Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 May 1912, 1, p. 4

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, WaSD^SbAY. My 8, 1B12. -^'y^Bpg'lt'uiMlf^lJl1: ^ijiifflpy mnni sr Drama Club of EvahstonThurs- day Held Annual :Session at Which Time the VVorlr ~~~~~~~ Was Summed Up, CONVENED NINE TIME The Drama club MBvanaton held its annual meeting Thursday in the parlors of the First Presbyterian church. The first hour of the meet Ing was devoted to the reading of annual reports of the various officers ^and chairmen of the different commit- tees. _*_!_____________---.-------■..___._..- Mrs. Clifford J. Ellis, president of TheTclub during the^ pastTyear, pre- sided. Mrs. Wm. W. Buchanan read the annual report. Mrs. L. E. Hil- drethr recording-secretary, told of the different lectures and reading of plays the members have enjoyed this past winter. In October, when the club resumed its session, Katherine Juul 'Everts read "Jeanne d'Arc," Percy M!ac- Kaye's play. In November Mrs. Vos- burg imdOUve^^gan^-^Theu^hep herd." Mr. Alfred Brown--read his- unpublished play, "Slander," in De- as delegates to the Drama League of America. Mrs. I. Shepard read theitf report, which was a recital of the activities, studies, etc., entered into by the Drama League of America in connection with and apart from the of new officers elected at the annual meeting of the Drama league. .._^. --The 'members of the new board of directors of the Drama club are as follows;'. Mrs. S. G* Strickland, Mrs. Guy S. McCabe, Mrs. Pierce and Miss Fannie Whitings The new officers are: President, Mrs. F. W. Harn- weii;---]-: first-- ^ice-president, T~ Mrs, Pierce; second vice-president, Mrs. Selden Fr White^recprdins secretary, KtrerWnr WrBucYisman; correspond^ ing secretary, Mrs, L. E. Hildreth; treasurer, Mrs, Hollett. » At the ::"cl6se' of the. .busdae&s-. ses* sion, Mr. Rice read" hTs™seTections. "I am sure it is a pleasure to be here this afternoon," Mr. Rice began. "I am quite well aware of what the Drama club is doing not only in Ev- anston but all over America. Evans- ton stands out in my mind as one of my earliest recollections of univer- sity towns,, for the big brother of one of my boyhood friends attended Northwestern university,"' and that factnnakes tire pleasure"toTbeTbere Work On New Campus Plan For Northwestern Univer- sity Will Start Within th^" ~ Next Few ffays.r~--" PLANS WEREACCEWED 0H cember. MrT Walter Pritcherd Eaton addressed the club in January on- "The Use and Abuse of Criticism." In February Miss Elizabeth Hunt gave analytical talks of the plays given by the Drama Players. In March Miss Hunt analyzed Grandville Parker's play, "The Voysey Inheritance." At this, their April session, in addition to the hearing of annual reports and "thineHcting or a board^ofTdirectors and general officers, Mr. Cale Young Ricje,_author of "AlightJn_0„vignfin,M" "Many Gods," "Far Quests" and other -poems-^and--poetic drama^=jpead- two- short plays taken from his book of a group of foujLl>lays„_entitled "The greater."' • ,_ ■ Before beginning his reading, Mr. Rice talked a little of poetic drama. The first play, entitled "Giorgione," is founded on j the history of the life of the great adored Venetian painter, and just how much is true to the life of the artist is revealed as the play Ground will 4*e broken this week and the work on the new dormitories and fraternity to be built on the cam- pus of Northwestern university will be rushed so that the coiner stone can be laid during commencement ^weekr This decision was reached Thursday afternoon following a conference be- tween Business Manager W. A. Dyche and Architect Hornbostel, who, with his business partner, Miv Palmer, won the campus competittonri~The New will be changed. An expert landscape gardener is to be secured to beautify the lake shore. ' The campus competition was started some months ago and many of the best architects in the country submitted pi ah^ T*- Laird, Irving K. Pond and Walter Cook went through all1 of the plans most carefully and selected that of Palmer & Hornbostel as the best one. Following the submitting of the pfans to W. A. Dyche Thursday they were turned over to Contractor Os- land. The exact date for the laying of the corner stone has not as yet been- decided but it will be during the early part of MmnTencenient week. ssBsmassssm Should 8erve an Warning*, T'Tho folltas, vices, and conjsequ^j miseries of multitudes, displayed^ a newspaper, are so many adm<s|| tions, and warnings, so many beacote continually burning, to turn from the rocks on which they ^yt been shipwrecked."--'Bishop Horn^ Misery loves corapany^-but if dom an agreeable hostess. TTTs marked for its 1 iterary and ifread and poetical merit, is charged wHh-emoUofta4--Hfe-and--human inters York architect stopped off in this city Thursday to make the final arrange- ments. ' The complete plans were submitted and have been approved by the univer- sity and the„flve fraternities that will move onto the campus as soon as the building is ready. Immortal Lure." Had Nine Sessions. est, as indeed are the other works of the poet. -'~". Mr. Rice Reads Play. The time of the second play, read by Mr. Rice, entitled "Arduin," is the fifteenth century; the place, Egypt. The .scene is the laboratory of Ar- duin in a house on the Nile, opposite Cmsm^Ms^e=z\ir=Af\^fhfrtr-Ay-duin7=^wbo for the past ten years has labored in his laboratory endeavoring: to produce aflr ingr^dieftt-thatr^vv^uld-restoTe-ii wife to life, goes insane. "It is a perie^^trs^4y~--^s^^^^^^r:uB -a- sphere, as terrible as death." It is-conceded by_tlieTrteTafy~ world 7 Ffpvyers; In the Home. Nothin^rraakes a »dining-roqm;,,,jio<. cheerful as plenty of flowers and plants. Yet how few oC us ever think of utilizing the ceiling space for this purpose. For ceiling, gardens some quick growing vine is best. The hardy watermelon serves nicely. Gare should be taken to plant the seeds upside down, otherwise the vine is apt to grow upward through the floor of the" room above,,and if that is a bedroom It will be disconcerting to arise some morning and step on a watermelon vine.- Once:the-vine^ppears througju the ceilingrlf can it^dfly be^rHned. Vines, like animals, should be trained by kindness. Be sure1/that the melons are only permitted to grow on the side walls. It always causes unpleasant feelings in the bosom of the honored guest if a large watermelon falls from the Veiling into his soup or upon hisi head, as the case may be. I -- Coax a-fewmorningrgloryvihes-in; along the waterpipes and through a hole which you mayi bore in the floor Upon the Goods We Bake. On Our Bread So Fresh, So Light, So Brown, Our Buns, Pies and Cake. Must Drain Land. It will be impossible to start on the foundation for a few days as the ground has to be drained. This work will start immediately and the build- ing will be started as soon as possible I . , ,., _____^ . -- The hiii mi no- +« v^-----'"T"j~':. . mirers who like to sit in the parlor ine bunding to be erected- is h?m. t .. i* •.» , * ^ „,. . , , TJL <™teu ia "»e' -with her by a dim light, you can de- first quadrangle. It will be made of fireproof brick. The rest of the pro- posed new buildings will not be start- ed for some time. The site on which of the hall. Then start the vines up the railing of the stairway. The ef- fect is unique. If your daughter has young men ad- the^mea^^ornxti^ *>reetedL During the year the members have convened in nine regular meetings and seven ^peciaT^~mefitings: Thir club is conceded to be, its mem- bers, the cheapest and best club for women in Evaastonr and the growth and progress of the society has been such in the past that the outlook for the future seems unlimited. 2 The report of the corresponding secretary recorded the number of post cards, notea^-etc^-sent: to mem- bers during the year, One hundreds and forty-seven persons were added to the roll of membership, making in all 730 members in good and regular standing, and it is the ambition of the club to have enrolled 1,000 mem- bers one year from this time. In the absence of the treasurer the corre- spondlng secretary readJ^hat-offieer^s report, which showed that after the expenses of ^ihe: year there still re- that Cale Young Rice does not only rival Stephen Phillips in the poetic drama/ but that he is "the. English- man's superior in that unforced qual- ity--which bespeaks true^ inspiration/ and in a wider variety of manner and theme." , --- In~the large space^north of the-&ym- nasium along the lake shore As the plan develnpg and tho re 5^inder_pf_th.e newl^buUdings- are erected dt will m^an that Heck hall will have to be removed; The dormi- tories are to be built as units, accom- modating from twenty-five to forty students each, and grouped in quad vise a neat and effective parlor deco- ration by potting about a dozen rub- ber plants here and there about the divan. Pardon us for mentioning it, but maybe^yoii^wouldJike to grow^ a cantaloiigerilllreere. too, ^^tl^laever ' ERICSSON e Avenue Phone 1974 Line^gf WE AS, COFFE^ SPIGES is the fit Yon suit quality v a specia Mrs. Alice--He^an^RicBT author^ or ^ '■Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" and "Lovey Mary," was the honored guest of the cluh rangles, each quadrangle area of about 165kl40 feet and accom- modattng approximately 250^students. Will Beautify Lake Front. The buildings will not be the only mind then. Consider it unsaid if you feel that way about it. Ah Economical ideV --MK=€»ooph---Yes^- we are -going~~to housekeeping. Mr. Wooph--But I thought you liked to board. Mr. Gooph--We do. But Mrs. Gooph has such a poor appetite there is no money in living that way. Change.: Mrs. Crawford--Although my daugn- ter is -"oh a big girl, she's fMII afraid ofL--tire--fhitfc--Mts^ Crabs h a w -^Dnn X a? the entire view on the lake -front I worry about tnat- m* dear Slle'n soon Lewis C. Downs 919 Chicago Ave. .: Phones 393-394 ...../ ■- eft Piano Timing -■.■■■•....."""■ ' '":',J"r --.*.*»^J.'. o here is more tppiano tuning than mere- ly adjusting the str piano wik soun, poorly 'Ituned exists Between or "voicing" and re, tuningtosts no m TEARS f^EXFEmENCE Resident Tuner W. W. KIMBALL CO. 1407 ELMWOOD AVE. Telephone 757 mains a balance in the exchequer. , The Drama club has four standing committees, i. e.: Library commftteer Tiress committee, play-goinjg commit- tee, and social committee. The re- port of the library committee was read by Mrs. Harry Webster, which stated that seventy-nine new books had been added, fifty-five plays bound, and supplements of the dramas and books on drama m the library pub- - lished^--ThB Tiress committee, of which Miss Cartwright^was chairman, showed that seventy-five reports had been published. In this report Miss Cartwright expressed the apprecia- tion of the committee to the local ^newspapers for the publicity they sliave gisea" the club^MrB, GTuy S. McCabe, who Is known as an imper- sontator of childhood: jcharaclter^ as? uhulruiaa of the play-gdihg^ commrt- tee, gave the-repqrt ^>f that body, uarniiT The Best is None Too Evanston ^ 9 Evanston people want the best of everythin 9 They are willing to^ayithe price, bvttM Wan Who "It Held on Suspicion of Having Sent the Bomb to Judge leWfee plays attended as a cl.Bfe2Fy this committeeridthey being -'The Faun," "The. ScarecWM" and "The Play Boy; Western World." The social committee did not give a report as what social work the club has enjoyed has been in A pre Do Ypu Know? ^f e the best. s has resu^0^n7e\era] modern; aVe not excelled anywhere in this ffl In the laundry industry highrclass laundr/es th country. * E T"S\5 ^V-WgMade °f ^«* ^that housewives e,ei1 their inhre family washing to the modern -Evans- ton laundries where they would not do so in other cities.„" 1 Have you ever considered what the laundry can do for you? with the many-iecinreBT feadings, etc., ism participated in. this winter. ~ -- m? anatomy at Yalo OoUege was asked by a boy the other day why b&ys were not born with I<rtoes on^each foot, and the wise man couldn't answer. Most men, after they ^et_to be men, are satis- fied with five toes on a foot, but a W-really-^ought--to hTr^lnwflg-^ffi^ With only five «n a foot he nows slips back while climbing* a tree to steal apples. We move that the ex- tra-toes-be provided before another summer. -- French Laundry Mutual Laundry Co. Nelson Bros: Laundry Co- " Washington Laundry Evansibn Hand Laundry +

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