Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jun 1912, 2, p. 15

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TO WHO late Of I TAKE '* and nu dujys k and 8 bvanston of Oc â- t part >r, in ^ llmehth^ antNo^&tt*^ levied and «ar 1907, ......,,.,»: mialeof -,«--â- -â-  â-  W&itWf T,Jff ^ ^, â- ,' • a County of ?:*Hfc: »i,# of *#' ^' ^**«j%, $$$â- & ;$&$$&; 'fc I^n»tonr levied and aw«»ied thei^ iees were tJUeedforsaid special asses** tuereeu f or meat in tlii^fcwp^jMfici/'Ti Pollack, ». „v., ~^~^ r)f*mte>M+*K!i and tte time of redemption thereof \ for ea^d apectel aweMinent in from Baidw^>ill expire on the 5tb nyoiy andVthe ftth day of mme. ofrffity^ of redemption will expire on ^r, 19Wv:o;^i^: y^-'f:i ° CITY^iT Bl^^fOK,""": ^ by Win. J. Hamilton, •; â- '% â- â- â€¢I â- â- : --:,/cjy^j^^ "> whom :^;fi^i^^ ^e of niinoH^ <^nty oC/OOOk, a». r\kb NOtlCB: :#W*ifc-*/, jiile of •«» and lands ;f or. taxes laid assess- nta duly • n^e^i'tae' County of k and State of Illinois, the City •• Wvanston poiicllffllie^;©tt t#e~ Sth ^y of October^ 1910, Lots 28, f% 27 to wi^vt uw&ymm&i State of Illinois, County of Cook, as. ^:^'sa«(?S: That at * sale of lots knd lahds for taxes and assess- ment* duly made In- the County of Cook and State of Illinois, the City of Bvanston purchased on ~the 5th day of October, 1910, Lot 19, Block 4, and Lots 2, i, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 5, in Brown ft Culver's Addition to North Bvanston, in said county, for and 28, Block Jk Lota 12,18 *nA *8> the fourth installment 61 special as- mock 2, Lota 9, 10^ 1ft ifc^ Wft»T sessnient, warrant No. 516 of the City -'â- "â€"- "of Evanston,- levied and assessed thereon for the year 1906, and sal premises were taxed for said spec assessment In the name of Jay Lee, and the time of redemption thereof from said sale will expire on the 5th day of October, 1912. ~ CITY OP BVANSTON, * by WW. J. Hamilton, . City Comptroller. 23, Block .3, in Brown; & Culver'* Ad- nit ion to North Evanston, In said county, for the fourth installment of special assessment; warrant Nfc.*516 of the City of Evanston, levied and isseased thereon for the year* 1906, \nd said premises were taxed for said pecial assessment in -the name of l. J. Christenson, and the time of re- emption thereof from said jsala <wlll xpire on the 5th day of October, iyl2. ' V'^,--V ^. ., â- â- ~ ' : -"' ^ â- '. CITY ^QF^J^ANSTON, by Wim> If., Hamilton, «-â- '"?."' -City Comptroller. ,ti & Culver's Addition to North aston, in said county, for the th Installment of special aesess- a, wa^ra^Ne: WL% d£*heCity of , as ton, levied and assessed thereon tbe year 1906, and said premises _- taxed for said special assess- .t in the nwne of iMngo Lodge 399, K. of TP., and the time, of re- ption thereof from said sale will ,-ire on thBfthday of October, 1912. CITf C#EVANSTON.* , ,..4.. #*;: X3^y CofiaptfOller. »< '.'z$\*m&.""-" »â-  f '"'â-  '.'"•• > V^HOi^JT MAY COHCfSRN: e of iHlttOis; CoWty of Cook, as. AKE NOTICE: That at a sale of and lands for taxes and awess- its duly made-In the County of A and State of Illinois, the City Evanston purchased on the 5th of October, ^1910, Lots 9^and 10, >ck 8, Brofn ^^atW^rAd^ltfo% North Evanston, tn said county, the fourth tostttUmeut of.special Bsnienf, ^s^ttt^r% l»16 lof too / of ffivanaton| leafed and assessed ;reon :i^f^|%^^>4i|B ^mlses wero ts^d for ^»i<t si>e«ial â-  Taft, and Ih^Ume^rf redetoptiob* ereof from «aM sale wifr expire- wa ^e 5th d^ of October.J1912. .j~; TO ate otDMnohC TAjpjf"""' day of October, 1912, '}*j, â- " ^•':->â- \vâ- '"^:•;^vl*?â- ^mptrollerv ,_..rfe9>aWM»ii.. ,. _.., ..T Block 1, yowler Jb McDanlel'8 Suhdl- ^lo^l^^iiip:^^ Section Mi ^^^|jfc|||||ie;;i9, said county, fiiwrff*his: f^ui^fii^3(lm«rt of-it , a^essment,-warrant No. 619 of the City ot ETFanstoji, levied and assessed thereon for the year 1^06, and said premises were taxed for said special assessment In the nam* of IT- Stew- art, and-the time of redemption there- of from^*ftid .sale, will expire on the B«i dsiy of October, l$jfo v <3rtY m iiM$S$0*, - •- ; ©flywl^crtnptroner.; f- installing " special assessment, Warrant No. _ f of the City of RTi^sto*, levied aad a*fes»ed thereon fof â-  th^:y^:tiut, and said premises were taxe* for said special assessment 4n the name of Isaac C. Ogden, and the time of re- demption thereof from said sale will 1 expire on the 5th day of October TO W|tOM IT MAY CONCERN: State, of Illinois, County of Cook, vs. TAKE NOTICE: That at a sale of lots and lands for taxes and assess- ments duly made in. the County of Cook and State of iilinols, the City of EVanston purchased on the 5th day of Octoher, 1910, Lot 14k Block 8, Brown & Culver's Addition to North Evanston, in said county," fot the fourth installment of special assess- ment, warrant No. 516 of the City of - HOM IT MAY CONCERN: jf Illinois, County of Cook, ss. E NOTICED That at a sale, of Ad lands for taxes and assess- â- 1 duly made in the County of and State of Illinois, the City 11 anston purchased on the fi*h t October, i910> "^ot $1. Block 6, Evanston, levied and assessed there- "-' _ ' " " * on for the year 1906, and said prem- ises were taxed for said special as- sessment in the name of D. D. CKeefe, and the time of redemption thereof from said sale will expire on the 5th day of October, 1912. CITY OF EVA 1.8 i\N. by Win. J. l> inilton, Cit. Comptroller. TO WHOM'IT MAY CONCERN: State of Illinois, County of Cook, ss. TAKE NOTICE: That at a sale of lots and lands for taxes and assess- ments duly made in the County ct Cook and State of Illinois, the City •of Evanston purchased on the 5th day of October, 1910, Lots 1 and 2, Rbbt. Common's Subdivision, in Sec- tion 12, Town 41, N. Range 13, in said county, for the third installment of special assessment, warrant No. 521 of the City of Evanaton, levied and assessed thereon for the year 1907, and said premises wens taxed for said special assessment in the name of C. H. Willetts, and the time of redemp- tion thereof from said sale will ex- t Octeher.^12. by Wfrn. J. Hamilton, City Comptroller TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: State of Illinois, County of Cook,-ss. TAKES NOTICE: That at a sale of lota pad lands'for taxes and assess- ment* duly made In the County of Cook and State of Ulihbis, the City of Evanston purchased on the 6th day 0* October, 1910, Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Fowler & McDaniel's Sub- dr^toion of S. XH£ K> »• w- %» Sec" Hon 12. town 41, N. Range 18, in said county, for the third installhlent of special assessment, warrant No. 517 of the City "of Evanston, levied and assessed thereott for the year 1907, and said premises were taxed for said special assessment In the name of ^ P. Stewart, and the time of re- demptipn thereof from said sale will w^ire on the 5»i day of October, 1912. CITY OF BVANSTON, ])7 W)B»J. Hamilton, City Comptroller. :-•#.£ ^•-_.' ,*j« Tolw#0M IT MAY XX>NCBRK: ^t#t« oC IHinois, County of Cook, ss. :&i&B[Wri!^:.?i*t~*t» «afc1 of lotpi and lands fork-&d# and assess- ttienf, ahfly^?*^*** County of Go<fcW& »tat«r^ OTi|PiS, the City Hr*rAB»tpn nnrfhase^ on &*^ TO ^OM^If:la^JcoNCER^ State/ of Illinois, County of Cook, ss. %mmmyt^m> tialt at a sale of lots ahd landi for taxes and assess- ments duly made itt the County of Cook and State of Illinois, the City of-Evanston purchased on the 6th day 4f October, 1910, Lot 1, Block 2, Fowler & McDaniel's Subdivision S. W. %. S. W. %, Section 13, Townr 41, N. Range 13, In said county, for the fourth Installment of special as^ sessment, warrant No. 51 toa^he City of Evanston, levied thereon for the jrw emlaes were taxed *-*"»nA ther name' Jt' of redeml will expii day of Octoher, 1912. ' : CITY OF EVANSTON, by Wim. J. Httmilton, City Comptroller. TO WHOM It MAY CONCERN: ; State of Illinois, Councy of Cook, se. TAKE NOTiCJJ: That ajt arfale of lots and lands jfor taxes and assees- menU duly made in the County of C00X and State of Illinois, the City of Evanstou purchased on the day of October, 1910 (Ex. N. 95 Lot 14, Block 13, North Evanston, in Section 12, Town 41, N. Range 13, in said county, tor the third Installment of special assessment, warrant No. 521 of the city of Evanston, levied and assessed thereon for the year 1907, and. said premises were taxed TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: State of Illinois, County of Cook, se TAKE NOTICE: That at a sale of lots and lands for taxes and assess- ments duly made in the County of Cook and State ot Illinois, the City, of Evanston purchased on the 5th day of October, 1910 (Ex. B. 75 feet), Lots 9 and 19 and all of Lot 41, Block 8, Payne's Addition to Evunston, Sec/ tion 12, Town 41, N. Range 13, in said county, for the third installment of special assessment, warrant No. 522 of the City of Evanston, levied and assessed thereon for the year 1907, and said premises were taued tor said specia! assessment in the name of Ja- cob (Hos, and the time of redemption thereof from **id sale wUr expire on the 5th day of October, 1^12. <JITY OF EYANSTOS, by Win. J Hamilton, City Cotaptroller of EVaastira^^ pwi"^ai^ l>n t»e InT Section 1^ T^i«f^ "W #&& *&»' of nlent of special assessinent; wluTSJit ^-;52^^>^;^:W.arvwii^ special crrt* of byMstow; * hy Wm. J> Hamilton* - City Comptrdtler. for said nam* of . redemption exyre /- CI assessment in the Bow, and the time of if from said sale will Jday of Octoberfc1912. EVANSTON* by W3m. J. Hamilton, City Comptroller TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: State of IiHnois, County of Cook, ss. TAKE NOTICE: That at a sale of lots and Jands for taxes and assess- ments duly made in the County cf Cook and State of Illinois, the City of Evstnston purchased on the 6th dt^y of October, 1910, Lot 17, Block 1, W. P. Thayer's Subdivision, Section 12, Town 41, 1*. Range 13, in said county, for the third installment of special assessment, warrant No. 621 of the City of Evanston, levied and assessed thereon-for the year 1907, and said premises were taxed for said special assessment in the name of Francis -E. Wright, and the time of redemption thereof from-said sale will expire on the 5th day of October, 1912. city m*m&W?!k«*z by Win. & Hamilton, City Jomptroller. State of Illinois, County of Cook, se. TAKE NOTICE: That at a sale of lots and lands for taxes and assess- ments duly made In the County of Cook and State of Illinois, the City of Bvanston purchased on the Tilt day of October, 1910, Lots 9 and 10, Block 2, W. P. Thayer's Subdivision of part Section 12, Town 41, N. Range 13, in said county, feV the^ third in- stallment of special assessment, warr rant No. 621 of the City of Evanston, levied and assessed thereon for the year 1907, and said premises were taxed for said special assessment in the name of No Person, and the* time of redemption thereof from said sale will expire on the 6th day of October, 1912. CITY QF EVANSTON. by Wta. J. Hamilton, City Comptroller. â- â-  ToVifcHO|r it !^ State of'V^^;m^^'^K' ^ '"^ TAKE NOTICE: ^ Tbakat a sale of tots and lands for taxes aitf asanas? < ments duly made in the Countr nf •(Jopk ^ and:^ 1&$fc?'«t ^I|M^p^^ of Evanston purchased on tha 5th day of October,,W|6^|^;^|i|^|t^i| »obt. Common's ^^l^b^^is^kMiu..';^^'" ii^l^r^own '41* %\1aam $&â- "" ceto&^ the tl#I install ot the Ci^^I^aiiuiuai^ assessed thereon for the and said premises were tax^ |« said |1 special' assessment in the nam* ofv ^ Isaac <3. -'â- -â- '-'â- â- 'â- '--- .'^-^-^â€".?-*' demptlo expire on IKe 6th day CITY- OF EVANSTONi by Wta. J. Hamilton, City Comptroller TO WHOM IT,. MAT -b6lfCpil|^g^ State of Illinois, County of Cook,rse. TAKE .NOTICE: â-  That;if a a|||;«f ^ lots and lands for taxes and aseess-; ments duly made in the County of Cook and State of nilnofs,"the":^-M of EVanston purchased on the 5tfc ;^ day of October, 1910, Lot 1, BtoeJt %s^ W. P. Thayer's Subdivision In Section 12, Town 41, N. Range 13, in said county, for the third Installment of special assessment, warrant No. 120 of the City of Evanston, levied and aesested t>#rW |^ the year 1907, and smd.premiBel were taxed^jfjmr^ special assessment in the name of No Person, and the time of redemption thereof from said sale will expire on the 5th day of October, 1912. CITY OF EVANSTON, by Wim. J- Hamilton, * / CHy Comptroller. ' TO WHOM-IT-MAY CONCERN^ _ State of Illinois, County of Cook, ss. TAKE NOTICEr 'That at a sale of lots a»dlanda,id)P taxes and assess- _ ments, duly vm» ^^^^ K of October, 1910, Lots 1 and % Block; 2, Coq£ and Btatex^'of j^iltoiB, the City ~ "â€" " "" " "â€" -i-**^- 5th TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN^ State of Illinois, County of Cook, ss. "TAKE NOTICE: That at a sale of lots and glands for taxes and assess- meltt* duly made in the Count, at Cook and %tete of Illinois, the City of Evanston, purchased on the 5th day W. tot P. Thayer's Subdivision, Section Town 41, NT. Range 18, in said day of October^ &10* Ltts; % and \ county, fpr the ttM int*alte»ent of Block 2, Robt. Common's Snhdivieio^ 'special assessment, warrant No. 521 City pt Bvanston, leyle^ad prenilses were taxed for said fta the name Of TO WHOM if MAY CONCERN: State ot Illinois, County of CobS^sn. > TAKE NOTICE: That at a «|ie Of | lots and lands for taxes and-assess- ments duly made in the County of Cook and State of Illinols#th« <Hty':;% ot Bvanston purchased on the 5tli-: day of October, 1910, South % Lot * ; and all of Lot 7, Block 5, McNeill's ^ Addition to Evanston, Section 13, Town' 41, N. Range 13, in said county,; for the second installment of special assessment, warrant No., 528 of the City of Evanaton, levied and assessed thereon for the year 190S, and said premises were taxed for said special assessment in the name of John Bv Hess, and the time of redemption thereof from- said sale will expire on the 5th day of October, 1912. CJTY OF EVANSTON, by Wim. J. Hamilton, City Comptroller. ;A% TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: State ot Illinois, County of Cook, ss. TAKE NOTICE: That at a sale of lots and lands for taxes and assess- ments duly made in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, the City of Evanston purchased on the 5th day of October, 1910, Lot 5, Block 4, Keeney ft Barton's Ridge Subdivision, Section 19, Town 41, N. Range 14, in said county, for the second Install- ment of special assessment, warrant No. 538 of the City of Bvanston, !*â-¼* led and assessed thereon for the year 1909. ah* said premises wjsie tax»4 for said' epeeJal asaeasme# in._tfc#t name of H. P. Krans & Co.. and the time bf redemption thereof from said sale will expire on the 5th day "t||.^ October, 1912, ^ :l:<:;;: jClTf of B^Hsi by WJm. 1. ^^^^^^k^t^&MfMiMsi^^^^^f^^S^i

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