Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jun 1912, p. 12

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MM... M M M i ..MM tim*W$&W8&$&?*& Because of the good work done by empleymeat bureau of the Col ^#i^;^^Qen*ral depart- Bvanston has found it neces- take up the work for the the university many inquiries it the Central ng by both men men wanting branch1 has have been department's looking for reliable em- it the* college year the ty T, M. 0. A. operates an i^btoreatL: LitUe doea the MPjljfthe good this depart- to securing work for i«n ■ who are' working their ___ is have' the bureau sys- :and it is very seldom that man really wanting work mgUpTtal^ to the col- M|e branch of the association. Dur- Mlss Carrie Herdman returned last week from the University of Illinois. Mrs. Gilbert Serlbner gave a chil- dren's party for her 5-year-old son last Saturday. Miss Bernita Burns of Elkhart, Ind., is the guest of Miss Gertrude Thurston. Mrs. B. E. Adams left for Olney, 111., where she was called on account of her mother's death. Miss Blanche Meyer baa returned from . Vassar, having finished her third ^ear at college. Miss Beatrice Ostrom is home from R'ockford college, having finished her second year's studies. Mrs. James G. Wteart, 278 Linden street, left on Thursday to. spend a few days in Kenqsha, Wis. - During.June, iuly and August,"Mr. M. K. Meyer's store will close at 6:30 on Saturday evenings. Mrs. Jff. E. Adams returned to Win- netka Friday from Olney, 111., where she was called to attend her mother's funeral. » Mr. and Mrs. Casey Wood and their niece, Miss Marjorle Fyffe, -have opened their home, 1142 Maple street, for the summer. •'inirv i '• "iaim.....• ±ss Mrs. Richard Miller of Ridge, ave- nue and Mrs. W. a Bishop went to Kemper hall, Kenosha, Wis* Tuesday, to spend the week. ,-. ■<-,£■ Mr. Victor L. Cunningham is suffer- ing from a nervous breakdown brought on by overwork, and he is spending several weeks away from his office to recuperate. Miss Edith Beach, who underwent the operation of having her tonsils ret moved at St Luke's hospital last Mon- day,! has'returned home and is now doing nicely. CHURCH NOTICES. Christ Episcopal Church. Rev. Frederick O. Budtong, rector. The church is on Sheridan road, at Humboldt avenue. The nectary, par- ish house and chapel are at Linden and Oak -streets. The holy com- munion is celebrated in the chapel at 7:30 a. m. every Sunday except the first Sunday in the month, when the service is held in the church. Sun- day school at 9:45 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon in the church Sun- days at 11 a. m. Holy communion on the first Sunday of the month. Week day services as announced. WINNETKA WOMAN MARRIED SATURDAY mg last year scores of young men first-class positions which :;,•. t%ejr. could fill »M ei the; same time nj? ia their studies. { f ' Cottons Aranch Closed. |TJ§8' college ; branch closed some ^^IpAv-lsjge) and 'naturally the employ- ,^^^-Su«s^-vW^s- dene away "'With for the summer months.; Young men and employers, who had been in the Of applying to the college de- it when securing1 ai j»osltion fff employes we^ at a loss when they learned the burewlwouid not reopen next fall '*'"-**<^.,:., Br Inquiries were made at the Central branch. At first the officials at-the Orrihgton avenue building told the inquirers that there would be no h^irenn until next fall. The calls for |:|»Ip became so 'numerous that 'the ofiloials decided they could do a ; gf^t good by establishing an employ- ;'\^( meni. bureau, i; A card index system will be kept / of all those banding their names and ' addresses to the association. Two be kept, one to care for men looking for positions and the for employers looking for de- help. ; No Charge for Service. i^l^xspre will be no charge for this "f|psri|fc Indthe co-operation of all V^homight be intsrested will be great- jf. *"..... ...<■-.. ■ i'-i. Miss Marion Butler, daughter of Mrs. Hermon B. Butler of Winnetka, was married to Claude Jewell Peck Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock In Christ Bpiacbpal church, Winnetka, Very Rev. Frank Du Moulin, dean of the Episcopal cathedral, at Cleveland, assisted by Rev. Frederick M- Bud- iong, rector of Christ church, read the service. Miss May Peabody,- cousin of the bride, was maid of honor, and the bridesmaids were Miss Liela Ifough- teling, Miss Nora Butler, the Misses Marion anrf Margaret Meigs of high School, Pottstown, Pa.; Miss Deborah Hunter of Fargo, N. D.; Miss Ade- laide Chatfleld-Taylor, Mies- Louise Waller, Miss Marion Curtiss, MisS Olive Farwell and Miss Marian Far- well. Hubert S. Peck, brother of the bridegroom, was best man, and the ushers were William P. Snyder, Jr., of Pittsburgh, William P. Witherow of Pittsburgh and Frank WV Hamilton of New York city. Stuyvesant But- ler, the small brother of the bride, served as page and carried her train. \ The bride's gown was of white, satin, with~full court train, with bod- ice of old point lace. She carried a shower of lilies of the valley. The maid of honor wore yellow chiffon over yellow satin with a hat of cream lace trimmed with yellow ribbon and carried yellow roses. The PROMINENT WINNETKA MAN DROPPED DEAD Mr. M. R. Kultchar, a prominent resident of Winnetka, died very sud- denly Tuesday noon while in his of- fice- of heart trouble. Mr. Kultchar had been a resident of Winnetka for more than twenty years. He was president of the Independent Button and Machine company, 3940 Bast.Ra.- venswood park. He went to work in the morning apparently well. Mr. Kultchar lived at 673 Prospect avenue, Winnetka., He was always prominent in those affairs which were for the welfare of the village in which he lived. Hit loss will bv greatly felt by the residents of Winnetka. Mrs. •Kultchar and three sons and one daughter—Eugene, Frank W., William and Etta—survive him. t We arc prepares! to extend our utotl truick iy oi the followmj ing during toe so Country Club Extiioor Club OlenviewGol Onwentsia Skoki* Club WILMETTE MEN IN MOVING PICTURE Adjacent Lake u As Your Nearest ess Office : ar We also receive and ship to\ll poifits m the Unhed Statetrfhring tame service « joy get in the city. maids wore white chiffon over white ^ ^_ .satin with sashes and girdles of dif- appreciated by the Y. M. ^At^entxolors--two pink, two blue, two green, two lavender and two yellow. Should any Wilmette person step into ai moving picture theater in Chi- cago and, on gazing at the screen, be- lieve they saw the Wilmette fire de- partment in the role of moving pic- ture actrrs, they would be right in their guess. Tuesday a Chicago moving picture concern went to Wilmette to take a brides-J Picture of a burning house. An old who will do everything pos- to put those desiring help in reliable men. ijMwuN of ^the treat work done the college branch of the associa- te* the offlciala at the Central de- partment liave decided not to oper- ate their btirean after tiie university in the fan. It Is thought be- -of~4hof frnmp department.and also becauee |tf t*e standing the tutsan has among best business men, it would do good to run both bureaus. house on Isabella street, near Twelfth street, was used as a background, and the local fire department served as fire fighters. They carried white sweet peas tied' Joseph Steiner, Charles Brautigam, with bows and streamers to match the shade of their sashes and the rib- bons on their hats. The ceremony was followed by ft small dinner dance for the bridal party sat Hilhise, the home of the bride** mother. Mr. and Mrs. Feck Will be at home after Sept 1 at IXtt Seventieth street, Cleveland, O. George Nighthaber, Jacob smith, Roy Henderson and Whiter the Wilmette men In the picture and shav^ taken quite a fancy to perform- ing before the motion picture ma- chine. iioaafly NIW COACH. H. Grady, who has been se- the track and basket- of Northwestern eniver- from A!nm coinage ef "^sl)^-'--Jsr^w^ ej's^BBj^pe^Bmjnwnsjjg^ . ^HsbT * .^sjsjvsWs^s^eigs^a • - - nej^ypjgjpa^^ to looUns after the Pur- WINNETKA CUBS WIN The name* of mittee'organized to support the pxo> s^stm of Ravinia park this sammer are Mesdanxss Benjamin Carpenter, A. ,F. Callahan, Ftorence C^pron, Wfc wislv Fechhefmer,' Frank B. Waller, Hunt, Phelps Hoyt, Hoyt, Chajlea HnblmrC Joim Hardin, W. ^. Bamm, John Jamieson, W. at. Tlkyraa, fta Cabell Weoi, A large crowd of enthnsiastle base- hell fans aaw the Winneika Cute dWa » CWcago Devotes 8i»day aftera inarkirf wt^ fas^ fleMing by members of both teams and was one of the best m Winnetka this year. The Wlnaetka bail toasers are start- ing oat la whirlwind fashloa and if they keep up their present pace they Oe^ Of she six hainea played so ^^^ team aas been retaraed Tte-

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