'■-l-B'j^feiffft>iif,,iJV*1-'ittei e annuatipraan*^^ The the Evanston i^ Northwc^e*l*|l§^^ were larg^r'Mt^p^^Jfibi graduating<JQS£kfa3$kMi>§i: „.„.,,.„w...,.„. There wei^^-;^!^^!!^!^^ the pupUs* graded ndt^i^W^^W^^ est class tliat h*t OTen ^v iprftduatefi from the/*$|$a^^ The" sery^^^^^^llir*:^ lection *&-'£>$i|^^vCll^^^rh^ was trainefll^^ supervisn^-^i^ Rev. David Hu«I» J<»^ !»▼• flw lnf»- cation. .■-., ?*%•$., fi^x-"^- ■ •,; --• :S.«.^r FoiiowiiigB^e^ toxical sel^tidM Dr. James Ms^tepn StiflW made th« preceded. ^'Vp**^^ plomas' t©^i^;;!i$Me^ were tf^iifjig^ ,tiC SOBS^£.&^^ In District f% tfiere^ wece fid Jpradm-~ ating eierci^l^ p^jf l^^J!^ their - diplomas -iiggn- -eassffielt^tfefe school; year;4#1a^^ graduated ;|r^d^i%ti&hei -f& v|j|t«i^ ■ .six b#jtt£!frsl^ R. Blair, Gordon Jane Elizabeth 1>«ii«twi4 l>Otiaid Vail Eastman, W. Stanley Fraswai, Harold Mel I st rom^S^ab^th JolUSS^, Virginia Johnson*, Wilbur F.-BIoorffc'.^P^|A Richard C, "|»^leilrf^^B.r:C.-: George W1UU R^ley; AM«lvln AnatiJi Root, C. otelialj^Seli^^ riuyder, Elmore A. 6on|& Esther 2. b wan son, Edwin T^oe^ore Win»elL From the'^Da*!^^ ,ohn Harold BalcK J»etkte» Burnham Bass, Jr., Gmce ^elyn Beatty, Barl Eaton Bigefow, Cora BoVaish, Dor- othy Eleanor Dubois, Raymond Alfred Burnett, Alfred I^^w, I^ ala^il^^ Gowan, Dwia4 |«^w,-BeaiafIoe Mo* lsy, Helen (fDonnett, Norma Ortlundy :rt^ie#rJ*fe Tha^kwell, «raee-ThacJtwelU Kath- j«u*| *#?ta!^|^i^^ >v#lieelei&. Louife Suh^^ ©oima ^itt, ^ Ij^.v^a^^ TltWS*# 4&icneH^ Ball, Norman Qi&tiypt^^ .....*0ifc$jimW^ Olaen, Atnandey Gumma, Wilhite and Cnarlotte T^b^ On the ooinpteint of hla wife, C. H. 'Bal^r^^^!^,a*ai^;ffi^ ton, landed i^Jall ihmday, following general rough-house and to save her- iielf she caBe* the police. Balea was. to Be' given '&::tiimi$^ jle Ksalry an Inglleh Dish. haggis, according to iconoclas- tic etymologists, is Scotch only by adoption, having bean a popular dish in English cookery down to the be- ginnifllr of Jthe eighteenth century. Gaiitz, J«wie Victoria Hobbs, Harry .t.erman I>)n«ley, ^laabeth J. Mc- 1 herson, Grace Mo^r^er Merrni;L«- cile Trudel Mixer, Arthur E3is Nelson, Elizabeth CarolyiKft^itJ Je^^erine bell Solbeny, Ber^rAm Anton Weber, From th^^^^^^^M^^ff itb Andereon, Gc^ Croat, Robert i^rnhard C^ver, Evelyn Rebecca Had- ley, Elizabeth Wehb Hill, Barnes Hcn- ry Hill. :^^»0^^^i^:^u^: ^^ Swansea*^0^G0^^^J^ _i:;.J From the Haven School--Kenneth Ernest Breaker, W=Watt«nl Harold Brundage> DonfUd «amueJl "CJannen, Ernest Lester^Coaner, Hele 1 ahlgren, Victor Bhnanuel Xfcahlgren, Sarah Ruth DJxob^ Beryl Paultoar, Fanabel PUcK, Edwin tfiuier, Martha . Gill, WOlfin^^ Sophia Hacker, Alfred Jleerens, Ray- mond Heni7^e4ale, £M^ie ilay Jen- nings, Helen After* Lynn, John Osier McAUister, I^nHena Perrin, David Bd- gar Piummer, Harria Carter Ricks, Cairie^ Alice JBuTBw^Geora^H Wittboid,: :.:i^:^M^ % From school held its initial reception and entertainment at the school oh Main aii^iwraia^ was a deUghtful mnsical p^^^ ranged^by the entertainment .„ . ^#cj|ii^angtH^ l^i;lfi^;:%'^:i8ia||^^ Maurice Lfrfg^aang-wltlipleaiu^ piaho selection and Misf Bdn^ gave much pleasure by her ^d^ W^lw^ny;VMr, ;«rtd«rM*i *^» president of the aasociajion, and many <^dsoiiciUn« the most applause being his reference to the long and faithful service of Miss Jennie Foster who has taught there since li^«. f Joyed dancing and A social hour. Be- sides ^the alumni of ^e school there were present many friends, jparents and pupils. It is planned to continue these meetings next year." ;^;" ;:?> nU Ail alumni of the school desiring to become members of the associaUon are asked to send their names and ad- dresses to Miss Helen Harpham, 931 Maple- avenue. -•• 'u ^:. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION. The twenty-ninth gradnatlon exer- cises of Evanston Township High school #1 be b^T^k a^ejfldi^^ the First Congregational chnrclr; bf 0vanston. The speaker will be Presi- dent John 8. NoUen of Lake Forest college. A cordial Invitation Js| ax- tended to all. -;* ,• ^*'.■- I --v'.' './•■■-' n^an men asnally have pessimistic leanings,1* said Uncle Henry Butter- worth. "But the iai fellow Who sits down and is a hull cfeeer fait «an»«y Borgss n,' Hern^ Saittten, M^ E- KeUey, ABeen I^Ms,'BMward a Meyer, ^tl^ ^r^iifjFai^ From t^ H; & <?- Mi»ar ^ch0^^ Virgfada :^^Aftai^fy^^X%^^aaI»> Thomas' ftfrBSsir^^^ over, Chades <3utlar Dasref* JEail^toe De caua,^ii^m^^m^^'^ Gottra, JaMeAyJ^iiai4li^^P»^ man '^o^MB^^^I^^bMkJ^^^ ^iizabetn iq^fsjeyv.'"" Lewis, B. 01 Hubert/ 5 fCy&; ia aii wi w© stand the b evrat mtHB stand «h« lis AboihUsaM»uadiutj.r *• trial wnl |Mt eoitjncm 1 tot*,in which _______ ______ _Mtdles«srotttot| ffrooojuuHuilOliiilliiMjnlllMWIS ill!Tlni im win sn I I!■■ !■ g^w^MwiaiDato,ta«^V>od^toCTsnc«tt^«d»iidttf : yoq af»**P> in .•P0|ipaj|rl)^jswposp!oj|,^ l:-.U'.'i . '-Ji^u11 "'.' .7.-'i ?.-r..g-^ii-j| tfsv[jsjaajSgarj^iBs i^s^issslysV Ws**W , « Wtimtel hf 15 Tllrt, W Tin UCT i UFETli E Koa 5e« 7>\«m Everywhere JV07S;the sraeefal line*, the U»w- b«Oi bodle* and long «tep«. Pull view ahead or seats vls-a-vl*. RALPH TEMPLE AUTOMOBILE CO. 1219 lAchlaao Are. (Near lltliSL) - Highest Prices Paid lor UseWlftrBit lipid Goods. New and Old FiarjRye, Household Goods Bought, Sold anWJxcha 707 ChUTCh St.* Tele^e 3553-R 'Sad K«iueboldS Att;1kipioSiL_ Irdona. Oaiap cbalca ai[»'|iATOS^' v^ RS " •■ .: " ^vittjS; «lpxpre»»ing _ pTompt- card^Bes for .'rent '^"bitAkston -•-.-■■---' ■ - ■ ".....■'■- — - ■■■■■- — ■■ ■ *" -■ tf.il JEWELERS ■• ■-■'•."•'■1"-r/-;/,^|. ■ ^ 0..' :m ',^j:.£»»!tyt^:;"'■ lessor ts Redsliua «V TOt Repairing of and clocks. ' ence with Fhene 2«32. ; ,^^pp$.> Maxime Crest s* MaJr^rtsser aitf«rt«i«) : 10a NoHjb Stat* Street BtoWairi !UdS.# Room* 939-83. Chlcas;* StWING MACHINES . ANNOUNCEMENT iopened an . Chicago Ave. all my old 1 eneccaSor C v c TJpholst* and o^l chlaafevA OBJUS OCOST Emerson . Ivsnst^a. Bt other House ts, Stoves vlJ icrai R«p«irF» RMAHAVl- ^: ■'■■ ■ ■■ P#^38^;%f ■lAilr^J^Sl'^^l