Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jun 1912, p. 3

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f&¥&!fr*ll fflpR:$m$&B^-^>* ^^iSf I^llaj»>«t greatly ina Clark ^teii left to | Miss qilntofl^ si. J. Elmer, Miss Maud AjiiS? ritai^-fti^ nue. ^;^l$^^ miba l^lJ^ ind Aan» Witt at ttM&rraiil^ Mr. aad Mr*. Georgfe Miiiiii **iiiwi^w?iM ?$!&%A:;a^ science ir'-Oif'-K^'V^'S^'M^W.1 nua,wt^en^&ijhe,Fl**^ ft^dwd^ trtd^^r he* lioxtt* ^ ^a^rWi Oflfr a^ 1^ ^ ^rttr «t«r tttt; be* ,jM^#JM^VSJ#4jM*aw^Yaar ,......^,«fi^^ ltwioHsi!^ '. • • .,;#*fe*^■;,-.-^^■■«$>£- J}^.^Xjfatf^'jj^ wood^avenue,on Tuesday, fune :ali4hetiij^ eliifc :;©*; m^^lii *• d^t ^ ajid a: todfte|* ...™,iWi? ?"is*"••J': ' ' $$^&^^ 1 be *t homfr^ter^J^ !iw;tfliL.":'|i' Mi L&UtlK - ilPi :;V- ;'^fy*M » 1&W3 FLOtitN ffllffij!^^ Sp^H*inn*r- TlHr PRCSnViti»KS^-Mai SOAF 50 barj _ Thjftl """Iftoni" giV€ . « • • • « » » •; Sara Brfltn^ftr fatter Wafersi ^-|^ fli^* f1**..... will W^en^«ti^e4^^|ny^roji "to ^Dta^^ttr «H^«or ^»-fto 1 handsome etched, glaaa water tttmbtera to match, r_ atreiilctlit "Qt#♦■•"#*«;»:»•■»•.>•«•.••"•^io itrengtk: jpt^v.;..>.•.;.'.i«4gi -••:A':-- lb. pkg. . i-^i",-.,. j**'-. • . •••■./• •'w' ^sptowW^^ ' ^WtaliRr^^to -auaiitj^i.;^. <v-*s$j$&! *■* • • * • *4Zc CW^iiR^^C^ Gan..^o J flAM - .'>.j'"^;'^»l ' '. ^ 1'1«'.."^W . a •r.<iVa «.^ft.k r«.ft^' (.1 *^aSS?vS^ Ffe^Utt and Boi^^Of. 3$«|** r«^6loV <^^,f^^;?^ -^WW 21»'Ninth ■tr^:^;?^ lani)heofi in honor of h^r lltter^l^ alumnae of Wll»oniM)UHt«(^ £giggl^ ||eni^l|||ft;;s i'N'd:-!^ ^ ;#^:^^^:]&;lei| :^Lli£i;Li;;:i'.«*iji.:',,v - " -•■u- liw; returned ; Hi:. Droegmueiler, 920 Greenwood ayeniie, Wllmettei is aerioualy HI at nit home ^ith typhoid fever. _ He la auditor of the rlrat National hank of .OW««i«fe^>.'•.--'; .;.'>;> ■■■..^.•■■<:,V.-:■■•.-;.; M^LToyd^^H^ Sapp leave Saturday for Mnnaey, Pa„ for; the iucimer. Before returning ^ey:-"wlir-i»i^'Atiaa*io "Citr-lo^'i Mr v and Hrs^ Le« Btagll^ ap^^ . Greenwood atfen^^ i*P*i- ttl Hatch'* »tst«r while 31 f;f;il^^|*r^iil|' ^y^ker. of Little Rock, Ark.rX <Jel««*t* to tne national re- publican convention, spent the week- end with his nephew, Mr. Lyman M. Drake, 938 Lake avenue, •"■•^v v , -Mr; and Mrs. F. A. Buck, 1215 Lake '0$n^jea&e* Monday, June 24, .Montezuma, la., to be present at the wedding of Mrs, Buck'a brother, Mr. A number of - WUmette ladlee a^ lendfd^ii" reception ^ri|i -by^tiie Daughteri of the American Bevolu- j «on 1n honor of- Flag day, June 14. Among the party were Mr». George Barry, Mrs. B. L. FftErandolpu, Ufa. H. B. Judd, Mrs. Louis J. Pierson, Mrs. Charlei J. I^lndel, -Mrs. Willard n: Thayer and Mrs. F. L. *JW3T^--^-: Mr. and ItriKV&M* iii» I>rake and sona, Keith and IM>bert T^clw of 93a. Lake avenue, left Tuesday morning for New York, where they will be Joined by Lyman M. Prake, Jr., and MUs Marion H. Drake, who jleft Wilmette last Saturday. They wiu sail ioi Thursday, June go, tla the Cunard line on the steamer Pan- honU for Naples, find will visit Italy, Swiuerland, Germany, France and England, and expect to return to Wll- niette^ Sept. k^^^K 7l-r •>":■".." ^. — Mrs. E. Jackson C^sse, 683 Forest avenue, baa neen-appolnted chairman of the Arden Shore assodfitlon (for- merly Gads Hill association) for Wll- mete for the coming year. She will be assisted by Mrs. E. B, Rathbone, Mrs. S. B. Potter, ^rs. Frank Brown, MSlP! ^aiEdwv k|*. Clarence Puhlman, MVs. Charles Beese, Mrs. George Schrader, Mrs. Louis Clark, Mrs. George Bird.' Each town will work Independently and the money will be raised by subscription In Wll- WJl meetings In the* Interest of Ravinla Park was held at the* home of Mr, C. P. Van Schaack, UiU&dea mue^ Wednesday last. A large dumber of ladle* attended and were addressed by, Mrs. MoMulled of High- land PaTk. The/address was very 1% terestingv and ably #ren. Many im- provementaln Ravinla Parkliave been decided upon, some having already freeh made. Mra. C\ Van Schaaok ■. corn♦r^;•l)^a*^;^^»l^^ Eleventh «tt^..:-^?.^::M.i^l^ pastor. Services: ^.Snpiay:';':m^^^9: 4^;*.m.^nbllc^wojrB^ conwnonwealtb elass, 12 ^^%i^0^^^ servicers pi m.; young:.^irtl^p^ infc iii& >Jm. Ladles' society me^ttug on the second Friday of 'each.'m^iittt"" " Preabyterlan Church. .r,t..,,^.^mm Woman's ;vCluT-^Wng^^Sap^g ^street. an^^reenleatv|W«*^:3Bli^ James Jferquis Wilson, mlntater^ Sun^||^ day Bible'.' school, 9:45 0^0^0^^m worship and^'^^^^K^i^iM^ njeeti^>at:\the:' hojue^bf ,meni|be|ijfei'i^p pt':m^ 'Stratigera and }0^r*-"Wfl&af#l^ a church home^0«^,iKel«o|Ue^ :":SzX$lfti was elected Chairman ofTthe commlt- ^ e> It jr»j decided that Friday Jhonld be Wllmette day. pelr ,i«gular mon^ oft:&t *hore of Lake Michigan, opposite Ravmla, Sunday. JQ^tr» nun^ei* of Wttmette and C^cago'membWs were Mra. M. Garttsen and V A4fiald, J^aartoa; Mis* V.f ■ "W'j^,*f^' if*!*7!"<■" '-i^.Vi.r* r^F'!^\^^"-"'^'a^'ip^%;l .t;.'*;l5?!ps*i g^pj||no^^|^^^ |^"lN^e£^^ ■!■! :day,;aei^cM;* niiio^^ '^ lup^ili1^ ,.....................,..,., k Rev.; H. ^:^j^:;;iect>^ ;:;;| munion, isfa'jiti'lifc-l($fe?^^ ll month, 11 a. m);^ornin*prayetVti^ .......iSS&..... av to.; evening •prayet^ Sunday school, 9:46 a~ .,.. ,,..^^ww, ■' • Te^th ,,street-;^"C^ht^ 'Serjrtcesi-rt9un^;;i0:tis,: '^p&W ichooi7»:45 a. m. FJrat reader,^i^^ don B. Chile, i8lilka|3ak| ar^fif second reader; Miss Lillian N. Ftret Methodist. til Lake and WfipWa^:««jjiMla^lvpi»; ^ L. L. Hammltt, pastor. ::i8erTlosfi|g|| Sabbath achool^ i:$<| a, m,; public gm worship, 10:46 a. m.; vesper wmwis^/fm & p. in.; yoin^^eoj§^iji»f*tIiii^ p. jm. ' Oi^lal *oifld meeting, first ... v'.yl " -""£,..5? month., mm,m.r$i.3m.> &wm-*l0$ meeting the second-Thursday of each montt Tuesday' of eaclt montJn,. ■ Ladisi* ^ ciety meets first Tusaday of eaeh 1 J^l Grecnlcaf Avenue iJiBititiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiif

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