-*vi _. Situations Waata«\ ForSala, Lost, and Found, Rat*, fcoonss Wanted art MisctUanaoiia, 5 cents aach insartio*; lUal Eatata for Sale, Wanted, or Hoosas for Sale* For Rent or Exchange, t% _* fis* aaab iasartiofc, feat no advertisement, will be lass tkait 15 cants if paid In advance, or for lew than „ tfcfcargad. Ada for Insertion in any week's issue ,„ roach the News office, 536 Davis Street,, Telephone rtfc later than noon on Tuesday. twumft w- M g^&laje£ K5XKBBPBR compe- REAL ESTATE -FURNI8H&D hth toy windoi f, |4 per^ house* aJP%,JI7' Fith hot water, r$$ per week. 3189-M vis-et, Phone ltc }R nmV-iONK FRONT ROOM I, one front room down ifctfrs; pleaaS^j location fine. lSS^Drrlng* ton-av.'^V, ^>^ * Itp I>e held*on 1913, or as Sfei.....,..... business of ^ .$$&§> j^l) permit All person* de»irtog ^ay |J1* obieo- tlons in said Court before said day, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. * .'"'"*'"'.:/'^ Said ordinance provides for the ililiili coll mm wi -"'JW^Wl-" FOR Chi DTUSSHOWVOV' -st, 5-room house, lot 33x100; ise in fine condition:**terms; ,400. 720 i™a* j,. GIRL FOR, ofiftwo teri adults- Phone ltc i*>! ASSIST >nel99. ltc Ifax-sW new 171; large $4,5 North fSvanstdn-VNe bungalow; hot! water woo J throughout; S5,000. mmouse, lot 50x ingLaom; snap; >m stucco hard- location; FOR RENT -^aiKJJ^ FURNISHED room for one^KL two gentlemen. 1401 snmwotc&v., nnax Dempster-at. station. jF ^W. It* -TWO PLEASA1 Fooms, Wilmette. FO^ fcENT — 718 ttSHBD k Wilmette. ltc U8 BUILO FOR YOU ON TERM8. >NB LARGE room with FOR RENT, LARGBI LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS M lip rM$»% """" ■' mm WISHES care fo i; referen^aY 2100 i*.. Phone tS0r Up )VERNBSST teach ^aiidKg French and 110, Bvaneton __________ltp #ANi'M>-^|LWHITE td do cooking or anyHond of Address D 182, - :;:> '■' ■ ■' ItP >LORJBD work; R. Ho- lt, ttf McCALLUM <Sb CLARK [E Sherman-av., Opp. City Hall. ltc FOR Si BARGAIN IN VACANT, and Custer-av., also War- it and Sherman-av., Main-st., $20 per foo Maple-av., netr jfee-sr., %j§ Qfisjroot ABbury-ac, FOR RpTT—NICE COOL, fumiined rooinajs^fcxcella board. 2019 OryngtooL Phone WANTEII-TO Bttlf m ;'&!>.!& ¥t$*."\4 WNem Scfn WAtta^gSIDENCE EAST OF cagcy-avToS^^a^JJavia^rtrtreen ^leaf-sts.; muB^pJaflHHiiJa^u^ash. Addr&a^fttffuTBranBton News. sasasHOBaiisanBBnqaBaae «r Mbe-st, $4i pepaTc _____$18 Jer too&0^ 139 N. Clark-fit., Phone Central 4293. Residence Phone 3934. tf FOR 141#?bempste 1629 Asbury CHAS. Phone 203. !NT—THESE CHOICE BRICK 8 roogfc........$45 refrnsj....... 75 'MAN, 1606 Chicago-av. lto ?AY $20,000 to $30,000 casl ASSORTMENT OF I taken in trade* on our Grand Richtatete Etonoa Wilmette »y«r. in lying US--. ■' .....$ 35 .....^ 45 ebo^^....... 46 ogany ......;... 75 mahogany.....115 itmry* mahogany. 160 walnut ............. 175 PATTERSON BROS., 1622 Sherman-aT., Block South of Theater. WAGON lake iton News. ton, Lddreas WAWED-TO with iwri7 LI JT — THURSDAY MORNING, brown purse in' Milwa>tKee ElecfHa station or on '8:15/<»r on Milwauke^Electric roady^eward. Phone Evanllan 854. JT ltp \M FOR OLD IMPROVED choice Yacan^Jp** feet iwest An# Malnfand Mlchi- 370xm^a^Ves\ front on idge, trov^pdn to washington- sts. Scheunn|bn» 8oAsflchigan-aT,« Phone gaf. tf LOST—AT ELMWtgD-AV., WIL- mette and beach^Tlrtleftboy's velo- cipede, Saturd/yT It is^ntagt new; red, paddeMeai; Field makejJEle- ward. Jlitlfy A. B. Marvin, ElmwoW-av., Wilmette, Phone Wil menrjio. itp LOSl^ON KEDZIE-ST. BETWEEN ridan-igarindJW^ated station, >!d wat^smraW"^ TyB.,» re- ward. 73*WnV*taaJdABtfone 1154. AT A* OF '■ '■ ..' .%,-■' ' "v?r^"^"V'* ;":^,T' ■' Phone 354 631 DAVIS STlilET "%M •+t/W* *^^ttS»«*«w«cai>»a^^ ltc AND cheap. I017 Ai Il-2tp IESSAND 811 >N] &tim >r, table, w$f Phone ^574-L. LEDROOM bed, ltp new, ['BJpSBLE, l/uTaellat kLake-av., ltc FLOR1 Maniuette Phones: Ran. 5: FOR house, from Monroe-si^ $900. HJ at, Phone. -BY OWWER, SEVEN- iace heat, large at- 1% blocks ived 1*- QUICK RESULT The entire furnishings, l!s A No. 1 condition, house. Leaf rll can \. £%^\ >*wj .Ted. Address News. OOSi fto* tilea, eVltaWe ?for. LCheap BUO.D- idation; taken this ltp FOl terms. PCOl ., 40xl40> Madison- ONl >^%rM^- alaonew bpLapringB LADIES' Bl- and mat- Wilmette 1^> 10. Mason A ; a Teal a high With music RENT—DURING JULY six-room house In m woods; reasonably? no children^ Address X Z, Laja> Shore News. ^. ^^ up FOR RENT—W^NETJaVToN LAKE, tweJve-room hoosje^smdern improve- ments, steam haatfe^o baths; large acreened poroaa^ attractive grounds, convenlen^R station, ^pr further particuisii Phone W CAMP GOOD WILL CAN camp furniture, lawn swii carriages, one «#J^aV> old1 a^Bra, i ^ Telepl CfAPIN Evan iton y IT baby sfriger- 30-4 tc Agfa Si%JV[x*^! CASH yPAID FOR SECOND-HAND and ovgooat* jajHBSon Pant. urn. n&eeissT tf YOI th© moat Evsnston PantatoHum. BY LOi On Evanston 1180 tCEPTION- lln na< in for k$260. ra* 1. fi. Lvtber-s storage V*e~ 1S1S Sberman-av., Terms if desired. ■ApwtS. FOl riSHED September, ltc FOR tor ^JBPEeiAI^ ASSESSMENT NOTICR Notice is hereby given to all per- sons interested that tie City CouncU of the City of Branston having tite pipe ie Street, in from the cen [Road wasterly ' weat l«e Of f^-. ro- *££ ordered that a sower be .the City line a line of for the ontco of tho and the said Nothing ptoves ttm ® of Electric Ught mi countless decorative Lamps have been ci^mied to answer every artia» mm suselw reqiiirement of the mdAffi^hcmi^ Pi^no lamps, rjaU lanterriaf floGt- standards and couch brack- ets ar4J»a/^ few suggestions from ari immense ^io^ing erf Elwtric Lamps at Bstebjp-"'.^ of Exclusive Design for summer use arc tte and pc^h Jarnps VHth Cfe- :*m. the light only where it-is In additaoq, "^sfw^stassvaVa^Nsa^BSBaa" tog m*m» to the havtng ajpipUad to .-*^? ".**. -*-! gsi: |i«^?'^^B^K ^|^%*-* i;MI»ySsJ s^j&iifaa^ iilBMaBS^IlBg'g^BS^i-'