Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 May 1912, 2, p. 15

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Ikri •Stella Kuhl goQ# lwttn<i t» Unjoin. OlTlJIg Murray, to Waterier[Ho<hJ, :^;Ubr^;'0t^::||i^^, .,. ■-;;1 wood Inn left yesterday for Knox i|^ifJp^ ^^^^M^l^'*^ *h©ut * j*ee*- ie B. %.* & JLW, ftee*Friday eien Meeker, 1617 ©1WM Mo«eiS. »0ff .. spent- th© weehvend |»t met Monday evening at the ie of Mrs. H. B. Cutting, 1922 Or- ilrv b. ^enrickaon of the Parmelae cojmpany *jt Evanston, Orrington university her home ireik II ling; landa in transferred to Wilson avenue _ gjn» and la fempnrarliy succeeded Mr. P. feheeban of Chicago. ^. _ entertainment win be given by Sundaytchool of the Swedish Mis- on church, corner of Church, street Oak avenge, Saturday evening at O'clock; Music will be furnished by church choir and the Rev. O. High- Id wm be the speaker. Everyone rested la cordially invited. The annual exhibition of the girls' ; mastic class in the north end of ston will bo given Friday *ven- at 8 o'clock at the Central street 1. The class consists of fifty women under the direction of is Mcffcsanilng of Winnetka. There be different kinds of dances, them a solo dance by Miss [chsenring. bis evening at $t. Luke's par- house the young people of St 'a Evangelical church will give plays. The first one is called the Vote Was Won." The cast follows: Horace Cole, by Mr. Q. Ethel/MiSs Florence Morler; r, Mms Emma Sunderman; Mollie, Qdniilng;' Mme. Christine, beth Mailing; Maud Spark, Ai- Blisabeth Wttklns, neppner;- BBHey -Miss Jritsbld Boesiger; Gen. Williams, Frederick Br uhm. The second play, en- JUed "Breaking the Ice/' contains the ollowing cast: Cut Cole, by Mr. Bchnaeckel; Martha, Agnes Call. In ^iUw to these two plays there will ^ giveip^sMo solos by Elsie Deutscb, :Mh^^:D^^13Lftim""'Wel and Mr. iBcfanaeekel/iind readings by Miss Gall. ■pronigiii^^?^^s parish house the yc^ people of this church jrlll jgiva two other plays and a musical program. .."'",•'"■""'• Mrs. S.; B: Hurlbut, 1454 Asbury avenue, had as her guest Monday afternoon. Miss i!iplly;iyfel|?^ Foochow, China, and Invited a few of the ladies of her own church, vthe Congregational, and a number of others from other churches who are especially interested in the work at Foochow./to hear Mies HartwelJjftell oTthe relief work whlchJa bein* done ent tun«^^The MancnW hav supported heretofore by stipends from the government, but since the revolu- tion this has been cut off, and Miss Hartwfell, with others, is interested in relief and industrial work for the women wjiiQh will enable them to independence and self support She wJU be in this country for a year on her vacation and alsp to.interest peo- ple in this line of work which is so important to thev Chinese nation at the present time. Mrs. Hurlbut had atoo^g her, guest*, besides Miss B^art- wen; M^-iymaia Baird, who is the presided ':<©¥ 'tte^cea* of Mission of, the Ulterior; Mrs, Moses {Smith, presi- ^fiBSiTJfe Wi BteteV senior secretary of the ty-three ■yea^ treasujser* which, office is%(jw^h^^ She ha*alao^^aa hergnesta threa of tie offtcers of-ta^ Methodtet church -of the Northwest and some ladies front fhe Episcopal chuir^ who are espe- cially interested. Miss' HartweH is f very effective speaker and wUl be |n Eranston a»dnjn October at the ♦nimal meetinj; of «»e board to Whteh ahe belongs, so that tgose wM )tot heaJ^ her during her stv ^i^ Ev> Miss Es^Ue Sheridan of Indianapo- lis, cousin of General Phil Sheridan, visited Dr. Amelia L. Taylor, 901 Lake street ISw'^fifcr?*'■ "rT:^ ' ' ^ '"'"""*""'" jiff^?,7f--'$%$ .XWFfifa.-.^Mf^.wIKi Miss Helen Pitner,; J$& ^enue»:' 'a"'Northwestern' Btudent, left Monday for j in Los Angeles, Cal. IB., was the guest last week of her cousins, f|r. and Mrs. Henry W. Pond, 23l» Sherman avenue. ' ^ • ' jPr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Alexander, J 204O Orrington avenue, have return from a visit with friends at Red Oak and Council Bluffs, Iowa. "•.^iii./^Aioert t. Jenks, gli Colfax street, entertained the 600 card party of which she is a member, yesterday afternoon. There were two tables. Mr. George R. Ewald of Louisville, Ky., is in Evanston for the purpose of competing in the Olympic tryout, and is located at 1639 Orrington avenue. Mayor J. M. Page, of Jerseyville^ 111., is stopping at the Avenue House during his stay in this city. He is attending the mayors' convention. Miss Madeline Carnahan, 700 Cen- tral avenue, Wiimette, entertained fourteen girls at the matinee at the Evanston theater Saturday afternoon. Miss Mary Paul and Miss Helene ,Hain, 2146 Sherman avenue, who have been spending the past year here, have returned to their home in Elkhart, Ind. ... :\^ Mrs. M. W. MeDonald, 1045 Maple avenue, entertained yesterday at bridge in honor of Miss Verona Pratt, of Oak; Park, who will be married June 8.. There will ee a wedding at St John's church Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock, the contracting parties being! Miss Mary Gunther and Mr. Edward Taugel, ■• ^ .. ,,# .*v ;. ... -;.^ _■_..,. Mayor C. E. Sheelor and wife of Princeville, 111., arrived Monday and are located at 1639 Orrington avenue. They are here to attend the mayors' convention. Miss Catherine Davidson of Mem- phis, Tenn., who is attending school here and was residing at 630 Univer- sity place, had an attack of appendi- citis ana left for her home Saturday. Edgar O. Blake, -$he architect, leaves tomorrow for a SlP to ITurope, for the purpose of making a study of the best and newest ideas in Conti- nental architecture. Mr. Blake will be gone about two months. Last Tuesday and Wednesday Miss Carrie Heppner, 213S Wesley avenue, spent in Pedtone, 111., where she went . as a delegate from St. John's Evan- gelical Sunday school to the Northern Illinois District Young People's Sun- day school convention held in that city. Miss Margaret Jones, 2204 Orring- ton avenue, left for Auburndale, Mass.* Monday, to be present at the com- mencement exercises of La Salle uni- versity, where her sister, Miss Flor- ence, will graduate. The Misses Jones will remain east much of the summer and will be joined later by their mother, Mrs. Arthur B. Jones. An interesting wedding took place Monday evening at the home of Judge, Boyer, who married the young people. ford,-the .l4Jf;ff^ sVinij#sji»::-' flWRiplitit. "vviiiHi- AppejSWKl l^':^i;i^l<ir^:;r^......;";/; zz' 26th.--Pastor Bos* sell gate two ad- dresses here today* We report one of "Pentecostal Bless- ings/' from the text: "The grace of God which bring- eth salvation hath ?eH--fer--all inen." (Titus nV It) He said In part: As Bible students we find it more and more necessary to study the Scriptures discriminatingly. Hitherto God's people have unw^t^ng^ ly narrowed down the grace of God and minimized the efficacy of Christ's redemptive sacrifice by asserting that all the blessings are for the Church and none for the world--that they are for the present Age, and that with Its consummation all hone will expire, and that the wo|ld, the non-elect will suf- fer to all eternity, without ever having tasted of the grace of God in Christ- many without even coming to a knowl- edge of that provision for shiners. TwoT$;«Wation»---Tv«© Pent^ostsT A more careful study of the Bible is revealing to God's people all over the world the fact that He has for man- kind two distinct salvations, one for the Church, the other for the world* and each of these salvations is intro- duced by a Pentecostal blessing* That the Church is merely a "flrst-frnits unto God of His creatures" is distinct- ly stated by St James 0, 18), and this Implies most positively that there will be after-fruits. Note the Apostle's statement respect- Bassett of 1304 Forest Monday for Weilesly, Mrs. R. J. avenue, left Mass. - Miss. Mary Strayhan, 2023 Orrington avenue, has returned to her home in Ft. Smith, Ark,. Miss Ella Chapin of the Monnett ho- tel left today for the east, where she will spend the summer. Invitations have been issued for the wedding of Louise Wilhelmine Raeder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rae- der, 1635 Hinman avenue, and Mr. Wilfred Leonard Childs, which will take place Thursday afternoon, June 13. The ceremony, which will be wit- nessed by the family and a few inti- mate friends, will be followed by a re- ception. Miss Marcella Norris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Y. Norris, 2407 Harrison street, was united in mar- riage Saturday^ftamopn at the home of Mi^M^^^^wA^Anen Nor* ris, 2327 Harrison street by the Rev, Horace Williasa> to Mr. Everette Clyde Ketchum of Los Angeles, Cal., which place the bride and groom will make their home. Mr. W. C. Johnson and family of Memphis, Tenn., expect to be in Ev- anston in June and will be located at 630 University place. They will be accompanied by Miss Johnson's I., >ther, Mrs. Charles T. Harvey ot New York, who will also visit her cou- sin, Mrs. C. P. Coffin, 1130 Michigan avenue. Mr. Charles Harvey was the civil engineer of the Sault St. Marie canal and of the f|rst elevated rail- tne those who now walk footsteps „^1'ZZ &'^^^M& a change of nature, but a ...... of the wilflng and obedient to hnniaij perfection, such as lore he sinned. ........ ,,,,^r.f • fiMan^^nl^lwi;n^lMa|^ <^tiy that two P«ntec<)stal Weaaings are mentionM by the Prophet, Our <nrerl<>oking this was dVwbtieaabecauae ^^t•'W8*.■;lwtn^:«l«h*t to be clearly nnderetood. Now, as the time hears. for the fulfilment of the second Pentecostal blessing,! the force and meaning of the Sctlptnre shines out. Before making known the riches of His grace to the world God has been pleased to foreordain the election Of the Church, to be joint-heirs with Jeans in the glorious work of blosaing^ear^'s teeming millions. Notice the text: WH shall come to pass, saith the Lord, at the end of those, days, that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh, •,* * and <» those days I will pour out' My Spirit hpon My servants and upon My handmaidens'* (Joel il. 28; Acts 11, 17.) St Peter, in quoting the prophecy, properly applied Only the portion which was due In his day, namely, that portion appUcable to the servants and handmaidens of the Lord. The two features of the prophecy are distinctly marked--one blessing to be upon God's servants and handmaidens only, the other to be upon all flesh. The one whs to be "in those days," the other, *atter those, days.** JubilM Day--Jubil** y|^ ' ^ The Day of Pentecost was the grand Jubilee Day, in which God's blessing was attained, marking the forgiveness of sin and the acceptance by the Heav- enly Father. It was the 50th day (7x7 pine 1). Every Jewish Sabbath pointed to this Jubilee Day as the culmination of the Sabbath day system. The word "Sabbath" signifies rest and this cul- mination of the Sabbath days In a fif- tieth signified the completeness of the .rest But it will be remembered that in the Law given to Israel there was not only a seven-day series of Sabbaths, but also a seven-year series of SafJtaths. Each seventh year was a Sabbath year. tore of the Law feresi knowledge president high' priestess of torch, ';.;; Give the glooms the absent treafc ■mmk^^.i^ki........................... ..........m JOHN ERICSSON aoos Mspl« Av«nu« •; i£h^ - mm. ff s??- :m$ >m LADIBS91 It will pay specialties in and workndms hip Linen Suitf *t q>-a4U---- Co«.rlet« 1912 Central St., near Prairie Ave. Phone V&& '^'"vs i&f: Miss Jessie Swayne of London, Eng- road. land, Who crossed the ocean and came to this country for the purpose of mar- rying her fiance, was the bride/ and Mr. Philip Mullins of Evanston, the groom. Mrs. Boyer and Mr. Richard Hultmaii were the friends present. Mrs. Paul Jenrick, 729 Chicago ave- nue, was pleasantly surprised Mon- day on jber return to her home by a nartylgiven^Jtoy » arrpup of twenty nurses in her honor. A delightful so- cial evening was spent Mrs. Jenrick's guests were the Misses Viola Alien, B»*e Stebbins, Elsie Mamd, Ethel Wal- ler, Vivian Arnold, Mabel Hemenway. Ethel Moore, Mary M. Brown, Ethel Kelley, Anna Kelley, Ella Swift, Kate ^ Taylor, Helen Wallace, .........Jennie The -children of Mary sodality of St Mary's church gave an informal dancing party at the school hall Mon- day evening which was participated in by about fifty couples. During the in- termission the Misses Dorothy^ Hayden k% and Dorothy Peschon entertained theH company with Spanish dances and Miss Esther Jennings rendered a vocal solo, accompanied by Mir. Benjamin Meyers.; The patrons and patronesses for the evening were the Messrs. Dan Dougherty, Charles X CJonnor, Miss Mary Dougherty and Mrs. B. T. Stokes. Miss Qertrude Shipley fur- nished the music for the dancing. The officers of the sodality for lM* are; President Esther Jennings; *&»***& ucent to Yoii AM He - We ire prepared to extend our usual quick and any of the following country clubs at w\ach0i ing during the summer. Xountry Club of Evanston Exmoor Onwentsia SkokieClub •.... fc Forest, 111. Qlcncoe, ill. As Your Neargst ressOffice We alio receive sad suJ| to all points in the United States: giving same service as yon get in the^ityj allowing time for traaiportation. Telephone Evanston 506 Davis SU & -PVVOtm * £ &S '•aWBK *»:*1

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