Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jun 1912, 2, p. 15

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SSs*^^ !#t- ^^^^^^^^^H^^^te ito' aj^dilne^fu^l^^ mm., !«»**£$^M*1g0t&i&& id. a, forntewuf;J^^iili^i |t^ inn*' to i«NMtf|piK^ •jriinster,: Ati&m fflm$ffii(^&f$< !Mat*aaiW*Vl*$^^ tvijcIj^^ ^tu^V to offloUU *t J^ hurt* ^^'idrite^ HA. 4»<ftitt*Md HcKUiop ot* Globe, <of 'St. ^b^^::|^iii^^pifl^.if '::Jj§| and tot..!«.:'^*y>iev^^.^Anbu*^ .avenue, for ~eV:$elr;^*e$«|^5*^'" ^tf* Mr. Ira Boienberg. 1812 Shennan te venue, has return^ ^*i the Univer- sity of Cincinnati for Slhe aummer. He was gradual |l#g ^ear from that in 8titutiott»btft win return in the fall to take poi*^|ppwlnate work. :..â- â-  Mis. HjWrft^^oAr^ Ridge avenue, entertained, ;?â-  Friday emadlng, at dinner in honor of sanU Mm, '0^^ ^3h^?n>a^^ /Augeies^opiff^^ ihis^ow (Corers were "laid for eight. â- â- â- â€¢â- â-  ..x;/<^ "Mrs. Ella H. Gallup, 936 Hte tavenue, and Mrs. IP. L. McKinnie, 502 LLee street, have gone to spend two a weeks 4tFrW^%l^vi^-'-',^»^',Wlrt i probably stop at Indianapolis a few! tiiays before returning home. ",'.. I Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Stephens; formerly, of 805 Davis street, now re- siding at 7884-^H^:.Jmnnie;"1l0C9n Park, and Mr. and Mt%. Christ Muno, 108 Ridge avenwe, todk 'thefr machine with them this eaofhfiig oh the boat ? to Michigan, wfcete *ftfcy wiU spend ssome t&nsv . '." ,., .."-" >v • Miss Glwrtu tTalliip, known in the (theatrical wortd as Mrs. Percy Pick- :re^3i||i *** ^ '*afd in Full,*' nlW* for two season in north- ittfl %0utherh states, is spend- nw summer vacation at home, Mnth her sndtheY, Mrs. Ella H. Oallup, w l Avenue. Mr. *»& $frs. Henry Parke Lowell ♦of Des Moines, Iowa, are stopping with iHorace (G. Smith, 72& Clark street, 'during'Commencement. Mr. and Mrs. ! Lowell were married two weeks ago .-and m,te on their way home from their honeymoon. Both are graduates of Southwestern university, * TMr. an* Mrs. F. S. Motte, 704 Oak- (ton street, announce the marriage of 'their daughter, Nellie, to .Mr. jBlar* •ence G. Lindemann, 928 Diversey boulevaTd, Chicago, which ioo^Trtaoer on Wednesday, June 5. Mr. and Mrs. Lindem^QarwUl^pe at-home after July 8 at 928 ^yersey boulevard, Chicago. A dj|i§ipi^ en m|l^^;-{lfi»^:|pN^v'fi^. by tb^ P*i^tt an4 T«*oa* tion for the graduates of the eighth grade* their friends and parents. The hours were from 8 o'clock to 10:30; Piano and drum jausic was furnished for the dancing. Lemonade was served. •. ;-* ; ' -""v^-VA- • ?: â- â€¢' The Misses Eleanor and Elizabeth Pooley, 1434 Chicago avenue, have re- turned home for the summer. Miss Eleanor Pooley has had charge of the history department in Galaway col- lege at Searcy, Ark., and Miss Eliza- beth has been studying in the art department at the aame college* Mr. Orrin Sanford Peabody, who was married Wednesday at Highland Park to Miss Lolita Parliament, made his home, for nine years at Mrs. Ida Ught^^^^mf^r street,.^Mrs; Llghtcap. Misa LotUe BraaU, 413 Rinn street; Miss Alma Hanson, 2404 Harrison street; Mias Ella Harmon, 722 Foster street; Miss Rhoda Earle, 622 Davis street; Hessrs. Lynn Lewis, Russell Nye, 722 Foster atreet, and E. J. Evans, J«l| Hiiwiau avenue,* at- tended: ti|e%|ie The engagement of MiBs Edith A. Lundln. dftmartMT of Mr. and Mr». Wpreaent the Nostfcweatern nniW- «ty at the inauguration of President k B. C«0g of the Morningside i»l- .Jjjjjsj^ ....,.,., _, avenue, entertained at dinner 8atur* day night the Dancing club of the ' « member. CovWa were placed for twenty-four. The olnb has been hold- ing' meetings ;â- â-  :ey$ry/' :K t*o-:v;' weifcf Freda Gross, 1100 Ridge avenue* *a- tertalned their dancing chjb at this, ent Refreshmento : were ^ served early and the children left at the usual hour of ' #;S&^"-:;.>; }'-'.*_ â-  Mrs. Jotin J. Harris, 947 Blmwood f avenue,titter i»-l^lr^day7 p^rftr. to her little daughter, Rtoth, Thursday. Each year Mrs. Harris gives her daughter a birthday natty, inviting a* many the cake were ei^ht pink candles and from the chandelier suspended pink which wire ^aiuched the favors. , i]4jmk'::^i^y^JUiodericJc Bwr^ hie Mary Agnes Leaf, has been the re- cipient of several social functions Jve^T(Bcej^t in lier honor. A going- away shower was given her by the Misses Frances and Gertrude Blade ^-^i«i^:'-'..,n»* Young Ladies' club, of which the bride was a mem- ber, gave her a handkerchief shower at the home of Mrs. John Dalton of Wilmette, and last Thursday Miss Esther Johnson, ioiff ^ Greenleaf Btreet1, gave a farewell party in h>r honor, -c.' ', .„. the alumnae of Central school en- tertained at a reception, Friday even- iagjit .^'â- 3siBsi^j«Bwir-": â- <^;i^isiBi«Bi'^""*»««t- There was a deUghtful program «*- ranged for the evening. Miss Mary Canfleld accompanied Miss Edna Pal- mer and also Mr. Maurice Leigh, who .,.IStli"W^ Louise B school a^t tni 0*i fa -t^MM Mi Ky. lavS- p|*| % 'iMti & i sang several aelecttone. The history of the school to the preaent tln>$ waa recordedt by Mr* Fred V0aa Beside members of the alumnae, there word present the pupils of the school"4 and their parents. It la planned to continue these meetings' next year. i; Mrs. Thomas Russumf 806 Colfax street* gave a beautiful and unique luncheoh Saturday at 12 o'clock in honor of Miss Barbara Young'of Chi- cago, who will be married June_25 to m; P%Bire"XK fleach al^|t-^>ter,sl church In Chicago. Miss Young U very active in unlvereity circles^ She is a member of Alpha Phi and Chi Omega sororiUes and of the North End clip. The table was set in the «asoci*. I gcreened-ln front porch, f the floweTS and green lawn forming[;JMt artistic setting for the interior. In the center of the table a cut glass vase, filled with Klllarney roses, was nested in an oblong bank of swansonia, sweet peas and rosea. Peeping from' beneath these were the twenty-four pink rib- bons stretched to the places of the guests, while beside the guest of hon- or, the bride-to-be, at the right of Mrs? Russum, was a large pink satin rib- bon bow on it. Cinderella slippers with gold birds^ perched 1thweon and the gold rings with china birds keep- ing vigiL -Favors emblematic of mar- riage, adorned the place cards. As- sisting Mrs. Russum were her aunt, Mrs. Gertrude U*rris and Miss Vera O'Neill/ matter luncheon cards were- played, the tally curds being decorate ed with a small portrait of the bride- to-be. At Ro^clock, the guest ^f honor was kidnapped, carried up-stalrs and togged to suit the humorous moods, of her captors. Mrs. Russum donned a cap and gown and performed the ^«Boj^.LS%e toldj^oxmi took the fows in Vfc Russum's dresa L. Duncaii of ChifiagQrWaa announced sister o^ Mr. Dito^ak Mtaa Lnndln and M^ ^un^ai'-^^^m€m Northwestern chap«e> of Phi Beta Phi bera suit The guests jrere the Misses Hel en" Barringer, Marie Bryam, Elisabeth Sanfrie Lhndin of «»teago, to Burton ___________ Mutton, Ethel Henderson, Ruth Hen- entertain-lderson. Gladys Mars, Edna Throne. FranclBs T^im«^ Js^o^ Edna. Loomls, Corolla Lukins, Made- line Bhtfr* Dapbtne Breoii, Frances Roilena, Viola Jordan, Esther. Fry, Florence Stevenson, Mousie Logan, â- \3PSj* â- -_., :r«et, have gone to to* |eka;,:;|i^i^*" 'â- . 'â- ' â- ' '"â- ""'" V",; 'â- "'â- ,; i â- ""' "'£i *'•'"' '^'>*j*,'X?^!j^..';' Mieh., where she will be ttie guest p The first annual stag of the Royal Arcanum will be given at the I. O. O, F. hall tonight to members and their friends. ." . â- ,,. ,f :â- ; ^,,'^:- Judge Charles Bishop Campbell Of Kankakee IS In the^ elty for conv* meneement and is stopping at 16W ;OrMg^;'::av€«u«*^^-fe^;.^ ^A-- Mre. R. S. Lyon, 1705 Ridge nue, is entertaining her daughter, Mr* E. R. Fancher of Cleveland, O;, ^oi^a ,i*veridv; weeky^lslt.-- |. Mrs. Augusta Rhinehart, who speifc th^^jsatrslx^i^^ -#; Lyon,, 1105 Ridge avenue, has r^| turned home to^ Dexter, Mich. S The Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary society of St. Paul's EJng- lish Lutheran church met yesterday at 2:30 o'clock at the church, Mr. Wood Turner, son of Mr.. awl Mrs. W. M. Turner, JU$« |»lin>ood avenue, will return home about June 15 for his summer vacation from Cor- nell university. "^ '" â- - -| Mrs. Thomas Russum, 806 Colfax street, entertained at luncheon Tues- day the Westminster guild of the Presbyterian church of Edgewater, of which she is ex-president. Mr. Henry B. Bock of Ohio We£ leyan university at Delaware, O^ will spend his summer vacation in this city and will h# located at'Miss McLennan's, 2040 Sherman avenue. The regular meeting of the Wom- an's Home end Foreign Missionary societies of Emmanuel church will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock in the home of Mrs. L. C. Pitner, 1106, Davfe atreet. Mrs. Frank Schuett and children returned Friday from West Bend, Wis., where they weiat to attend the wedding of Mrs. Schuett's sister, Marie Voight, to Mr. Leander Wilke. Mr-, and Mrs. Wilke will make their home in West Bend. The family of Mr. OUyer Wilson, 222 Lake street, have gone to Mack- inac Island, Mioh., for the suTHmer. Mr. Morris K. Wilson accompanied them. Mr. Wilson will join his family about the 1st of July and spend the remainder of the-«ummer with them. i Because of the disturbed conditions now existini ih Mexico, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Furiiess and family have come to this city to make their home. They came from Guadalahara, Mex., where Mr. Furness owns a large ranch and hotel, besides being inter- ested in several mines. The James J. Barbour property lo- cated at the corner of Sherman ave- nue and Seward street, has been re^ leased by Mr. W. B. Pettit for two years. Mr. Pettit has been ill, but is rapidly convalescing and it is hoped will make a permanent recov- ery. Mr. and Mrs. Pettit will go east for their summer-outing to visit relatives. The marriage of Miss Mary Agnes Leaf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An- drew A. Leaf» 1103 Oak avenue; to Mr. Percy Rhoderick Burton of Lon- don, Bug., was sotonnteed by the Rev. Qrvls PV Iordan at the Chrla- tlan church, Saturday evening; Only Immediate relatives ^wei* ,r present. The bride wojg|i* gotTn of jwhite silk mar^uisette*o>er cream satin, a tulle veir caught in place hy orange hlos- soms, and carried a shower bouquet of white sweet peas end lilies of Ifce valley. "The- weddini^^anirchrr*im. played by Mr»: WeUiagton Cobb and during the ceremony she played "O Promise Me." A small reception fol- lowed at the bride's parents* home, at which her sisters, the Misses Lil- lian, Violet and Fern, furnished the music ^fter ^^ewSZSSJ^^fflh' * Burton S--S#^bS» at 1M Harker iii^^m^m^'^ are Missourians, iomC;; ^>tJ" ^ front €WhiX^.#? $&3'â„¢:k:- ,*&®nMâ„¢>., fitise5idi^e-Siio^ varsity of HUnoia on- Monday. She attended the annual senior ball given there last evening in the armory^ at which there were 300 couples present t ton Ws hcrme all his life, will leave to- morrow tor Maine. In the fall he $$$iuwfmoutb ceMege in ]S^»|f|iv: i&W^ fee lliarents^m â- htahr'&;iWrott/ He %as & m^m|lr of thi8 year's graduating class at Ev- anston academy. l:^',i: â- ..â- â- *J£, '-Ar< Miss. Jane Fanning, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Fanning, 123$ Hinman avenue, will return Thursday irjoin Wellesley, Mass., where «he and her two- sisterj^ Misses Catharine ahd0fo abeth, are attending Wellesley coHege. Miss Catharine and Miss Elizabeth will arrive #om« time next week^ ^^â-  ^^fh^^Se|iator from ^^liIlois,', if or-5 '^i^i^^wa^^p>^^ Mtmda)r night by the Dramatic club of Norths w^ts^jttnivwstty in thejymnasiu A sophomore of the university, Roy Kittle, is the author of the play. It was given under the direction of Miss Julia Beth Farrell of the university. The summer quarterly meeting of the Woman's Presbyterlal society of Home and Foreign Missions will be held in the Lake Forest Presbyterian church this morning at 10:30 o'clock. Messages and reports will occupy the morning, session and an, address in the afternoon. The Lake Forest Church jnaKea__a special feature at the luncheon at which all the attend- ants are invited to be gues m^m nviini'iin iilliiiiiiiiiiiliiH H: Price ad fleor, tlPiivta#WBWWg^t^i hoqm.».i»d»iJr. t^«..Th«» a ao.•«*.«-•« r' WHAT HE TOOK. A back seat was the best they bad; But with a grunt Our hero turned it down, got mad, And took affront. SpeclaMiVflfreftrt and TrtaU Appoint- rmenU fju0he convMg0Kre of ____Jsri. HEN*I DELKBECQUE 1577 ::: Imm r MlftiUlIt lle|xtrl^i ^ ^allaansws WEIMESCHKIRdB 708M«InSt. T.I.IM* Lake Shore Help Wanted, SitattionsWgBtad, For SeJe, Rooms for Rent, Rooms Wanted gjid Mitcis^meopi, 3 o«»tt per line for each Inwi^oii; Real E»Ut« for S«li^ Wsmf " Apartments or Ho«ge» for Sale, For Rant or Iacl»tJW*V1 canto per Una fdraac«liwtrtlo^*ot» oeJvartlMmasAwlllfcie taken for less than 15 caUtt If paMhi ^^.&mW^^ 25 cents if charged. Adt for W^m/t^'^m^-^^l^m shoi*^^Oia New»offlce;526 DavU Street,Tataf***M 5M7notl!atw than noon on Tuesday. ^,Jl £s*i^\mm££iii^^

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