Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 May 1912, p. 5

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What! People ImaKenilwortli Miss Frances Steyens Is spending he week end with lfer parents. Mrs. Francis I. Lackner is in Passa- ena, Gal., visiting her daughter, Mrs. tooge. :. •. L _l_- ..- - ;i:::..:::_:: ;:;i.:::~;::..:,......_ "The Alpha chapter of the Sigma 3hi fraternity will give their informal lance in the Assembly hallv fc The Rev. Charles Korswell re- ;urned Saturday from a visit to the JniVexaity of Pittsburgh and Pennsyl- iVhra^Sta^T^rmal"School.-" 7 --â€"--â-  Mrs. Paul Schultze and daughter, l^elen,/irl* in Buffalo;"' visiting Mrs. 3chultze's mother', and sister. They; will join Mr. Schulze before returning to their home. , A birthday party was given Satur- day by Mrs. Edward Wheeler in honor of her son, Edward, who on that day elebrated his 7th birthday. About thirty ICenilworth children were pres- !ent.. :"â- ;;â-  At the residence of Mrs. James R. Chapman-;- Roslyn road;- Friday-iriglity Miss Lucine Finch presented her negro- stories and . religious songs of the old south. It was an evening of real enjoyment. • Several young people of Keniiworth will leave today for Champaign, where they will attend the celebration of the^ tlniversityftof Illinois. Hob brook Poueher, representing , New Trier High school, will speak there Friday night in the state oratorical CWURCH^ '.-'.'.'."'Union. -â- ;';-;-- "v.v\".".' "Dr. Charles Horswell. pastor. Morn- ing service, 11 a. na.; Sunday school, 9:45 a, 'm.-:~r^i^^^-^^^^r;^ '.-â- ". ^-^^s t Holy Comforter.â„¢-"^â-  v The Rev. E. Reginald Williams, pas- ter. ^Sunday school, 9:30 a. m.; morn- ing prayer and service, 11 a. m,; to- morrow (Ascension day.), 11 a. m„ fallowing an illness of three months ' John Muno, one of Evahstbft's,'/heat iknown and prominent business men. jidied Thursday morning at his home, f 803" Davis street. W^:r-iSI^SSS§^^t.- "|^For a great many years Mr. Muno was actively Identified in the bakery bust n esr-at 805-^>avis ^treetg Forty years ago his father, Henry * Muno, started the local bakery and since he jams-a young man -be was lin tha-busk ness until this spring when his health failed entirely. In 1893 Joseph Stephi , ,, â- â- !-*.â- â- * ,, ensfc ,his brother-in-law, was taken â- " f '•--'^'X~â- 'â€" --'-^.fti^Si:^.""-l^-ilt j-in partnership,^^^^^f^^^f^^.- Plans are rapidly being laid for the | February 23 Mr.' MunoIwas stricken thirty-fourth annual commencement \ With paralysis and two weeks later of the Cumnock Schoolof Oratory, j with total bllndnessfl Despite his Evanston, to be held on the evening great afflictions he remained cheerful until the and. '^^i^lp^SD^iiW^ Senior Class at the Northwest? ern School of Oratory This! ^YeansT'ff^rdJQne-fSJ ^ Point of Numbers.';gil PROGRAltQBEEllBORATE GENTLE REPROOF- MOST SOCCESSFUL How SL Peter Was Punished I For D&nying His Lord. ? rfiem*M**i*k»tv Method* Called to At- tention Regarding Evangelistic Work. Underahepherds Admonished to reetf" ock of~G^dr VVashinj Cm *hty- moTj^rson of .fonas, lovest thou Me more than these?" â€"John xxi. ir>-17. The i-ontfx t -ittomvM tiijii +f»ese words wen* ad- :tiiy-sst»d. h.v lhe Ite- (lVM'tYier to Si. Pe- ter on the iK'casioa of IJis third mani- festjitiou to His disciples after His resurrection. ~ Tlris was presumably three or four '.weeks after the Master's resurrection from the dead. DuringairtnTTset Iflrf y"daysIh^TXefK tal attitude of all the Apostles and the other disciples can be better imagined than described^They were perplexed; [they had had evidences of the Master's resurrection;-they bad had the Scrip- tures called to their attention which proved that this was necessary and I tb*i* Tlod had previously m arranged. \ They badj hoped for further confer- ences witii Jesus and that He would t tell them ^definitely what^tp da - J / ^frlnstend.-teftrto-themsetres^they were thoroughly dishearteued. They had left l all to follow Him. to tell the people that He was the |ong_ promisedL Mes- sian. and that He would soon set up His Kingdom, which wouldjwing bless- i Ings to Israel, and. through Israel, to r- all the families of the earth, in harmo- l «y with the-AI>rahamic Covenant. Now g^ZZ~L^f^ey^Toite^^ [--Their first 'night was a discouraging pne-*t hey ^ea ught nothing. In the morning they beheld a stranger on the â-  shore. The stranger snggested~cast- r ing. the net on the other side of the ~bo&jtr And although the suggestion seemed fosiHshr ha ring been so unsuc- cessful. y«M they did so. and immedl- ! ately the net was rilled with fishes! [It did not require long for them to r learn t'»" les^mi They knaw_inatlnc^ «L0VMt Thou Me More?" The strauKer addressed St. Peter par- ticularly, saying. "Lovest^tliouâ€"Me more than these"-these boats and nets? St. Peter answered. "Lord, Thou knowest that I affectionately love Thee." He. used a word express- lng fondness of Iove._ Jiesus^repljed^ "Feed my lambs." Then came the question a second time, "Simon, son of Jonns. lovest thou Me?" A great pressure was felt by St. Peter. Why did the Master so par- ticularly question his love V St. Peter answeredT^^ord-T affectionately love Thee." .lesus this time replied. "Tend My sheep Fok the third time Jesus salo^toTreteT n mon, son oiJom^, dft^ Vt<^wtFPCt}on^ i°^!_4f: ^^^^Mei^lHiite- J^mi^-J^iLthiL *"" same word tnar-St. Peter had used. as though He questioned (he ilffectiofi and depth of St. Peter's lover- Ah: thf third time must have seat the.-memory of Peter back to the scene in Pilate's Judgment Hall, when^lie denied his Master the third time. And now Jesus for the third time had asked him re I lively that *he unknown stranger was -tbelr Master.-;^ ?::-â- ;>.,; -" V'â- ?/?&. 'â-  tlâ- ... • All Interest had jui4t Centered in the \-'~fishing~-4w>={tTTeTg!r~rmt'--~no%v boats, fish X" and nets all lost their value In the estl- ; mation «»f t^ese hshermen' Here was "-â€" thffr -risen--^h-wI; for whose-tn-ird ap- pearanee they had been waiting now r^hea r tv^T h ivee^rve* • k s' Fearrng-thatthe^ â€"Master wou'ld^4i«ai»l->ea-râ€" before be could jset to Hinw St^Peter plunged Hfnto the sen and swam ashore. To his I2£mirnrise the stranger already bad flsn^, ___ ; and had tlTeTn Too^ked. Imd n\\ were fD^^bTjei^ -p^ Pettiborre-^nd ffvlteVl trr^roliT^ itv4be^ brea^tfitst on the Sfshoreâ-  of (lalilee. â-  :â-  ^;.:?K±L±-^^^^i ^ The stranger had not the clothing by * which they bad known their Lord, net- Pther did He have the marks of the U nails itf\ His handstand feet, that they Mmight thus identify Hlra. Tbiswas ^a^fn^Rmr^ffiffntlp!^^ pHim as did"those with whom He walk^ p^Gladys- f|^^o3EnÂ¥n3a4S«^^ z^nt~T^xt\i iim the blesshig of^tfierbre«d. and^not^^^-waiter Iby His features or clothing or wounds, ^ ..u^^^^^-^^^ ^H^^uldrt^Qrm^sl^n^ miracle; apectlng his love, aud whether it was really a love of affection! St Peter's choking reply was, "Lord. Thou know est all things! Thou knowst that 1 affectionately love Thee!" The Lord's reply was. "Feed My sheep." Our Mistaken Methods. _ Have not Christians In general over- looked this important lesson. liftiriel.v, that' the chief work of the miolstevb and under-shepherds of the Lord's flock during this Age is to "feed the flock?" Is it not true that compara- tively little feeding is. being done'/ On the contrary, the thought usually re- ceived by new eoiiyertj^ are saved, go. evangellze^^junJLlhjingL of May; 2S. - ;â- - ;,,;;,â- '«$: , J)ue to the marked success of this year's senior class, this event prom- ises to outdo the graduating exer- cises of previous years. ":â- 'â- ."â- #' ~--^%e^--weiisd4t^cjtedr-Ti*©f^^ Cumnock will result this year in the gfaduating of oyer one hundred stu- dents who by earnest endeavor have adTnifaT:To&llbl bet jou||ice is coolingUMo than tjiat, it ffnd if ho He was born in South Evanston in 1865 and made his home in this city all his life. In 1890 he married Miss Clara Schiestel of High Ridge, " To vas born*' Be3idss the widow and daughter, one brother, Christ, and three sisters. Mrs. Mary Stephens, won the faculty. A number of readings on Dickens are to-be given by Dr. Cumnock which willJte most appropriaJte at this time^ The usual large crowd is expected to again take advantage of a rare treat in two form of Mr. Cnmnoek's mas- sXudents and^Mrs^Magg4e^^ree andM^ ger, survive to mourn his death Mr. Muno was a member of the Or- der of Foresters, Ben Hur and the -Modern Woodmen of America, c^phe fuheral was held at 10 o'clock Satur- day morning from St. Mary's church, of which he was a member. Inter- iijpifig.'y.feuVj£i|^ I FROM' terly presentations. ^yyir^X^r~~y^ Oil JMay 17 the serilor rec^aX Js to1 Jbel held^^^SJx members of Jthe dass -are, to be chosen to appearln nunK "ment was at Tfigh ^tidge:ij* St. Henry's cemetery, ber which will ^pective phases These selections represent "of work afford the re- puraued. will afford a splen- -did^^t>preeiation of-what bas been-ao- others to Christ-especially .:./br|iig; money.^-for with plenty of It we can convert the world. ,:-.i.J^-r:.-... The advice to St. Peter should be heeded. The "lamb*" should be fed until they become "sheep.-' The sheep ihould be tended, cared for, guided, in- structed ; and the sheep sh.0'11 Id a Iso be fed with the stronger "meat" than that which the Inmbs could appropriate.m mwmBWMm '- THE EVANSTON CUB At the annual meeting of the Evans- ton club,: held Saturday evening, J. J. Charles was elected president of the organization for the coming year, Al- though there was a_j»unior4>efore the been drawn up it failed to materialize, r The report of the secretary and treasurer were read and approved. The reports showed that the past sea- son was one of the best In the history of the orgaftizationr The attendance at the different entertainments given In^oughout the season showed ah Jg^ creased attendance; *^ Following is a list of the officers elected: J. J. Charles, president; Kimbark, vice-presidents; H. G. Igle- hardt, secretary and treasurer; Selden F. "White, M. J. Morehouse and M. M. Gridley, directors. .The president will appoint J;he var^ous-c<>nimittees in the ^earr future. S3 ;-lf«*£S^idlf:3g^f i "Last evening at If ^rlistau^ atakeZri a~Triend oT~ralBe. poor fellow say xiomplishfedJbiy^e class of '12. â€"^â€"'- A main feature on .the program is to be a selectiop from "Slrongheart" by Miss rsabelle Reese, who has de- lighted many audie^cM_rwith selec- tions in which sbe has shown a grace_ and charm unparalleled. _..;_.^__ Both the recital and commence- ment exercises i^re to^ be held in Annie May Swift Hall and admission Mroert Piano Tuning There is more to piano (tthfneihan meJJk i~M jyaaimtineMeMtutes^gd^eUlai piano will found 40firbeUer tmn poorly^tnled." JhÂ¥saij^diff ^ exis ts between • ordin^^and expert "voicing" kndregalaf/k action. Good .Amine cods noimQUilhanJnferior G.-A.FAA ro YEARS 'y EXPERIENCE TtesldeWTfaMrT W.W. KIMBALL COk 1407 ELMWOOD AVE. Telephone 757 Wl#POWERS 1932 Ridge Ave. Manufactured tn: Evaogton'^^^ Foi^Stiminer p^ear When the warm weather^comes, jrou will want to be pre- pared with underwear that is cool and comfortable. ^ There's no better time to attend to these needs than now, and. no better a£42^o^l^ *r^ rnentioned below and guarantee the fit and wear of themi OnionlBuits at <fcl finest at, %p i • weaves in pure white mercerised j cotton, ihandâ€"firtisht jnrith-si Ik dxa wstri ngs.1 Cut with extra full; Tjrps and n arro w shoulder st or umbrell special bargain at, suit.,.. iSS Union Suits at 85c. A dollar w o u Id be the correct price forthese sviitsrbtrt wantjou^io ki thern^nd offer tl jecial inducemei 7aKshapes, very light Ight. Per it..^. ..„.< Union Suits dl v&V( are ex- cep^ional values, pure ttonrkrtit inâ€" •es. Full large sizesâ€"4, 5, 6, 7, 8, %l ^tt-the-on^ price.- '"',â- r;â€".......- ' : â- :":H' g75c Union .Suits,^ I Special CQp M sv%s mm ft and there's full value-=^and a hltk-mbreâ€"- |gg 0 in eyery vest. We can't show you the |||ai quality in an-ad ^but we c^n-ghowftspecial g vests at all the prices named, that we are positive cannot be excelled in Chicagi ' largest 8totes.xun:^g^..^^ eS:JM Sleiveless, no button^ pure white^i^gis 50c Union Suits ^3 § These special suits are on sale jtpday and are a very special bargain. Cut full size, fine lightweight rib, lace trimmedywitF crochet neck and arm. Low Nechi # No Sleeves UtnbmUaKnee^ ^%flmt f.y Wm i&x$iiMM&

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