Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 May 1912, 1, p. 1

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JPhoiie 58& wmmm ligs ^^^m^fs&mm^^ml^^^ v.r,,.Vv-?.i'^nf^_.;^ EVANSTON^WILMETTE-KENlLWORTHiifWINNETK EVANSTON, ILLINO|$r WEDNESDAY, MAY^ Br 1»^ 111 Kenilworth and Gross Point Have Formed New Triers Commercial Association.-- NO SPEEDERS IN WINNETKA Motorists evidently "smelled a mouse," or the atmosphere so affected their jnachines th^l it was impossible to go fasten theconcluBion that Chief off PnliAn BBBBffl NEARLY FIFTY MEMBERS W John Coutre of Winnetka has come to. All day. Sunday the chief rode his motorcycle up and down Sheridan road and at night, when he quit his faithful watch, not a speeding motor- ist had been ensnared. Coutre is not discouraged, but on the contrary feels rather elated as he does not like to wage war op the Members Plan to Extend the Asso-\motorists.- The poor condition of »'Sheridan road makes it impossible to, ! do any fast driving according to the • ■police" head and for this reason he 'does not expect--to -catch any going overthg limit. Never"theless,_Jhe will Keep a sharp lookout on the famous driveway and the first motorist driv- ing faster than, the speed limit will Parents of Miss Josephine Cop- lin, Northwestern University Student* Take Her From GIRL WAS VERY LONESOME |g ciation to All NortJ^Shore Villages i'JIiiV in -the Near Future and Make ■.£i;ii!Jl "•'■••;"■"""■ it a Township Affair. men :p:;;j? I Several Wilmette business §|||havp, by organizing the New Trier !r|| CommefeiaJL association^_staj!tedI5caixeI • |;j| thing that will prove most valuable I ii; to every business man on the North j;gj Shore. , ,\ . ;. - ",'.""...' ' ' •,.■________1-- l|::'l'f Despite the fact that .the association ::;|g,la but a little 'mage, than, two months ipiiipld, the membership Hat is vnrv near 'Iffi the half century*' mark and; much in- lljflpterest is- being shown biy" the "business j|§jf|men that -are not already ^enlisted as; ||;ii;j members--/ •-.-'"-*. ;. . fgl At present the personnel of the or- :|;;||ganization is made up of the busi- $";pness nien of only Wilmette, - Ken 11- |;|| worth and Gross Point. _Jt Js_Jjie i|ipTplanIjflSe^ssdciat'ion to extend to bft ..Arrested.' BUSINESS MEN READY FOR OAK PARK TRIP !§!juall tne.other North Shore village** 4n [jrllfithe hear future ■-^■:\-^■";"'-• .':.•;; Ifi^^--' ->■.■ ' -"■ - !$$;<;• '¥ Greatly Benefits Merchants. jjitftp^----- -- *--~-----■*---- - --.............. ^rhe-- association is on the saiulf This evening a large number of the members of the Evanston Com- mercial association will make an automobile trip to Oak Park where they will be the guests of the busi- ness men at a meeting. Some time ago the Oak Park men «ttended-tir-iireetittg"^7the "local x>r* ganization aml-ul the time invited the Evanston men to attend an Oak Park meeting. The trip will be made icuLthe atitomobile busses--that am Suffering From Diphtheria the Girl Was Taken to St. Francis Hospital From Chapin Hall--Escape Was -----^Effected Sunday Noon, More Moving Was Done Dur- ing April and So Farjhls • Mont Than in MyYear ^ Previous. 700 CHANGED ADDRESSES Made lonesome by long confine- ment in a contagious Ward at St. Francis hospital, Miss Josephine Cop- lin, a pretty Northwestern university co-ed, was kidnaped from the hos- pital, Sunday noon, by her parents. The kidnaping was done, without doubts at the request pt the girl her- self.____:--. '" „ '•■ '•■-'• '------- figures Cjoiiipifed from Telephone Changes, Real Estate Figures and From Van Companies ProveThis to Be a Record Year. Evanston Solonil Took First ^ Step Toward Filtration bv I111 Authorizing $1,000 Be 'lit*" Spent for Engineer. ROSSBAGH OPPOSED IT 1:1 Mayor Paden Made Clear the Mean- ing of His Recent Proclamation^ in Regard to Dogs--WHI Draft]! few Ordinance. - More people changed their resi- dence in Evanston this year than ever before in the history, of the city. From the first day of April moving vans have monopolized the streets of the city. They will continue to do so until well past the beginning of m... ■%&%T _______-- - lljpjjbrder as--are the commercial associa* lotions' in many other places. The |i-|:|:business men belonging'to the -or- ]'0ganization report to the secretary of |;|:ievery new customer or change of ad* jff|drestrof. any; The manned in which jjlPi-:£tjie different customers pay their ac- Iji,;,^counts is also reported, this being one UMpf the jniost important, notations |;|;;v made- to the secretary by the mer- Sjlphant; :" ■ *' ■; jpr\;+ In this way it is an easy matter- plijfor the business men to learn whether infill-!?: ._____________________■__________J_____________ ' l^'ttr notTa prospective customer is to be |||•;given credit * and how long it takes i!$jj$;them to pay bills. •:■;:«! Another strong feature of the"assb- llfciation is it enables the. men to se- :|f|eure the above information in regard |||;||to new residents to the village.--Mostf S'Pevery village and town of any size has f;ii;ii^ commercial association. When a p£ki&w family arrives {n the:village the fe;|becretary immediately writes to the Ijllljj'|ii_ssociatio_a" in their former home and steams %he standing of the family in Jthat community. ' -■ ": •■' "• - '• ||i T6"make' the association a success now being of _ilii_i___city_: Miss Coplin, who Js a junior^ in the College of Liberal Arts and one _of the prettiest girls in tb.e^ Tintversity, was taken ill in her room at Chapin hall .on Apjril 1.1...: the day following^ her return from her home in Hebron, Ind.,'where she went to spend the Easter vacation. Dr. William C. Danforthf who was called in, diagnosed her case air that of diphtheria. She was at once re- moved to St. Francis hospital. The name day lir^ Victor 3. Balderston. June if the activities in' real estate circles can be takeja as a crltefloir of the jnumbgr of peoplel whet are mov ing or are thinking of that .subject. Manager Gates, ^van^to^ymanager, of the Chicago Telephone Company, "receivedr^uring^Api41aiidHio -far-hr this month 775 orders to change tele- phojnes; In Chicago it is assumed that What is considered as the first offi- cial step toward the proposed filtra- tion plan was takea last night at the regular meeting of the city council when the solons passed a resolution authorizing the water committee to spend a sum not to exceed S1.000 for the purpose of hiring an engineer to investigate the conditions and furnish the council with a report of his-flBd- ings. Alderman Rossbach voted against the measure. The resolution was -introduced by Chairman Kuapp of Ihe^water cqgF mittee, In; presenting the resolution, |im| Mk Khapp stated, that the memberjj j|||^; j^^ejsoji^iiLjten_:Jias_ a telephone; ^of the council were jnot_cjr^p Jugt J|j^^ "«& also in that city arrive at-^a& estimate of those who nibve by multi- plying , the number of telephone- changes by ten^ ^ThTis^year, by--thai process* ^t^Twas^Tven^out that more what size plant should be installed, if i?M3m$:% it wa^i decided to do so, and whether or not^ the meter system would he necessary--er---av«iIable^~^iiia«doir- Pierce, engineer of the Reservations vfor seats in the ma- chines are pouring in to Secretary Walker and it may be jnecessary to secure another bus. ; The local men will leave this city about 7 o'clock "in order to be on time at the opening of the meeting. Large Evanston Commercial associa- tion banners will L>p placed on the auto busses. - "healthiaraiinlsiiio^ef, ordered the dof^ mitory under quarantine. For four days physicians took cultures of the students' throats. The quarantine was lifted when it was seen that the disease had not spread among the co-eds. '•; . ■ Had Severe Attack. In the meatime Miss Coplin was (Continued on Page ?.) ANNOUNGEMENT I'pthe merchants must do all in their tv^power to furnish the required infor- llijnation. They are expected to give Iplhe secretary accurate data' on each !|§|ie' of their customers.- The Wil- ;;||jfette, merchants belonging to the as- IplJNnatmh^hav^^aTI^b^^ "|||ads the officials to believe that the iliipiganization will continue-to grow. Ilil';?; **° ■^•wnanent.-.Home' Yet. p |||The association has secured ho ||i||rmanent' liome as^ yet. As "the |||i|iances and membership' increases. |i||good^ location will be_lQoked for and |[|!|p meeting room at least will be IjllntedT^- - ' . ........--:.:. '■:-----.... |l|:|Many business men in other_places ||{||pn&^the:.. M« Shorerrhav^ljWn^ |gil^atipJiejl„as to their opinion-of-tie^ pgjgocTallon^ttJlor the general belief is ij|||||at it is one of the greatest benefits With this--issue of The ^Jews the name "is changed from "The Evanston News" to "The Lake Shore News," and the number of pages from eight to^sixteen. A growing subscription list along the north __ shore and a desire to give ^aVT?arVTyf~OTnrciientel^e"' that proportion of space and prominence to which _ they: are entitled has led the management^ of"th^r: newspaper to-rnake-the-ehange4n^name and^to ^dd -io-the rohimns in space. ^t^ the" Dusiness men that^has been Hl^arted in this section, J__ _____ , BIJThe following officers and directors !g&ve been chosen to guide the asso^ gMation "through its initial year:--J. jpfeli Schaefer, president; P. A .Buck, llpce-president; C. C. Schultz,^ treas- ^^n^ohiF^TPeters,^^ secretary; C?E. |jy^n_^elcerr J. E^^oitH^ f.. iffp. RrA.spergrenr W. Klmge^and^Jv JljpHenf directors: Av_e cannot hope that vthis, the first issue under the new conditions, will be all that we would have it, but it will doubtless serve in a modest way to illustrate the point of view of the publishers, who have come in the past y^ar JSL^Jbigger and broader viewpoint for the lake shore towns between Chi- cago and Highland: Park, arid to appreciate^their claims for a newspaper more personally associated wftlrthem and their social and commercial interests than a strictlyiEvanston paper could hope to be: than a third of a million families changed their addresses. ^ Different Here. In Evanston it is entirely different. Moving lists compiled by the different local real estate firms places the num- ber of people moving at slightly more than 500f As a number of houses were rented and sold by outside deal- ers it would considerably increase this number. Then, there are also a large number of people who either rent direct from the owners or buy their Tiomesyvith^utth^ of real estate men. Moving van owners were either un- willing or.'unable to furnish any in- formation that would assist in arriv- ing at an exact figure. Well informed real estate men claim that the num- ber of telephone changes is indicative of about the number of people who moved. ,.. -=- This figure places the number mov- ^iig^^-^bout ^OG-nlore^than- migrated come- ■■:■,. ...... ■\<':.:::----r_' .;.V-v- '■•■ '-f ■-,----:----rrr The first page will carry across it, under the principal heading, the subhead, "EVAliSTON^- WILMETTE-- KENILWORTH--WINNETKA -- GLENCOE," and the news columns on that page will be devoted to the various towns along, the lake shore, Wilmette, Glericoe and the other towns nQj^h^gf^Evaristoir being accordeo*~the same prom- inence as Evanston. '^-;./■"■ T^T'rV" rrt, th^^p is to bf no dVr^mi^TM^n nf nny= kind whatsover. The Lake Shore News will be as much the personal organ of one as of another, and the entire paper will^ be^dedicated to ^the _towns north from Chicago to Highland Park. E ^ ^"^ Incidentally,I the management wiil be glad tor ^receive suggestions from anyone in the entire terri- 1 :tory*::."v:":--'.-'::^: last year. --.-'Cold ^Weather Spoiled- Recordv-- -.- The coldf weather of March prob- ably prevented a record being estab- lished that would take a great many years to break. Even with th§ un- favorable weather of early spring the year is one--of the best ever experi- enced by the local real estate men. The cold weather kept „many peo- ple who intended to move from doihg^ so. Though the real estate dealers had a large number of houses and apartments on their lists the people refused--to--come--mrt^duTingzthez^n^ favorable weather and inspect them. The result was that more than 100 people who had intended to migrate remained where they were. Though^ rea.restate circle^ have been extremely lively this spring the deal- claim they still have-heusea^aBd^ apartments enough to meet- the de- mand. Though Evanston is consld- trict, will be secured by t tee if Mr. pierce can make 'arrange- ments to do the work. Will Report Findings. The engineer will work in co-opera- tion with the local city engineer and will report their findings to the coun- cil at the eatltett poaible time.. Because of the view some citizens took of his recent proclamation in re- gard to dogs running on the streets; without being muzzled, Mayor Paden issued a statement for the benefit of the public. He said that many owners of dogs were of the opinion that the dogs picked up would be instantly_ killed. This, however, explained the chief executive, is not true, as the city- ordinance requires that the dogs be held five days and if-lit the expiration .of that time the dogs have not been claimed they shall then be killed! He; asked that the police and judiciary committees be appointed as a joint committeeTto redraft" the dbg ITrdi- ^anjee. The council yotedUn favpr of the inayOT'ff request. ;: ;T^^ru~; rz=-rrri Read Communication. = ^r^i A, communication from the Evans- Ton Commercial association in regard to the use of the vacant room in the city hall as a clubrebmufor the new Boys' club was read. Alderman Smart explained what had been done by the association for the boys and the mat- ter was referred to the building com- mittee with power to act. 4 f |v The bonds of John: J. Devine "as supervisor were 4 presented^^ They23 ;:i|^a ored a costlyrplace t<rirve it is not indicated by the price of houses in greatest demand. - v , z ~ Low Rents Wanted.' ----~:z_ An investigation revealed that the greatest demand this year was for houses renting as high as 150 per_ month.__But ieiy_ xnarie^ for plac'es^ renting-atnarhlgher Most of the sales were also were~:referred to The finance commit- p tee with power tjji act. The printing 4 || committee reported that the contract ^>0| with the_3owman Publishing company ^ || to do the city printing had expired g||||| and asked that it be given the power ff||i|l to : ask... for . new. bids.^'This,; was- ^:S|||^ granted, r- : --- -- :~ r7^~rf^:^3S^tSc|^p In behalf of the building' co^mitteeV Alderman Turnock atatod that the --that the% committee was working on the^ublic comfort station plan but that it had been impossible as yet to get in touch with the officials of the Chicago ft Northwestern Railroad company. The matter will be pushed and-the com? ^rittee^hopes^to^old-<>reoBfereneo witl| The road's officials withiiH^Ttext Will Audif fiooks? Oh the motion of Alderman Topliffl :" .^ir"!""----'^-"'-""""-

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