlTe for piraf^al work ia In ai^ o^v eyebalto ,px«»exveii ...... ...^.......... agent -Been a line in the lor *e)feral houra.** "Same aix peo-1, exptatoed ^^frfiinaK^ ;to« bpy***o*>;â- ^ve^peottifi 70i» an'......." "".......""â- â- " np b/ ft Ia4r who la tbtojdag of buy- ing a wat;*' .- ::• â- ."!" â- &. T-^ â- â- &fiMt<^^ - :MeatiO*dng«neol^inat|tf^ br^ to 0MW: h» beeft fonnd to toe r^offlfiial aditoiially^^d^ dfa«aaeK»rrying poetfbilittoa of biraM to part^ aa toflowp: ;:,^ ,-: '.,v^.MW g,^l»wa^:^^ aevenal p^ aosa« ofte^ ajEpoaed to fifes an* dnat. apmet|piea jtoaa^ a^ont imdaTf ;^ajff; itooleiiJDly co; cottages:^a|f?ii#i^^%iMiM^^# brt^^i#l«nii^^ *^iH*f*#^ ha« beea toatt «>«*^ ^^ daiigeroua bacterl*! <*m^^ to fe^«aie»r^-^.#«M leaf, and* alnea bj»a< ma * eaton wittiTO t haatto «a4 ^wry aoen after It r*adi)to4h# madttr t»e tito toati. '% !â- ; I ».'",..'/â- ,$ S li &&»H%lll&JW*4<ff.MUUKHIBa^W«»w^^ mm m W f f; J- t f-**5 i ? ;,5^'flW?W.*!- ^M® â- Tifp&.^^pF"- St ce. ice aod^jthtbe pure water wc ad BVMurulrliP^Attr, â- H r&it^ l^fi ^ JMlffjII tnnifif Huidtnt TVur W.KfM$AlLCO* / ^ m EIWWO Alt TikfhwtTIT CM6£RT$ *w^^