<w» trip to St Charles, Mo. ' Jeaeph Plenw^itai 0*k Re- taken a cottage at Whitehall, aveifce, '»pentâ- â- #&•; H|st, tea, day* ,ia '"Sjf t*S - . .. ' "I . - ' * JSleanor Van Vlissingen left tor Benton Harbor^ Mich., to Wednesday evening, to Mr- Jtt & Hill, 1$& RJdae ave- ^iteughteii.-"'. :' â- V: I. F. M. Trask, 1045 Ashland are- .nii^v entertained the Drama Study ^;,4^feS9tt;Wednesday. .,;:!' - Rtannond Iredale/ 1110 Foster ^$mf, ha* gone to Sturgeon Bay* Wis., to sj^nd the summer. ^L^l|§S. PrederjSfc. A. Yard, "617. M3h '^ Dorat street, entertained a few friends ^Jq< luncheon Wednesday t J. Sebastian And family, 1005 #& ^Vbffpt avenue, left Friday f#r their ^^Sttinl^j^ , > "'">0iJu$m C. Griswold, 1741 Hin- avenue, entertained z.t dinner Covers were laid for James M. Stifler and children, '^^ip^^^Qrove street, " have gone _ east pi :::3IJnejtf are - at' present located . at Wii- -|^jttahi|port»'Pa. :"'"'4,. %â- :v. M|| A. A> Beebe, and fs • ily, who p::! ha^e been living at Greenwood Inn, s^ JMt|%e4iwsday forf Boston, Mass., where they will remain until Oct. 1. t.... r?i*OT»t J2fcnna" TfobveiC iQ4S~ Judson ^* av»pie, lek Wednesday f*» TOst Point, N. T. She will spend the sum mer in the Adirondack*. and Mrs. C. 8. Ward and their lughters, Alice and Ruth, are ITo^ ii|h|^^^ sail Saturday >p© for an absence of six "' Mrs. B>'f|$i spent' WednelilyM^M^^^rfe8*' I,J^ Dr. and Mrs: ^jnAind Noyes, 926 Forest avenue, \smm0^^ to their summer home at Deiavan bake, Wis; Mr. Edmund 3a," Dawson, 1^5 Jftay son avenue, sailed last Thu^^ for England, - He wl» ^« gone all summer. Mrs. JpeAJKMJt',tjtti' %8singen, W Davis streetk^ettMonday for Bedtpn Harbor, Mich./, for ji flwee weeks' yft: cation. ' - '"â- j. Mr, and Mrs. Robert,vP. Sbimmin, Evanston avenue jthd Colfax street, are spending tbeir vacation at Star Lake, WisT " > -i'**. ' ,i- .' Miss Bertha Barnes and Donald and William McKensJe, 2106 Orringtoji avenue, left Wednesday for a month's trip to Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs, W. CL Rigby,. 1*32 Forest ave- nue, "entertained Tuesday to a lunch- eon In honor of her college mates. Covers were laid for ten. N. R £*tneld, aister of Miss Church street, laft it her son, Robert M. d, aV Toledo, O. She will' be 7 2027 Pratt entertained' at dinner Wednes- or 0t her guests, ., Lillian Koester â- w ^^gfa iter, ie & **1tne mer Hinman -avenue, are ente^lll^i^ Smith's mother,; Mr&:dvid^'JQn&Ui: 'Mvttilir^MMNi- Adalix&^mlttr of SactorViUe, Pa., who wiU r*«iafc| WM& them during the eumiher. ^ ^ Mrs Ohefler B. Maasllch and Jtttte daughter, Marjbtte, of New York are visiting Mr. Masaltch's parents,^.ife Wit Ifra. Bentley Masellch, 1732 Sher- man aveni^e, and Mrs. Massllch^a par- ents, Mt. and *!«* Willttm C. Shn- manri&M- Gaffleld plajje^ . c .«.;.. Mrs. Claude Cumnock,! 908 Hinman avenue, entertained Wednesday after- noon to a bridge party in* honor of Mrs, John Eugene Harding, 101& Hin- man avenue, and slater, Mrs. Whitney Crosby, 911 Forest avenue, who arr recent residents of Evanston, coming from Middletown, Ohio. 1$ere were eight 'tables of bridge. Dinner fo> lowed at which covers were laid, for thirty-five. \ > Mr. Jos. A. Stephens returned! The wedding of Miss Mabel Kliot Wednesday frotoT; Benton B!Irbor,' Wahl, daughter of E>r. and Mrs. Robert Mich., where he was taken suddenly Wahl, 830 Sheridan road, and LeWifi ill. He has now recovered. Floyd Searles took place at 8 o'cTook July 7 spdctel services will he oh- served at the Christian church in cele- bration of the fifth anniversary of Rev. Orvls F. Jordan's pastorate fa> this chureh.» Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Sheets, 2681 Har- rison street, have just returned from Lewistown, Idaho, where they-visited their son, who has recently gone into :%e:|N||^d=*^|iis»'lNwe>-= â€" - -4; Mlas Elsie Harriette Luce and Mri Wm. Francis Collette were married Tuesday evening at 8: SO o'clock at Wheadon M. E. church. Dr. De Loss M. Tompkins p| Rogers Park. M, JS. church assisted by the Rev. A. L, Fisher, Jpastb% of Wheadon church* performed the' marriage ceremony. Mrs. G. R. Hubbard, 912 Gaffleld place, sister of the bride, played Men- deliaohn's wedding march. The bride's attendants were, Mrs. George Knapp of Waukegan.j sister of tie bride, matron of honorf Elizabeth Pet- ty and Bella Backus, bridesmaids I Edyth ^B^^vi|i®e__f^^i2fi!fii^E WanlwsM^SJ*«^ ^e^M^e^Mth^ as ofat ftianr The ushers were, and John Collette, Withers of Wednesday in the east' room dt, tb> La Saile hotel, the Rev. Dr. E. Edwards officiating. Miss Iiydia Herold was maid of honor, and Richard WvWahl best man. Misses Lucile and Bernlce Wilson were hridesmalds, Bard Hamil- ton and Arnold S. Wahl acted as ^sj^jS^^^pl^^SBpjj^ig^^ ^^'^Sggifta^; ers, and little Eleanor Berniee ^ajj^/------^^--^---- - ^-^ was flower girl. A reception and sup-. ^per followed -the;cetismottyx'^cr|tn# Mrs.\;Seajrf#:will-':«ak^ -*^&^;W their yacht Franceeca to f^lafa^ Canada, and wiH be at $k^er,^60^ sept ie\ia th^ city. •â- â- -;^-^/; ^'.: *& ^WiednesdayC at the; honte oiv«he bride's parents, Mr. and #£§ &%* Charles Reading Jones and iter, Miss iWna* 589 Sherman to make an relatives in PbJla S -$U ,tfi Minneapolis, nrf the northwest for dere,'Hl., the bride entered, passing thTough an archway decorated with whfte and trailing vines to an altar of chaxme^ Veliettaa lax»^ with pearl ^mintiigm en trainy^ger tulle veil was 'fastened wittlrtjjp-M,, tfte ir$to$, and she carried. &&&$&. booxiuet df and-Mrs,' i-Si Harris,: =Mh^: Mr. and Mrs, K. Dotvls? of Xte< ;._4fe 'm, m> 2M â- m H«» |Qad groom. Oh |)]&!trnv her tmcj^vc. H. Pritchari^5SMIp |i^|Baf.% hotio^eto^^pink roses, iror*'i s^-iftfOjiJE'- of -Mg^^ honor w<»re white ^QeasaHne and car- e£-%henrfde% mother ore ai to *h Sti U4 "saerttprfcHML ^»4r V -"" -> amd tide ^reddln^ suppw w^ served! ^ Oro^WGhteagoi Theho^ a^,|^ decor^ed^-^^^^c^^ <of and w«He l>eiB« carried eutThe ^d jnoUla^ was ii^o " te^?^|!^yi^r1e»rJ^ OBehtm-. ?*5*-.. ...x-^-- y^tlyqs wlthLâ€"ed Tiie qut-of^town guesUi EUa I^ce^ Belvi«e9re; 4fr. e. H. Prttehard and eoaPaol, BelvSdere;„tMls8 Deasie ,i)fr». 'A^-^Ewp^ifti^OT ^ue^left :;mi#8^|o|fig^p Wsit with *e|ilyiWa ley. ayeniie^fi:ii«ij|^ %m%w^»^0^o^ consln. .:â- ^;;;:}t wif â- ".'. â- *'*?&?*$$**.*$&â- A: anno^^^l^^"SOili!^ â- ,|>f",t*s.w ' Mt*. M^r^n aiod Misa Moflo» Mapleviventt^ are dan. jfti«4f:^:S^': ^:«^l^?f5!"pPW!!^. man -saY|^l|e^ R,: ^rowir^fftejPm^ ^gnej^^tWs^we^p^^^p^^ ... J^:;Agne^,f^- *'- "^'*a ' a^eBus^^leftC,-Slt« ^4^^»eM^^§S^iP^ be |ol^^.#Ma^. J;^:;*:* Y^feyitK' '^ Canada, where she.wftscaUed by,, Miss Mary Sharpe, 1501 Maple ave- ^.r^f|.';^ursd*r^, ^elgl^gittdini^/^ ?end her^acatioh. ,,j^>-- •"'« Peterson, 1121 Grant street, the mar- riage of their,' dau^|sr2<^fc|ifi|^ Peterson, ^'C^-JWiBiit'^^1^^..... was performed :|iy^|a^||epp|pi|^^ son. The. brtde's maid '^â- wa^pa. *#,v a^fC« â- •* e »jj#.^aja^s^^a^%*^s^ra||^-^pa^, jthe a^rodm.'.. Mr sin of tie bride; quiet, 2322 Harrison veil was fastened wito a* Jtatet cap .......she <»rtied a shorw» hbuQuet^^ ^o^ lilies of the valla*. T^ mAid4)f honor wore a pink crejpe de meteor gown, tr|n|ittej|^^:;|^^^^ beaiOifT^ to^:p^^ smllax, :jg^i^^0§00i0^:mm-^ «»e val- ley. A reeet>tlon and wedding supper arid <umH foBo^ett fee cetemT^yV Mrrand Mrs. , Yomigquiat left for a trjp to Wlacon- aln: and wiU be at home after July 16 &$4& tiotfy GJaaM; street, Chicagn. St T<lclM)laB* church was the scene of a pretty wedding yesterday morn- ihi at fl o^ctocfc when Mias Catherine Anna Schwind ^ras married to Nicho- las J. Back, son of Mr., and Mrs. John B«ek cl CWcago. The B^v. Fa*bW P. jp- BJe^tohpa "lyrtornied tite ceren^pny^ assisted- by Father Joseph A. Adams ' |wo;;"^eel avenue^; guests of Mise Margaret Greer at their summer home at ##jr^'JSJBJ8J|^71IHR9B^ iiri9e^*ive:. a^ Faster .A^ F. Korthahi chanting 2013 Jackson avenue. -•^i anid ffie hJglr niasa. which w|ls also sung bjr the children's clioir. The maid of honor was her sister, 1 and her little aister, Agnes, was her j^« J- flower girl Mr. Henry Baci was Jbest man for 1^ brother.; The bride waa hesmtiftilly <<g|«tted. Sa" ts#te' ^<%ar- meuatf satin with white «hiif6n over- dress trimmed in pearl trimming, her tulle veO fastened with a Juliet cap a^ * amaH wreath of Miles ot the vallef/ "She carried a shower c< laide'a r^sea and; lilies of the Ifid- 'W^m^)^^W^0ai^ sister 2708 Harrison " Jars. Mary iJBa*rd, >« flf Mr. of- &l#i*T Warner_Cky «l Charlevoix, Mlch^ en/ route east, stopyM to visit Mrs. WUliam^ Nichols, 1^01 Maple avenue. - - Mrs. J^ L. Wilmont of Cleveland, O., bj visiting Mrs, J. Frank Nutting of the Parker apartments. Mr.and J^ra. Nufting have recenUy moved to Bv- anston from BufCald, J?. T- * ".£â- •â- â- â- â- ' vMiss Clara Babe, daughter of Mr and Mr»» John Babe, ^<H3" Bhefman avenue, has accepted a podition aa pri- vate aecretary to- Siour City, la., for which place she lift SaWrdj|j|J t Ja|;?aitd-Mji^^l^5^ est avenue, returned '^h^fts^/fBSl' a five weeks' jfrln; 0lCi^p^^| ether- western points of yellowBtone Park- Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Starkweather, their son l^d familfc «r. and Mrt. B. V: Staikireather jwd BUUe ^and ?&&&&» of ?laj|V r^«r^»^ ,Tiuf i..i;,ijiin in -â€"^#-^ blue* and so popular. I, tans, _ are,^ moi of styl \te\ few taUori tan dpportnhity Styles*^