wm^0^0^iim tmmmmmmm â- ^'rrr-^pp|P|P^^^^^^|^^!^p If gflfl^QRE NEWS^'WEDNESDAY ♦♦♦♦♦♦««.....»»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦";! What People Are Doing H ♦♦in Winnetka ♦♦**»•♦♦*»* ~The mother of MrsFPi ATTSclcner _ls visiting her at her home. • After being ill for a week, Miss Nu»h Caztl is again able to be about. Jacob Baker has niov;-d to Kenil- vorth, where he recently built a home. ' .'. â- Mrs. W. W. Steveiis and daughters of .Toilet have moved to Hubbard Woods. Claud Victor has resigned his posi- tion with the water^ndJUgJlLdeuarjti ment of the village, N. M. Eisenrath'of Chicago will to- _day^4aka_po8sesslon-^f~the Kroschell house on Sheridan road. John Erlckson is building a new residence on Oak street between Dar- 'row road and Locust street. After spending the winter in Flor- ida, Mrs. Robert Scott has returned to her, home in Hubbard Woods. ' ^ Another Chicagoan has arrived in the Tillage. He is Mr. B. Conway,^ who^recently erected a home here. __M£._and_Mi!s.H. J^CrbwelJ-luuuM^ turned. from St. Augustine, Fla., where, ttiey Temalned' dujrUyrjti£ft win- ter. , Mrs. Apiaries Hadwtn of Cherry street Is greatly improved in health. She recently returned trom Chicagof where she took treatment for rheuma- tism. David J. Halllnan of Chicago has purchased the three vacant lots at the corner of Birch and Cherry streets. He intends to build a resi- dence on his property during the summer. The following persons were wel- comed into fellowship by the members of theJ^^!^gatl^narcjnu^l_S^^ May 5: By baptism: Liicile Baker, Ethel Carlson, Janet Stebbins Warren, Mrs. Mabel Regan Winds. By confes- sion of faith: Eva Frances Frye, Ruth Fieber, Fletcher McCordic, Mabel Thorsen, Velma Voltz, Mrs. Ber- tha Stratton Winds, Mrs. Ada C. Wol- fotk. By reaffirmation of faith: Mrs. Charles H. Thompson. By letters of dismission: Miss E. Ethel Cooper, from the First Presbyterian church, Marquette, Mich.; Mrs. Caroline E. Greene, from the Leavitt Street Con- â- ly^gaJJojial^bjmil^-GUi^^ Mrs. L. C. Paschal 1, from the First Presbyterian church, Anniston, Ala.; Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Marchant, from the "Leavitt; Street Congregational church, Chicago. PLAN TO FORM First Baptist Church Proposes i to Organize a Body to CarryK On Mission Work at De- lano Chapel. JVIEMBERSf^ It is proposed to form an associa- tion to be known as pfelano Chapel association for. the better 'conductor the various lines of work now being carried^ on at DelaiKLChapel, Evanston. Few people realize that there is such an active body of people and such a diversified life as at present is cen- tered around the building at Maple avenue and Simpson street. Here Is a list that can include, of course, only the Tegular things: ~ Sunday school, 3 p. m., Sundays; average attendance of over 100. two classes of members, active and associate. (a) Active members. Any member, in good standing of any Evangelical Protestant church may become an active member of this association, and may hold office, and, if over 15 years of age, may vote thereinâ€"=â€"_ fh) AfllWlPt? r^omhora PprBOTT ^>f-^oodl Tnoral ctra,racter~who are in The treasurer shall collect, receive and receipt for all moneys of the cor- poratlon, and pay out the same only upon the order or appropriation of the corporation or its executive com- mittee. tâ- ;'. â- • ,"â- â- â- .â- ; â- " 'â- â- ;â- -"â- â- "â- - ^The trustees "shall hav£ the con- trolling power in all acts of the cor- poration, subject to the control and directions of the members as shown by their majority vote,/of these pres ent at any annual or other meeting of the members. ' . The executive committee shall, sub- ject to the control of the trustees and the members, carry on all the work of the corporation, and may receive members of the corporation. _ VII. The corporate seal of the corpora- tion shall consist of words written, impressed or printed on paper as fol- lows: "Delano Chapel, association (corporate seall, Rvanston, 111,." at- tested by the signature of its secre- tary. .......--.....:.........~ VIII.-â€".....'-----:--------â€"' The annual meeting of the members of said corporation shall be held upon the third Tuesday in May of each year, at such time and place as the president or the" executivecominJUee shall designateTand special meetings of the members may be called at any time and place by the president or the executive committee by notice thereof read at any Sunday gathering of the corporation for religious worship, or by notice given to each active mem- ber of "the corporation by mail, and ten members present at any annual or special meeting shall constitute a quorum. IX. ^Fhtr-bHawB, exceptingâ€"Seetioi (officers), may be modified, altered or amended at any such annual or spe sympathy with the aims of the asso elation may become associate mem- bers with all privileges, excepting holding office and voting. .-...._â- _. III. Officers. I. The officers of the association shall consist of a president, vice-presi- dent, secretary, treasurer-, and three trustees, at least two of whom shall ::*b»*!!^^ elected, a W-ttw-Fbrst Bapttst^hwchrof ^van^^t,flcate Qf fluch e,ection mu8t be . wea^ingjs_eryLce""Sunday at 8 p. m. Tuesday, 8 p. m., prayer meeting; average attendance of twenty-five. __JWednesday,- 2:30 p. m., mothers' meetingl T:^071hab7ual training class, conducted by Mr. T. L. Adams, super- intendent of manual training of Evanston school. Thursday, 7:30, Boys' club. -/_ â€"J£r4dayiâ€"TFrSOr-rmaimalâ€"trafiiingT Saturday^ 9:30, dewing class. ____ ff^IjOidiM^ tertainment or socfoi every __oiher week. ---â- --â- â- â- â- -^â- ^^^^^f^-:^'. â- â- â- :-j---~~-\~;]: The work-4s^in4er-4he--d4^etten-ef a committee from thejNrst Baptist church. Mrs~Ca1roiine MacDpwell, the visitor of the First church, has done a great deal of work, although teers. . _J^exe__arje-_many---otber- things- for^ which the chapel is used by the neigh Following are the proposed by-laws of the assocjajiojiiâ€"^__â€" ^BJT-LAWS OF THE DELANO % ^CHAPEL ASSOCIATION. - L Object. -â€"The object of this organization Is r7set forth in its„ charter, and is as fol- a^ows: . â€"-â€"^â€"-^â€"â€"------___^nr--^ To teach the Gospel^ of Jesus__qf piKazaTetS^d^^^ the Holy Bible, and tcrencourge, teach develop the moral and social Savior and Master those persona who af- fee â- 6n^fitM~"by'"such:^elation, and to improve the moral and social s^ conditionof its members and all ton, to be elected by ballot by the active members who are above J15 years of age7~ 2. The executive committee shall consist of the officers and two add! tionai members, to be elected by ballot by the active - members entitled to vote. IV. Support. ----- 1. The expenses of the association shall be met by the voluntary contri- butions of its members/" and by such other contributions as^inay be ob- LIFE SAVERS WENTâ€" TO AID OF STUDENTS The first rescue of the season was made by the members of the Evans- ton life saving station Monday morn- ing when Arthur Birch and Donald Clancy, students at Northwestern uni- tained.^r^e_ajsocJajt^ silon fraternity, rowed out too far from shore. The students took a small row boat and despite the heavy sea pulled straight out in the lake. They were out too far to be called back when Captain Jensen of the life saving crew noticed them. â€"Tfae-beft-alrtbe^ station was run# to rent the building and grounds at Maple avenue and Simpson street from the First Baptist church of Evanston at a nominal charge. No debt shall be contracted until the ftmds-to-pay^the same are secured. V. Committees. The standing committees of the as- sociation who shall have charge of the_work subject to the direction, and control of the executive committee shall be asu foliowsL=^=z==±r^__4-== tH3tfflday-sehooT; Sunday school.^ _ -^^rSbcial worlCi JL-Eihance^ 5. Ladies' Aid society. 6. Entertainments. ~r: 7. Mefflhe*rshrp. r'-f±L of_ it-ls^xarried ©n 4>yâ€"v<»luitt- -â€"TiretrTiray be aadea to'thTsTTst of committees by-the executive commit- teer~sucn~nc^ers"nas_~niay WTeemed ^_____ _ necessary, and all cominltteesjslh^nbe J^jiSo^ir^u^eralSr-aocla^ ^p^oTjoTedlSyllsaJd^Iex 3hlii^3KairtEe^occa^ionr may requiffe- teer â- â€"_.-The-â- -executive' committee may carry oh all the work of the association sub- ject to the direction and control'.. of the trustees, and may admit persons to membership in the association. ; VI. Duties of Officers. The president shall meetings of the corpQrationTheld for tbe-4ransaetlon ofâ€"business, and sign all; documents of the corporation re- quired tojbe officially; executed by It --:â- ---• c The vice-president shall perform Vhrl^L-Hte~JO^ ^ny ^uty^nrthe^b^i^Of the presi other persdns and tobring i^acHv^^^^g^^g^XZto-be-performedF^jr -*-«--=^H^SfesBs=«n^8^^ -- rrrihe-^eoretary shall keep the recprdT of the transactions of the corporation, and have the custody of its corporate seal, and sign all documents required tOAberofficially executed by"the corpora- tion^ ^ff^^j^aXTJ^^n this association ...... -t cial^meetittg of-the-members lyy a^two- thirds majority vote. -------r~ X. The term of office of all officers and trustees or said corporation shall be one year and until their several suc- cessors are elected." The foregoing or substituted by- laws are to be adopted by the trustees immediately after receiving the charter. _ filed in -officerâ€" the Cook county recorder's call the crew and a large crowd of students ran to_tJhe__stjJtlOii--to-4eara the^trotthle; TbQwgjmfn were'about x^oTO^-y o^»vv.. ^____^Z^a_9^arler_jof a mile^wit when^he^erew^ 5^BeHgleus-^orlr^^er-thitir^^ them and were in no im- mediate danger unless they attempted to return to shore. Captain Jensen motioned them to stay out beyond the large breakers so they would not be dumped into the : Jake^-Jt=^ooK=but-a- sfiortFtlme for the crew to reach the frightened pair and Jak^-tbemHsafely^ttto the^tfer boat. On account of the heavy sea the stu- dents gathered ^n shore could get on ly an^occasJotial g15miJ8e-^f-4he--small--707 Church1 rowboat and the exact predicament^of â€"â€"^Li- the pair could not be ascertained/The two young m?n were none the worse for their experience but had it not been for the life saving crew they would have undoubtedly had a cold bath be- cause their light craft could not have WenSignbreak^ ers. DOC ATTACKED AMDBITMAN -----W-hile-valking^tirrough. a vacant lot «n Ridge xourt Monday morning, G. Gornikel, 326 Asbury avenue, was at- tacked and bitten by a dog owned by GeorgeTi Corke, 92T RidgtrciTOfU Gornikel Tfurried to Dr._George- F H.B. 1526 Greenleaf Street StftT' GR.OCER. &MARKE Ph Fsiwy Ldl of Veal R. »ho«d^of Veal Rpnt. Beef\Cew . . Rib Veal Chops ... Loin Veal Chops .. Rib Lamb Chops . Loin Lamb Chops. Fancy Mb Corned Beef......... .........â€" • • California Hsmt, F«n<y l^ ^ •...... '""""i CHICKENS DRESSED TO ORDER Telephone orders Wo handle t»h« choicest* meatus only;"- •*â- *â- â- **â- â- â- *â- •<» â- â- â- â- -â- 'â- â- â- ** Wall Paper, Burlaps, ^Vindo^SheiteSritc. 636 Davis Street, Evanston =r~HTI LEPHONE 2036 - Sent Anywhere in the United States on 30 DAYS' FREE WE WILL SEND to an with handsome si'k and glass bails. Sta years, on 30 Days' Free fi' advance, and if you < o no Piano you have ever seen to yourself and fully equ Important features, tht-n freight charges b*nh war hence you are to be p!en penny. Isn't that fair? able as well as willing to----- tnents, hence you are safe in OUR . HOME f he, art of the United States A fafautiful STJUlCK PIANO, lour scarf, pol.shed rev<-lvijpg top stool, w«h brass feet 's Complete Piano Instrui JPr. all fullj^»j|fantedrfor 25 frijl right in .your own h> me, j#fihouta«king »ry m^ney In it the hand»omestr »*ipete«t-toned and highest grade and if it is not entirely satisfactory aid acceptable iost famous and highest-priced piano made In all cturnv d to nSjJtL.which js_vent,.me. wilt-staikUthe it you atrdTIeave you to be "b>th judge and Jury." will be no sale, and the triajj^sSPf cost you a keror any cornmercialagjsjgpBPJrTeTl you we are ' on our guarantse^e^BrTJur promises and agree- accepting our proj %oodi Send for Our Special Adrertising Offer to First Buyers in New Localities and Save All Unnecessary Selling Expenses and Profits. We will make it easy for you to deal with as, no matter where you are located. We will arrange VERY EASY TERMS to saty your needs. Send for our Beautiful Catalog Today. 98*M0T£ SOLOIST PLAYER PfAMOS make pianists of us all. Send for Special Player Piano Catalogue if interested. *T**&* BAROAIM9 im Of HER MAKES and in used and rebuilt pianos at $10, $60, $75. $100 and up. Send for list. Church & Parlor Organsâ€"all styles and prices. Write us today. Our beautiful literature will interest you. Mention this paper. 4> P. A. STARCK PIANO CO., iajnjfeeiurers Executive Offices and Warerooms, 210-212 So. Wabash Ave., CHICAGO, ILL Dept OunBpecialty is ttfe Successfi We Also Treat 2237 Sherma SanUarium .tment of' and \l0fnsch Cnees. ve. Evanston, III. Telephone Evanston 2818 ENCES. t. Telephone 3553-R Telephone ff8 Wintietka, 111. between the knee and the. ankle of tbe-left leg given proper treatment. He then reported thev matter police^Tclainiing the_dog did not haye^ a"inu^2le7 â- ^.-:;J: -.--'â- ' -::. â- ~;; t'^w^^pF,. CtomplainfjrpWir^ into tne~pbliceudeT partment every day_ In regard to dogs running loose without being muzsled and jdjgpite^ae^fAgL thai the auttaorl- tie» are fkeepinjr a close watch there are many who have not secured muz- - â- ?*-<**«*£ t-_-*"s* nthcut good honest value, style ilf^shoe