Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jun 1912, p. 5

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Slllli That III the u»J|pi| ime in ^SH^^ lord thel»;'fpt^pf campaign ^of^#*„ ^; .w...... ■,,,=-.,-,,......... lent from ' jjfe^ilSl^fe^^' jreslde^tial^io'iil^^^^ He; Statistical; Btates, which by the bureau ent of comm to 1888 no 1f6V ord of the 'y&i&i existed, but:^;,(§B$ (gress Pebwi^,,^^^ ?v^::: .:, duty of the--:.e*ef|p$i^^ [to report to-mk^^^^l^^ W Shames •• cf dSM8^i$^- ;#S|M&I® of votes '0iSiS^^^S^l^:^^'^■ Ivoted t^:t^^^^0^, ., _ ., the 8e*i£iji^« each subse^^t prejtid^to ton won^e^ dicuBsed- the -feaaibility form y0j^m^^i^^^0, ^0smm:^^^^ -^— ^-—— etecti6n1i« in la* >fi Iof preslden I United StateB. The t6J#;^ivc*«t"^'l^-ig^i*!^ j tlal election In 1908. was lii$W,<$Q;> in i9o<vi*J&&0^^ and ifcjifc^iiil^^ [ vote :$jij^j°!0^ :|^i» shows the average popula- for each tote east Is follow*: 4$b8^^ tfwoas-iflj*: eaefc t^e it;iin 1900, J44* intS^lfc^lluid : 1888, 6.27* ■/ $tathe<.ivew|sfe-|?at^ ivoiers .to populates jb|^»#^te0in [s record, the vote Jtffl|tyi^^|^Sl [the present population* will exceed [the 15,000,000 preiJ|ctea. ^ "? , Shows Each State's Vote. The statemei^ j^ish^fti-^ ab- stract shows thW yota ehst in ea$* state for th^yari^ "^d*^^ each presidential "dfi^taf.^fpni 188$ to 1908 and the pectoral vote by principal Jioliticj^ state, during the same periodv The statement showjng the official record of presidential .elections dm* ing the last quarter of a j|9n^Hfir^1H' lusirate# the ^p^kjh. of Interesting and o&clal information ^presented by the Statistical Abstract, issued an- nually bythedepartment of commerce and yt^lJSfl^^J^'^^^'J^ii^" tiatics, th^fhirty^^ parliamenury^ -educational andjeelal countries, their history, industries, religion and governmental rule in. onier to acquaint tb^Diselves^ w^^ ^es^a^f^^ number./&. 'j^'*wmt:M-imxln^ pressed th^irdeslrC to |>ur^ genial friends, the period of Spanish history' and literature, previous to th»"^o1«e^|SB^^ ;"^]B^^^i^v.,rer; .y&ej^ $&/.;^^$a^^ Hons, fabrics and porcelains of Vari- ous countries. As ^e members _ were unwilling to give up' so pleasant - and profitable an undertaking after the fair was over, the Fortnightly was organized with a membership of In Jta ^r% ^days the dub did « deal of philanthropic work. They at one Ume fitted up a public reading room im^ier^boyv of Bvans- ton-; the Home for Cripples in Chi- cago received generous gifts from its members; a cooking class in North western . tfrtiv^tjr"' Settlement wis established by them and the poor women in that vicinity given lnstr«c- ti^! unde^, ^ Th^y also fiirnlshed a room in th« Young Worhtng -Women's home on lug Gu lowiui £«. v jof«. ,<i, 1^0 xytiuw *a$ Mra;|i; & <^ Bitten 'J^olniei^ :^;^i^' ;w^rat^. -^Jal^M'7the afternoon of 7ApW fep$6is£^^^ the Orient," on April 28, and Mrs. W» Cb^^i^e^its. HcKay will hate charge of the annual meeting to oci held on May lfc ~-y'~ ""-':^/ 'v "Whate'er the subject, It deserves .^oi^^-pW';wl^ vir©|' Presfdant, Mrs. B. It Thomas; vice- president, Mrs. Gf A. Weston; seere- ^^^an^'^'treaswery jibs*- H. ':"!& €ar*er. The program committee con- sists of Mrs. P. G. Robertson' and Mrs. F. W. Nichols, chairman. Mrs. Alexander Clark Is the only charter liliii ^ if* «fi'. which has just made Its appearance. It shows, for e^mple, that the aver age per capita wqalth- of the country has grown from |S^| |» JL880 to over $1,300 in 1904, the latelBt official rec- ord on this subject; the money in circulation, from $12 per capita in 1850 to $34 per capita in 1911; the bank clearings, from $62,000,000,000 in 1887, the first year lor which an official record was available, to $159,- 000,000,000 in 1911; ^he indivldusl de- postts to banks, frcm $2,000,000^60 M 1875, the earliest yew for whi^i Hg- ures are available, to practically $16,- 000,000,009 -^^^^^0^01^'^ depositors to savings banks from 1,000,000 i&ymfc ife#ki^ooji^i 1911; the ej^Kfts ^ domestic prod- nets from a Httje over $100,000,000 in 1840 to OTor 0^m^ i^Ml^ and the value".'^P- manufactures pro- duced in the country from $1,000,000, 000 in 185(h to $20^00,000,^00 in 1910 —and many other equally interesting eyidenc«.of Siiffiiia|^j^s^&^^^ Among the ireBoral subtecis statie- ^IcaUy presented 1U the SO^ Page* in- cluded w^^^^W^M^^ii^ oral r«n««t^ t^ p^^^on o| the Uidt^T|t|ie^ e^n^«aic^Bott ftad ••Whence Is thy learning? Hath thy :-yy^^li0m;M^ *';,;..." "t)'er nbooll consumed the midnight ..:~-r'.■..'-"- '-,,- I«'ilm«H©JBi«i' - > ,.' The club has Studied American lit- erature, ^4mettea^ i#i€ ^ tlfliigs American, including the history, ani- mal and, vegetable life, pubUc meni, cities, Industries, foreign relations, Utorature, art and music;, Chicago, countries of th« world, celebrated bis- torians, parliamentary |p^f ^ and socialism, history. of Japan and the Philippine Islands; Hussia, customs and manners;. Holland and her dykes; fiction and .philosophy, -.My-m**, other phases of erudition- ^ ^ -5 v U The program for the- coming ye*? has heent- prepared and topics as- signed to the various members. Ifi, October immifer it on will be studied, pap^^ being pi^ared Jt>y Mrs. W. JF. Durho on **»ffects of and Restriction of Immigration,r and ::Mm£GS' Q Graves, on/On -V&i Tg^g off ftte tmr - Johh Victot Lee, for fifteen years associated with Charles H. Burkett, has purchased the pharmacy"owned by the late Jared W. Craln sit the corner of Main street and Chicago avenue, Evanston. The deal was completed Saturday and Mr. Lee took possession 8unday. - r'yy-':y- ... * : ••.■"•■*■ ^:-;;... • y-y^-^S,-:^ - vr ---------------------^f^mmmmmm: — — Iy EJngMsh or Fumed Oak, complete^ Btoing Room Suite in^ ^^ ___ ___________________ - - j|][0 * cut '"»■■«•'« #»•••"••••• •".«'X» «>».• *•'«"• • • •♦"*"«?•.'» • ».'.«^». ».•••■ ».*;«'« •.* • •»»e"^ Extension Tafcle—Duo Style, top 54 in^ 8 ft extension, Fumed^^ Oak and Early English......,..........".-• t.. Selvihg Tabte-^Top MErtt, Fmned Oak or Early _„__ ^5^^. China Closet—17x56 in., 58 in. high. Fumed Oak or Barly Bngllsh.$3r.7R Buffet—Top 22x66, French BeVei Mirror 10x56, Fumed -<)|*f**&j3&r- " Early- English '»:■.»..»• •■•-»..^<^.»>:*»•■• • ••■•v.»*"-•,.-».•-».'...«...,..#*;*'»■<*;*'•-*^^ii^*^ 8ee our, large line of Rsftrljperatora 1^ Special—Refrigerator, sine lined, white enameled, family sise..|11.jJ0 BpeclialM-Pdrch Rocker, Fibre Rush......'...-.....••*.*.—.■»:»r-v.'«"• >.?'/• '^fpis^ George B, Barwig on N. Glnrk Sr ■ - V'..:- -V: — AIX GOOP5 1IAKKSP IN PLAIN HOUI^.^f ^^-^§^ Our Store is Open Every Evening, except Wednesday & Friday vv^a. W*?: mm m m-* nrigrant", A^^y0m^jm»^iimy& •0eteb^'4lftlfe £0eo»iKe5:^TiHiii»fci and lira: WM^&**ie& :<wi*p***:J** ktic^ lidtor and Woman's Suffrage of '^Mt^^^^Wm^^o^ ^iWi^sftwwr;'"' iin, nisi Wheit the porch becomes ^virtually a iivk|j^idoitt 4«fiii^ the warm summer days, Vudor Porch^S|^^coii^ ^he necessities, rather tM& the taxun^T These shades iWa^f satisfactorily solve the prohlej^^Hfe^g copHn^ and keeping direct sunlight >rf3 the ^ga»e 61 liassers^ BttfeS $* of flat $lats stained/^rich brown, dark or olive greerv in alj sll^ We guaranj^e them to g^ve complete satisiatiion in appeafanS^andj|<frabiiity. Special sizes made to order if sizes, with 7 iL%M.t 4rop, complete twfth ^s a»r ropes^i-ft., %a*$ ;■ 6-ftv ^35 r ^4 f#5 r w^i IS

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