Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jun 1912, p. 7

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I ends of Evanston aarching For Some One to bonate SIOOfOCMI For Contagious Hospital, JTEN STARTS MOVE ff§$* lends of the BvanBton hospital many physicians of this olty are king for one or more persons who ve $100,000 #hich they would ate toward a most needy and eflcial cause, a contagious disease spital. 'or tome time such#an institution been in great need here and ery effort to secure one has been de. The conditions are becoming dually worse. Neither of the local pitals have suitable conditions to ndle contagious cases,* The Chi- o hospitals are always crowded d the long trip to the city, should ere be room for a local case, is at dangerous to the patient The lack of such a hospital has en much in evidence during the t two years. Only a short time o a local man was suffering wtth a ntagious disease and it was impos- le to find room for him in a hofr tal around here. ™~ As a last resort a vacant cottage the west side of the city was nted by his friends and turned into temporary hospital. This la only e of the many, cases that have been ught to the eyes of the public, ere are many more of which noth- is ever heard. Such an institution is not only Bded for Evanston but the entire rth shore is badly in want. The D local hospitals are the only ones many miles along the densely pulated lake shore and are con- ually crowded. ames A. Patten has come to the of the community by offering $50,- for a building. This offer was ide to the board of directors of the anston hospital and is only the ost recent he has made to the in- ltutlon for the benefit of the corn- unity. While the donation, if accented, &es a long way toward starting such institution it by no means ewers all the wants. Mr. Patten's ft is for a suitable building and it ill cost $50,000 to erect a structure. r a contagious disease hospital. If the building were erected it ould cost $100,000 more to equip it roperly to handle the contagious see. It is for this amount that the ends of the hospital are looking. Should it be impossible to find one erson willing to give the necessary mount for the establishing; of the ospital it is more than, probable at a campaign will be started and general subscription be taken up. It is a move that is most deserving nd that It is One of the greatest eeds of Evanston and the north hore is only too evident. ESEMANN APPOINTED SUPERINTENDENT The Rev. Louis F. W. Lesemann "as appointed Monday district su- perintendent of the Chicago north- ern district of the Methodist Epis- opal church. The appointment was made by Bishop McDowell and was announced in the Methodist preach- ers' meeting, Dr. Lesemann will take the posl- ion made vacant by the election of ^WV ~Oi ghepard to the ^pie- opate at the recent general confer- nce. Until his appointment he was tor of the Methodist church at La [Grange, 111. The auperintendency of the northern district is considered of special importance, as it includes within its bounds Evanston. where so many of the church leaders live end *&«**lis VteeateeT: - the Northwestern onlversity and the Garrett Biblical in- M Pester Russell Ixplalits the Double •ignifloanoe of the Were "tebylen." Protectant Oenomlnstiens lem Un- der the Intexloetlng influtnee of Pales Theorise ■ Misuse of "Qolden Cup." Brooklyn, N. 1%, June- 2.—Pastor Russell addressed a large audience again in the Acad- emy of Music. Hit topic, was, "The Pall of Mystic Babylon." BIS text: "Mene. Jfene, Tetol, Upharnln—weighed tn the balances and found wanting." (Dan. v. 28, 27.) In brief he said:- While our message for today Is "meat In due season" to the Household of Faith and every way most important to be understood, it is, nevertheless, a subject difficult to treat without giv- ing offense, without being misunder- stood, without seeming harsh. Bear with me, then, While expressing what I believe to be the DtvtestMessage, in just as kindly a manner as I know how. There was no Mystic Babylon in the days of Jesus and the Apostles. The expressions therefore ra Revelation, bearing upon Mystic Babylon, were prophetic of Systems and conditions which have since arisen in the Church. The word Babylon has a double sig- nificance—the Oate of God—also Con- fusion. Babylon's Golden Cup*; Under the figure of a woman clothed In purple and scarlet the Mother Sys- tem of Babylon, centuries ago, "inade all nations drunk with her wiflSe/A the doctrines which she had in her "gold- en cup." <Bev. xvil, ■l-O).- T&#"goIden cup" represents the Bible, fit was misused when the wine of false doe- trine was put into, it—when $be Bible was claimed ae authority for the erro- neous teachings of the Dark Ages. The intoxicating wine which made the nations drunk, and led them to Sup- port the "woman," and to call them- selves Christian nations. Papacy still, holds In her hand, and still offers to all who will receive It. But the nations are gradually sobering op, and becom- ing less and less incllne&te take more of the wine. :'- The thought is that a commingled wine—a stupefying potion—was put into the wine in the cup; such doc- trines as that God's Kingdom had been set up, and that the Pope reign* as Christ's Vicegerent. Other poisonous elements had threatened the people with Purgatorial torture, or eternal torment. The Protestant denominations were all born under those intoxicating in- fluences. While they separated from the Mother system, and denounced her, yet they hold doctrlnally to many of the intoxicating errors of her "cup." Consequently they, too, claim that Messiah's Kingdom Is set up and Is reigning. They join in giving the na- tions the same dope the Mother gave them, telling them they are Christian nations, though they are building great guns and dreadnoughts to blow each other off the face of the earth. Water here symbolises revenues, from outside peoples and kingdoms. Bo in Revelation we read that the woman with the golden cup "sitteth upon many waters;" "and the waters which thou sawest are peoples and multitudes, and nations, and tongues." (Rev. xvil, 1,15.) The "Euphrates" to Be Dried Up. In book of Revelation not merely Is the name Babylon used, but the symbolical description includes the name of the Euphrates, and we read of the great River Euphrates that "The water thereof was dried up." If we are correct In interpreting these "waters" tosignify revenues, what would be signified by the drying up.of the River? It would imply a cessation of the revenues of Babylon—millions coming every year from rich and poor ot all nations for her support. It is in full accord with this Divine prediction of what is to come that we hear cry- ings arising from ail denominations, Catholic and Protestant, that the "wa- ters," the revenues, are being dried up. History tells that the great City of Babylon was captured by Cyrus and his army after a considerable siege. Hie soldiers digged a fresh channel for the river and turned Its course aside. Thus was the River Euphrates dried op, and the army of Cyrus entered Babylon, suddenly, in the night. While these things were transpiring, the princes of Babylon, corresponding to the notables of Christendom, were hold- '< «W ..fte'Mr are- ni, . finished" *T^^ . r....., In the balances and found wantlngl "Upharsin"-thy Kingdom is divided the strong symbolisms used In respect to Mystic Babylon oorreepoBfl so weil with the prophetic language Used re- specting literal Babylon that we are warranted in understanding literal Babylon to have been a prototype of Mystic Babylon, and her fall * prefig- ure of the fall of Christendom. Read Isa. xlli, 1-19. Compare Jer. 1 and 11 with Retel|tion xvi, svtt and xvtti. mm CLEANING AND MtCSS ■liMIII »l» THE NORTHWESTERN ......ANEftS Mil Churtf. „■■*> ,|^SMni(PikS'|(: ;SPS:|BJIV^i|^)S^p^H[^,|lj^BjWI P-ROMRT SERVICE Prompt service is essential itwhe business, lve rvice( of our Rap Temple Aute Co, 1219-1221 Michigan Ave. PIR3T CLAM S8RVIC6 INSURED log Man jsernivei, jeJoJeja* Jp, ice. re reasonable and our accurate. Don't buy inferior ice when you can get good pure ice for the same money. Order your ice from W. H. POWERS Distilled Water Ice Co. I — ' $■ lo/EMfest lhdMoat Natural NetaraJjWaw, rreiichdsrtHeJr. Hair Dyeing. lVtorime Crest Lodfea1 Hairdresser msi**** auwart BMUr.,a—mess-aa., chtesoj* CHAS.S/vyAUAGI •hone 270. 1*29 OrrTngtofi Ave. 1933 RMgvAvt. PHONE NO.? . ,„ ^ j. Manufactured in E RtUS CROST The Highest Prices Paid for hold Goods. New and Old P Household Gooda Bought, Sold Emerson St* Exchanged. d other Hotwe- ts, Stoves and 4Je> N ;s)asassiew>ieW*** * *: SMit sil^W W^rk fia tOefi

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