Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 May 1912, 1, p. 6

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Siltiii': ■' jjfPfPB/ *mm**^*mmm v^m^i^mm^M^^w^ m 'mm9i0immm$^ .....i':Tr;:,;i;~:[iii!Ji,,iiii'j,,u,,. .n^„i, .1.. -, THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1919. Wlkt People in Evanston Miss Edna Bolce of Chicago was the guest last Wednesday of Miss Marie Vance, 1554 Asb.u'ry avenue. Mr. William Marrlon1 and family. formerly of 1823 JSmerson street, have moved to 815 Foster street* _Mr. and Mrs. Lem E. Stanhope, 707 M. C. Burde, of 1811 Wesley avenue, has gone to Janesville, Okla. J.J S. Moore moved Monday from 1515 Wesley aveniift to 173fi Or TRAMP HURLS STONE THROUGH "L" WINDOW Because he was put off an elevated train Thursday afternoon for failure tc^pay his fare, Roy Bowers, a tramp, picked up a brick and threw it through the car window, narrowly missing several of the passengers Michigan avenue, moved last week in to their new home in Wllmette. Philip Kurtzeborn, formerly of the forth "Shore grocery, tiasf gone into the laundry business in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs, Francis R. Daniels, ,1621 Judson avenue, have gone to .their summer home in Grafton, Vt. Christen Hendflc'ksen and family 7 moved last Thursday from 1915 As- hury avenue to 1812 W. Railroad ave- nue." The Five Rambler Boys club of Ev- anston are planning to have a moon- light dance and May party Thursday, May 16. | Miss Bessie Brochon, 1728 Living- ston street, attended the wedding of her cousin, Miss Blackburn, at Oma7 ha, Neb. < The fund for the new pipe organ for St. Paul's English Lutheran church is steadily increasing, it now amounts to $300. Mrs. Roscoe Goodell, nee Helen Pea- body, pf New York City is the guest of Mrs. Robert E. Belknap, 2514 Sheri- dan road. --- Mrs.^Anna Ranney of Albion, Mich., ^aunYTof Mrs. H. B. Wheelock, 1040 Hinman avenue, is the guest of Mrs. Wheelock, Mrs. Mary C. Harding, 602 Davis street,; who has been spending the win- ter inAlhambra, Cal., returned home yesterday. ___Mrs. ~JX--L. Seripps,- 522 XKtffcb rington avenue. Born, Sunday night, to Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Cunningham of 1718 Orrington avenue, a nine-pound son, .■ r< Mr. and Mrs. John Zeiger of 2206 Colfax street announce the arrival of a nine-pound baby girl on April 30. Miss Lysle Logan, of Kansas City, Mo., is visiting her sister, Miss Mil- dred Logan, at 630 University place. Mr. W. W. Doolittle, who has been making his home at the Avenue House for some time, has gone to Pasadena, Cal., to reside. __ Miss Martha Smart, sister of Mr. James R. Smart, 1004 Hinman avenue, I sailed Saturday for Glasgow, Scotland. She will ybe away six months. Mrs. Robert Abernathy won ladies' first prize Friday night at a euchre iarty given at St. Mary's hall by the knights of Pythias. Mr. McCauley won first prize for men. Mr. and Mrs. E. E, Stults and baby, formerly of Rock Springs, 111., who have been spending a month with Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Stults, 724 Emerson street, have moved to Chicago. Dr. E. F. Klumb, of Chicago, has moved to-1616 Sherman avenuer for- The man was arrested by the Rog- ers Park pdlice, but as the offense was made within the city limits of Evanston he was turned over to the local police. Bowers got on the "L" train in the,- city and when the collectorr™as^M||~™ t)fnei*7 him for his fare at the limits he could not produce the required nickel. He was asked to get off the train , and when he refused, he was ushered off Picking up ,a large stone he hurled it through the window pf the car; The stone missed the head of a woman passenger by a scant two inches and then passed out of the window on the opposite side. When ""given a hearing before Po- lice .Magistrate Boyer Trida'y mprning he claimed that he was drunk or he would not have done it. The train- men testified differently and he was fined $100 and costs. Being unable to pay the fine he was sent to the county jail. - E have been doing the 'cleaning! dyeing, pressing and repairing ______for particular people for more yearg'than. we care to remember. Our business has grown steadjlv^^iV other words, carefuL^md iiTOJ^^itMvork is appreciated irV this bustnes up and give us k trial? "r-3, Dehmlaw's 622 DAVIS STREET TELEPHONE 1730 merly the office occupied by Dr. James E. Poison,, who hag taken of- Critics are those who have decided never to do anything themselves. ""Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clark, I860 Sherman avenue, April 17L a son. street, who spent the winter at Clear- water and Jacksonville, Fla., has re- turned home. Mrs. G. H. Stanger and Miss" Rich- mond of Boone, Iowa, are visiting-Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Champlin, 814 Colfax streets -=---- .-.--- fices in the new Beake building. Mr. and MrsrWilliam L. Vance, 1554 Asbury avenue, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Marie, to Scott Dudley Blanchard, son of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Blanchard, 1112 Hinman1 avenue. Director J. F. Hayford of the Col- lege of Engineering of Northwestern university, left Thursday for Central America to resume his duties in the George J. Burger, formerly manager __ of C. H. Bell's barber shop, 1642 Ma- ple avenue, is now employed by Wil- liam O'Brien. ~ -Willie Hoffman, a 17 year old youth employed at St. Francis hospital, while scaling a fence Sunday fell -and broke 1% left arm.^ _ Mrs. Georg^ Guild md daughter, -^Mildred of Topeka, Kan., will arrive today to visit Mrs. H. B. Whee- lock, 1040 Hinman avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Grant-Schaefer moved last week from Edgewater-to 1101 Pa- vis street to the apartment formerly occupied by Mrs. Rohm-t naintee,_____ Mr. ,1 ___--- and Mrs, A. S. Maxham, Q.qg ElmwoTrtFavenue, will leave this week - tor Downey,- Idaho, to spend the sum- mer on ttigfr ranch at that place. : ,„, E. J. Witt, who has been with Har- loff }>™theHLtoL 1**.years,L has taken a position in the meat department of = IBe^North Shore Grocery company. -Rev. David Hugh Jones, the new Presbyterian minister, is located, at" ^522^ Greenwood boulevard, former resi- ^deneerofMnandMrs: J. A. McLeodT Mrs. Carl C. Wright, 1424 Elinor place, has been entertaining Mrs vt I42z iwtson-avenue, gave a recep^ tion Thursday in honor of Cale Young Rice, author, and wife, Mrs. Alice Hegan Rice, whose book, "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch," is per- haps one of the most universally read books of late fiction. Mrs. H. H. Kingsley will leave^for the east next Friday. She wilFstop en >■ route at Indianapolis, Marietta, Ohio, and Pittsburg, and then visit Misses Katherine and Margaret Kings- ley in Masachusetts. June 22 she will join Mr. Kingsley and his party and sail for Europe from Montreal. Mr. R. E. Witsiepe, 817 Chicago avenue, left Sunday for Washington, The--irew--automobfle^itne"caTried nearly one thousand passengers Sat- urday. The former office of Dr. Rollin Schwartz, 1616 Sherman avenue, is now occupied by Pr. P. F^ Poerann, of Chicago, who moved in Friday. Pr. Schwartz has offices in the Witkower building. Mrs. J. Siegfrid Edstrom of Vester- as, near Stockholm, Sweden; who was the guest of Mrs. H. H. C. Miller, 1707 IJ/BERMSTELN field as a member of theL^sla^Rica. ^1SUCBL ' ■ * U' MUlev>lwl Panama Arbitration committee. ^P*™*** avenue, -and her mother in Mr. and Mrs. Jouette P. Singleton, Chicago, has returned to her home in Vtesterasr !ING A /ENTRALSTREET North Side of the Street, connected with Electric Cleaners and Dyers PHONE 1409 C I^ra Bakerrwfeev after ar week's visit, returned home last Friday to North- field, Minn. Mr. and Mrs;~C^e 1Toung~Rice7 of Louisville, Ky., who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrsl Jouett P. Sin- gleton, 1422 Judson avenue, ha, ve re- turned home. !.,-4o- attend-the -feternational-Red Cross conference. Mr-- Witslepe_is one of a picked team of thirty which will represent the United States in competing for honors and prizes with teams[ frpm„nejarix_every nation on the globe. Miss Esther Ward, a graduate of Northwestern School of Music, who studied in Berlin last winter, gave the first alumni recital of Northy^at^™ A social evening was enjoyed Satur- day by the members of the Coterie club of Michigan avenue at the home of MrsrH. A. Poppenhusen,.653 Michi- gan avenue. An "old-fashioned al- bum" formed part of the entertain- ment, t. J: G. Dickinson, 823 Foster street; has returned to his duties atOhe post office. While he has about recovered from the inflammatory rheumatism he has been, suffering from for nearly two weeks, he still has great difficulty in walking. T~: . Saturday the Baptist Young Worn- euls-Missia a k-v *i a y. a ju a. sj .x n tv y< i,-v *4 >x ** >-v ^^4X%%%%Mtm^»XMMMXMMMXm It Isn't What You Pay WfiaHfi School Of Music Saturday evening at Music hall. Among other selections jhe played "Thdme Vari4," pp. 16, No. 3. by Paderewski, and^eethoven's "Rondo," G major, Op. 5iTNo. 2. _The Young People's society of the First Baptist church have announced that they will give a circus in the chapel on Friday evening, May 10, at, 8 ^clock. A±Wgfrl-3rTirumihatecr^os- jewJngjdieetingLJn--the-chapeU under the direction of Mrs. J. L. Hastings. At this meeting they made jumpers for the children who will come out to Camp Good Will this summer. Mrs. Annie Walker Burnet, 1106 Ayars place;, announces the marriage of her daughter, Isabel Josephine, to Harry Wilmer Foglesong of Chicago, which took place on "Saturday after- noon, May 4.- The Rev. Horace B. o \ This Beaprf- | been=j a short \ Miv^ahd TVfrs. N. A. Hartridge, who have :been residing at the Avenue i^House since last September, left for their summer home near South Ha- ven, Mich., Monday. Miss Matilda Wittbold entertained the members of the Oak Leaf circle and their escorts Friday evening a week ago at a hard time masquerade at her home Qn Central street, near Reese avenue The marriage--of- - - Miss Cornelia TPierce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E F Herce, to Mr. Charles Anderson Pace son of Jlivftnd^Mrsr*C. A^Pace 0/ Hcago, will take place Saturday ev- ening, May 18, at 7:30 o'clock, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F p Cran don,1414 Forest avenue. The cere- J»pjiy_jdlL_be^perfornied "br^h^iler P. C. Noble, a relative of the bride! Only^ relatives and Intimate friends *m be present. The bride and groom ter teH»-thBt-the^best~ptiysicaI and mental efforts of the young ppripT* WiH he injected into the enterprise with the undoubted result that it will be of exceptional interest and profit. A general admission of 15 cents is charged and there will be a small fee for. each sideshow. Cfandy, peanuts and pink lemonade will be on sale. The annual meeting and luncheon of the University guild will be held on the regular second Tuesday nf May, Williams performed the ceremonyr-- Miss Marcia Johnson and U. Parker university_lZstudents, were^married Thursday at Cornell, 111. The bride, who graduated in 1911, was elected in her junior year as queen of the May, one of the highest honors that can come to a Northwestern co-ed. Horace G. ^mith, secretary of the*Northwestern time, it is •practically asfcbod asjiejt^^fT'you^aT^^eonsider iagJhepurcliase-oL-an jlectuk-Qar-an^ want a BAROAiN-j [ Phone or write us without delay Anderson Electric Car Co. Benson Ave. and Clark St. * Phone 1048 C Evanston Brancti 1 Y- M- C; A., "perrofmed the ceremony. z=^I|ss_ Lysle ^Cjirtei^ot-the ^Rood building, is ill. On Tuesday evening a meeting was held in Central School on Main street to organize an Alum ai association of the graduates of that school. It was a very enthusiastic meeting and the hope is that it can be -made a perma- nent organizationT --It was decided to hold a general meeting in Central school oh the evening of .Tunfi 7 at s For the six months beginning May 1^ 1912, ^-due and payable at CITY FFIGE 1, 1912 ■--Or --_--__-- -------_------__--f, .,- .-------,.. , ^--_------- . P tOxf^lDl^7*7TmiPl4- Allowed if paid on or be- * \JSU 1/lOtUmit fore MAY 15, 1912 |^Jrhr^|i^tended: the 14th, at the Northwestern gymna- sium. The annual business meeting JwillJbe at 12 o'clock, the luncheon im- mediately af member may invite one guest. Miss Harris will- have the luncheon tickets at her home, 614 Church street, oh Thursday, May 9. anrt at Oft|Wffii'fl drug store on May 10 and-iiHPrlday and Saturday mornings from 9 to 12 o'clock, President Harris will givejm o'clock. To this meeting are cordially invited all graduates of Central school. No regular^ list_of_names^^^pf_jtr3dJiate^ ik. Each ias beenikept and the invitationTcom- L "* mittee will consider it a favor if every graduate will take thls[ a personal in- vitation to be' presesr^and will also send to,, -ihn RPorptary, Miss ^Heleh addreBg-gfter theluhcg^on on "Effi ciency in Travel^ Harpham, 931 Maple avenue^, or Miss Jennie Foster, 1135 Hinman avenue, the namesand addresses of any gi ad: Mies who~do~iiot now reside in Ev anston. Meter bills are due 0: same date and if not paid before June 1, water supply will be shut off. ^X>ffice^open 7:30 sl. m Ito 6:00 p. m. until Mayl5 HARQLD P^NC^ONl City Collector PPfi< ^:>

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