Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jul 1912, 1, p. 1

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Shofi-^____ treated .M^IiiMiil?^^.^ offpred to' ^^^--^^§0^'...... north ^m$^§M$$. Saturday .jP^^:»f|fc";'^S^- make their appwanc* on Nortowest- On FridAy^4flp**^ flpnt "The Caii$|ibi^ Percy Mackaye^Which na# ed from fell««^.::'1i|^^|||M grims." fha^eliiii^^ ' mortal nM$^%ifM met in the proiogtie to the tiJei. T^^ Coburn. PIayoW'ii#»; given edy at many pY the leadiiig^^^ the. country, east,Kwest an4 soatn^and terett andyji«it«e. quaint atmosphere of J^p^jglS^ LoceT interest ii^{j|iipj|yii|l presence among |h$ Eronston young are Mr. «ft4k and Mrs. The guarantors are Mrs. Harol4 |fe- ti^^:^^mi$0$, E*wef ? Mr. Jas. #T*ni1eV1B!l^ A " club. ft w,W- â- â- .-' :â- -' - last night 4he^' elilentiy jw$ee]6e£ to ^u^«? wl t«» oa the sand filtration propoeition, ^^^â„¢^ff ^^^ â- Â£.,: erman poa#, aftor* annouiialJfcg ri pfelimlnai7-w*ort had been received from th^S^ijififs^ «tatw| I that it would not be presented to the unity to report engineers ..* «.,;â- Â» .â- -..â- ,•*â- .,*'.-PgauM' ,<«f â- .MSifrMii*, A-f*L. â€"~1*JA1 - mette'a Dest town citlsenB and heswi of thft llarvin smith Stove comnany. to^aa*; hdr Me laj^ &*ȣ ^^^â- ^^^^^'. %£M$ hotateij;^^ â- â- â- :$§£ IW^i|l ^tt hif *act";alft- Andersoil had seemingly heen in the beet Of spirits. Saturday, he had pUyed golf Francis '• tuun<i Cook, CYeigh, Mr. an4 Mriv Ora^am Patter- hou Mr. aad M^F^eTic* Connor, -" Peggy iloxojnond a^lc^ra Car- tel-; Mei*i* Kdoard HaU, Howard Hoj i, Leonard Shepard and Harry Woe** "'"'"- '«•' •â-  **.â- â- ' â- "> , on Saturday .afternoon in Shake- cai .*s "A« Yeit ynt*-'w m**> r^oo- Luru play* Rosalind to Mr. Cohnrn's o. Children will be a spec!*] r.uture of this Baturday afternoon > ^ ji«a<» w the ^wii pWers' fendi-. tiob of this coniedy never falls to Ae- n«.n*. them. \:, Will Give Qreek brarna.. .^. Satnrdar «ve»ifi« lovers jof the «. eek drama ^1 be gfven a real treat - *nen BuripidW ^Baectra*' irill be pre- sented It Is- th«i human side of the - Bteru trage4^ of th« house oJAs]«m »ou that Jtarlp^ saw and it is thia pha^e lehich ptompb* Giibert Idirray; to make/ . Jai^ e^cgvisite translation. 11 irf ,B a «C^-opp^i^ity oJTered on Saturdmy yrflnfay V *^ 'llift - JTwJHikn playing rightr of this transUtlon are owned byiB^j^^^s^ers. "i y*ft Wautifut fe^jnte oif tke Blectra is the toaians wlU ^imte*ested and ptot to know, thsi^^ea« choir bo^s come f«^m their <n^ <*««*«»• .;;>V-°'.. This coming ot ts^ (^jUrn Ptarers iU ^ *Tejrr^ei*i^ o«c*ilon for the imlm^-:^} i*l#5W^olleV Th^jiJBj^rfiBib^^ secure* the approval of edme stt or seven special police appointments, and the police committee brought in a report suggesting the cutting of a fine a»- sessedtagainet one Short for violation of a section of fhe building ordinance from $2^ to f 10. but upon siiggesUon authority of flie^puicll to reduce a fine Imposed by a police magistrate, and after some discussion which de- veloped the fact that Mr. Short had misrepresented facts to the city au- thorities, the matter was put over for one week without action. , ' Change Name of Street. The name of Stanley avenue, a street, in North' Bvanston extending west from West Railroad avenue to Isabella street, was changed to Wood- bine avenue. ', â-  \_. v, ""' "â-  ;â-  Alderman Knapp, for the water com* mittee, reported that the break in the Intake pfo$ b^ibeen repaired and that the city aw«tef:_ supply W now coming from the outer «fHii â-  -I •pecfal Police to Watch Beach. >â- "-.. Alderman Topllff, for the * police committee, announced that provision haw^#^ ^^ i^^%^mx po- iicemen to'}'*%.ftf'0W' *t the lake front* near ^th* â- p^-wtaXUm, ftpm 10 o'clock in tfa:;.m&iU&r to iO 0*elock in the eve^nlB. *:>% topliif alio suggested that a jjefliiesLto fractured skull and a broken shoulder with his osual xeal. WiuM/llf'H^^ iii:/i%^ie|fi^if :^»i4i^.hjBf'vj|Kitt^ 1^>>?^^ "'""'" ""'"" '" ......."""" Sunday evening he and aiMl his wife were sitting p]ti their porch.^ Mrs. An- derson retired early and he told her he was going to s1»y dwnstalr^ and roadl ^ AboutItiiZO/^bl^'ls^'^ deiwn caJled to htm and told him It was late> : ;^e replied that ho wa»: going to bed' i$?0(jgfr"K'~ .^VV r-;vf/^ Shortlf aftor mie^ght Mra./Arider- :iott-i»^i^^ottef M thfe^^rjtM:« rpvolvor^ SM caiig^ to fter ' downstairs, she found him sittliifip Ws MOrrmc^^^^^^^ In his head. The smoking revolver was still in his; hand-' lf -^ -^ -^ " Mrs. Anderson called a n ^^i«;viiiii^iir^; ,i! ,_T...., he dropped fa ^^iaftSof wife :Ro^ortjinu>itM^tl#-M0^. old son of ,w±%&/rfm$' -)ail*^# was carried under water by the waVea ^fei^Si^-ftr»t .biitifT^^aj-'iN!#W *0:'&<ifaa& bu^Vw§*eio^iiisw o^iir.was found i^ois^laip*.: '"& '$1 W!V '••*JK^Pw^||^BjE ;SjB>gflW*^£^WjSBjSjP; s^^wV^^si •••â- y fi»ps»s^^Bj., manner.; T%e l*d Jumped into the wator near the pier to search for the chain ^ had accidentany dropped in the lake. J,, While^bending ©**r ^:'f^li|#«:vlii- tdm it is thought a wave struckthe bj^i^ hinv about uaUl his skull was small tori in the afternoon, and "*!*-g^ift; rs who had seen the Thure- go under i|ii^.j^;'tti:>aip^ thing possible was done to, save the onston :waa notified an,d the ctiftw man's life, but he neyer regained con- n»»dO a quick trip in the motorboat. icloua^ess, dying about 3 o'clock in ^rt» 5 o'clock they dragged; tliO tolta tho morning. *Jtl1 ***** grappling hookir and flnaU^ dislodged the body. north. •hb^:]^^;?«^^a; *o0i«|f: j&i0ijfo fcp^^ -;P*iBm event as w«U a* a The bcahold^rs are Mm. Arthur I. A.dis, Mrt. Harold M^cCorraick, M». Mrs.. Jo*f^;aWI|#^l^M 6s lift that permiBsion be from tlw Third Park district to open the Iw^jwh at some point souths of fiQaH^ffik".'fitroet.,4:: \ " Alderman ^^iia^aiiced; ;lox.,a apocW meeang.-*& £m ^o^^coni^ittocr-to " up too Tnafter of iusproving the street towth ^Of-jCtfttJfr" :e^st«rj^ wisJp^ilM- eotidJitto^P/^w- aro^auok that fjpij. im*<yfe(n|ofMh^ to gei either a carriage ror ail m anteotlng of :;leaN!!i# Coroner's Inquest. A^the coroner's inquest hold Mon- day afternoon it was shown that he had been financially^ interested In a large concern that failed. He lost heavily, in this instance. Other finan- cial reverses helped make him de- spondent. â-  V "' • The many friends of loir. Anderson were greatly shocked when they learned of his act. Those who had Been him Sunday and talked with him were loath to believe it at first , Born In.Scotland. Mr. Anderson was born Jn Scotland fifty-one, years ago. He had made Wllmette his home^for a number of years.and had always taken an ac- tive part iu village affairs. For a number of years he/served as village trustee, resigning this spring to, run f^yillagextre^ttrer; SeT^as ^&e*t> ed in this by a one vote majority. Later the election was contested, but he decided to drop the matter be- fore it was given a xourt hearing. While no written word or explana- tion was left for toe taking of W$ Shortly after the life savers were called some unknown party notified the fSdisoiL company in Chicago and; an automobile made a fast run to Wlnnetka with a pulmotor. As;soon as the lad's body was brought ashore the machine was put at wolrfe v For two hours every effort possible j|aa made to- resuscitafe him, but it proved futile. It is believed the undercurrent kept the body under the pier find that it was finally struck by" the grappling hooka which loosened the body and it came to the surface. Norman Ktn- man saw the body When it came to the surface and Went into the. lake and brought it ashore. -.. Old Not Drown. m, tb*j£*M4B3 *$m^ JhoL^M»i ^fo-loftr to 'ner's jury showed plainly he had/been worrying wet ^nancial troubles. Some belieyed the losing of the recent ela- tion was the cause, bit this vas readily scoutetf by m«mhors of the â- um^^^.:^^ V - ^r% -;;â- ,;â- ;â-  :- Beoidee Jdrs. Anderson one son sur- vivee htm. T^e^er^/seMc^ held, yettterday morniaeT «^ 10 O'clock 'from"; th^ resMence. toterment." was at Rosehill... ":r.' ~VU?-"., .f" ^ J ' â- " '";. '., Ariel Hea^bloomi if Chiea«0 was goiiig through l^aaatott^ matches fii* crackers, liable *,mW^*i*ffi ; â- , -<T3o|i^;e^o^'<tor^^ sidewalks, olil©e$^j;ll:-0^^ too legs and often enter "Don* rnn;.np to *.##i|SiS hasn't gcmo'-o«,-oir'"ilow^;ot:||te^^ Many soppoaed to have gono o^faavw p suddenly exploded. â-  "â-  >'t^?f ?^S$ -Dont negleet ^^:"^Bm^^'^" bUst^rs. Tend to them at once avoid lockjaw aad btooC The broken shoulder and the badly bruised condition the body -Waa to t+&*1dm or yon. totted all efforts made to reeuscitote too lad. An examination showed that not more than a pint of water was in the lungs, which leads too coroner to believe the .fracturedskull caused J Uvea of others'while th* Iboy'o tfosih instead of drowning,|0wn / ^ tj as was the general opinion. Besides hi* parents, throe sisters The funeral services were held Bator- day afternoon front too Congrega- tional church* Winnetka. The Boy Scouts, of which the Thurston boy was a member, had charge of top funeral aorv^os.': i:^r.-.~.: ALL WIFW maiJ ^yAKsin^ wlio a gen- eral teaaUngbustoeos in 6roaa Point, employs tour men. _. ^g^0^^:^rnr inj kt t» one mua 4r, ti>^ aatt l»vtpg taken Froncli leavve #«rin^ to^ lhf^i^Hp.-^|f *^<i'li*hijrv to©*^ *»*^ olott^ ...,,, ^DoVt""; throw lighted "towo^py'?^^ among explosives or where a fire oaji bo startod. ;â- â- â- '.â-  ,,.â- Â«;' /'^/"'"-V^r "Dont aoo "now near to a yon can throw a lire ctacktr or othar explosive to scare him. Thia te ,oltott an expensive Joke. If hie clotheo catch afire, -to h««|er-^ooilco^:0oi|,y^^ â- â- -••â- â- â-  • ^--m^mm "In other words/ don't cel«toto mv:â- ># the Insane way. ;&rii l» ,o»^atoto;||"^ yon have to mal» some ncdsO t» an- Joy yourself. and dont endangor ta* -" ^atrletiom end risllslmaaf. °B»attej^ still,0 -toeso say, "oSto oo i^ftaTSp foolish. Value you?, eyes, fingers and life. Washington, Jester* son and others dont care to be ro- membered by an annual Mst of maimed and injured.** homo in\ Aliagan* MiclL, Jaat lira. Dunahoe had been a Wilmetto lor abont twont yoars»- nlovtolf to

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