..,........pissii ............if6li8i$ ef Hi- Vision ;af 0om- tttarsday. pfcorttfON KEYNOTE .Xt tb#conference of the Chicago association "of Commerce with *the traeiness organizations of Lake, Du- %i|V itafliakee and Cook held in Chicago Wednesday, #*veilteen. commercial associations ^_j_------- PfeuTdeut CD iid y& M. Colweli rep- v--y Â¥S Bvanston Commercial opened with lunch at le.i la tfcs jrt ternoon ^ were taken $^0ff^'ike^boae exchange* >f ^J:"w""]^||^-Chifca»> ' aid • Automatic Iojl ifiiey also were taJteh inspection itrip through tfee. ^recSptioh was hekj League "fclub, which was ^|l||terfv .liter dinner ^"wa*swled on fo| j£ll of the speakers strong Ip bringing out the of co-operation. v invitation }'«b^tho". ^vaaeton association, ~hnd 1 sup- other^ con&inod one ^e£%ofc ^ *£ purpose in ; bringing us • here, biri of ^eetabltfhin* a better ae-' and understanding be- ©rganization and similar throughout Metropolitan Chicago........ the; QQOtpiuitft] Unntediately" surrounded am *'â- **** '"â- "â- 'â- '^ & the ' tame aiid brotherly sense Ih commtttee employ that jfe^^sS*;; through -4 mual under-^ Of its meaning. Metropol ~ ^i^;«oe|tv.afl|- tijean By ^tbe greater of* the orenftadowing of the J!t*~orthe, extinc- _ bi^4llCJ)l&-^ '-.,-- to m^ and I believe it t# all of w, who are corporatevboundaries ^sid^W motherly and filial witoryv;a^£ |ili^ where 'would; ^ #t ^J^ember, your'great:.;cluhiP-a^|W*t associa- tions,^ your"â- "sli^pe^liisy public im- provements, yoi ;^ttl|i^*e buildings, your bushaess eiitei^riflee, extending into the. farthest cotters* ^ earth* rememher^ your; pai^^fiaK ^J^..JWW£ playgrounds, .fwffl^tifc 'ytfjtffrfi&ki "*•*'• ^ â- '- and the consummation of so noblest undertakings and them if you- can from the brains and names of EvanstoujianB. In ; th*. splendid intellect â- - of one who has. Just passed over the bar, was con- ceived * the, most glorious material spectacle this world lias erer seen, the Columbian exposition of 1893if < In the same splendid Intellect was conceived a plan of civle develop- ment and adornment, which, if you carry out, wiU„ make, Chicago one of the most beautiful cities,. If not the most attractive -metropolitan com- munity on.the globe." It Is not neces- sary for me to say that I am ajlud honor we of Bvanston, his home city, will be glad to unite with you in any plan to perpetuate his memory. Are Interdependent. I do not wish to indulge in local .self-adulation or self-satisfaction, "bftt I do desire to make it clear to you that we are tnterdependentT-that you are' relatively under as, great obligation ta.-Evanston and to other of your suburbs as they are to yott, and that what concerns the one must Inevitably concern the whole. Yoot cannot think for Chicago alone and ai, the same time think rightly; we cannot think for Eranston alone and at the same time think rightly, whether we will or not-^we must for our mutual interest, and our mutual welfare, and our mutual progress, prosperity and. happiness, think of each other. At present, under our common system of. munic- ipal government, intentionally or un- intentionally, we Are pu*»ttln|^5JS Giw&e the narrowest* and short-sighted. ,W« talk of tbe greats ness' of Meti^poUtoh Chtoagoi we tajk In"glowing strains of a future; we believe in its nxagniflcent destiny, land „ yet,,J:^'-»f^ea^;.;-(^;:"tM^ parochially. We have 'i^-Zffig^* viHage idea. Money will not make a;fre»t '*'<$X$ '&ms3ti^^ 4© Itf^^^eifctiffi:^^ that its people shaU be mentally bly â€"big in the breadest sense of ^ term; «g In tb^^e^ bV^^ejr^ outlook; big: in their sense of utt- limited obUgation and unrestricted possibility. W^ wiH never, speaking f^ us all, vtee^ wfcat :'%e 'orij^^ ;he. from a" system of government which is shackling at once our political, our moral and our industrial euergies, I have been giving serious attention to the progress of reform in munic- ipal'admlnistraiion, I am not pne ^Sucatioh, witer^f __ MBf: of., a : jfre^r ^ ^ should he worked out MM: the interests of the whote* >3ii| inot as t£» case:% now, ib\ffiM#bW*. merely of seie fraettofe^^W1^??1 Both the WJtaf§tte village board and the board of local improvements i«et last night. The> latter transacted routine hustoesji. The 'villagft board, while late in meeting, paid hills, to£k action"en several pwmits for-moving poles, opening streets, ete„ and put through considerable business in quick order. t_ ;' â- An ordinance was passed changing „ . the name el West avenue to Park ave- ing to Daniel H. Burnham, in whose .nueâ€"a good measure.- The death of the late David R. An- derson came up for official action. Mr. Anderson's name is inscribed on the bronze tablet in^ the main en- trance to the village halt H was- evident that he had a warmer Memo- rial in the memories of the men pres- ent at last night's »mefctiit& Resolu tions are frequently perfunctory^ but j there could be no doubt of the sin- cerity or depth of feeUng of ftiose who passed the resolutions, ifrhtefe f#i% low* - -' ' •',>$â- K J --i-'"'- l •' ^Whereas, With '.deep W|P. •^*iare called upon \^m^^€l4W&'*^r David Jtowj. Anderson,^ i*h^ fo^: iwi years was an honored anl .^«iroep6d member of thJsboard> end during entire period of his service the performance of his puWi© dutii|a close, unremitting attention and ini^ ness ab^my of-the hlgtot order, /In his death tho ti^o^^ «i^ feredV-the ^'"^^D4*^^*^!. houest and faithful >Hi^ ahd ^ .... '^^^mmmm^'^" and ljoWd/^ol'-irltt^-â„¢,- .-.-â€"â€"-. «^. of mmmM^^^m^^f^ meinory of: otttf l^lajteV WtWm®§* ** »** W&fe&F, surances of^ ow sincerest sympathy in their sad bereavement ^ tfttrth(Sv iSikli^^ago Itfelt he and bo is hereby directed to spread these resolutions upon the roo- ords of this board, to transmit a copy thereof, suitably engrossed, to the family of the deceased." At the r«guli^meetjlng of %© Glen- |^coe village board Tuesday evening of UlS^wh^-tiice^kiidl^ to governs the trustees accepted the fountain ifecause of their newness or their noyel^ * I Joiwo been studying carefully the conunis- Bion gdvernfflent idea,' and, gentle- men, I 4>elieTe it represents substan- tially the best thought of the deepest thmkers of thirf wmntry with regard. ______prmdples into the mawigemeirt Of 3»^whieh youl^^^ ^ " ' Chicago could ^select with profit to the <on>munity at hirge, five men who would »gorern your city better â- tte^'X'^.MW^^eaja^iie; governed by fifty .or BWt i am proud to say, and glad to be able to .^,-^Mm-i0v^tii^"' "**' conimu^tie^ "possible .uJ^b?* system, one of cities oi its size iu the country tbiay «ol«it Vkobbl onx municipal ernment five men wh^>Ould, the ^commission aystett^ urably Jt J^coW l^lwiie^r^it ;;e^^hi% _________________^^^h^WMii^^^^ ; |ii'At;' ijiSS itmmpfy Jti&C SPACES. HEATERS^ ^**T paries Wilbur Hess offered to^ do^ nate to the village- -The fountain, which will -he an ornamental one* will be erected near the postofflce. The regular routine business'" took up^nost of the evening, as there were a, large nu nber of bills to be paid. A large number of residents *>f Hub- bard Woods attended the meeting. % .â- %* -**.--.,<m» iM* £j>-*£i Very little special business WinnVtka lar monthly mim •mmmMmmmmrm&mwm%gzmmmmmffim