Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 May 1912, 2, p. 8

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News Want Ads Help Wanted, Situations Wanted, For Sale, Rooms Wanted and Miscellaneous, 5 cents per line for each insertion tate for Sale, Wanted, Apartments or Houses for Sale For rent or txen » . 7H cents per line for each insertion, but n oadvertl^^^Mstor lu- than 15 cents if paid fa advance or for less> than 25centsg^g^ street,, sertion in any week's issue should reach the News omce, j*o •« Telephone 585, not later than «oon on Tuesday. WANIP ED-- COMPETENT G] no washina/olfr ironyg $7 or $8. 530 Wa^iingtop- mette. Phone ^Km^ite GRAL wages Wil- Itc WANffED--TWO tglRte girls foi girl; no washing land-av/ W responsib: housewoTkjgy>*lf%eeks and possibly"^e55»«|gggf; small fam- ily, good wa^<^PP^,^W^fcJe*st Phon#^*rvanston 272. ***P KEJlf^TEADY -WAIS A ton. 518 PBD--OOOD^COOK^ .ALSO^-A nurS^girlT^or small children^ Ap- ply liSkChicago-av. Phone: 467. It WANTED --llELIABr/E^ GIRT; TO take care orSputfg child, after- noons. 1509 IlidgSaV. .Phone 2027. / \ ltp WANTED--GORDON FEEl*ERS. AP- phMit Bowman Pub. Co., 52fc.Davis- ±_l . WANTED--A MAID FOR^ENERAL ijWBrk, also a nurW girl A help with upstairs work, "call 2135 * ton-av. <Vwv> S^LaXMjuq Orring- ltc SITUATIONS WANTED ^E TAINS WASHED, ,nd mendedjf^Sfirst-i called for and di ritz, 1620 Dag»"6w-av. COLORED isjL_JWork; |M. R. Mo- lL 1339. 6t« JFNED NURSE WOirt5> TAKE Isition for tneteumsaer at reduced . Fates. Addrejjlfe W Lake Shore | FCj News, Evanston. « - ^.. * 6 . ltc FLORIDA Grape/ruit and Orange Groves, Frurf, Vegetable and Farm Lands, tfej&tiful Bay Fronla and Homes in the famjBs laraAta District of Mana#» CoLrfGlon^k Gulf CoasJ of Sou^™«---. WRITE *X>R FTWW BOQJ0mT. in fh< t of JM ioasf oi .»iv.i'E aFOI.------- SARAfOTA-Y»l*fcE CO. OFFICE.fMARQUETTE BUILDING, CHICAGO. Residence7 1939 Sherman-av. FOR RBNT ---4 houses anij GE< GOOTX LIST OF .1 jiP5Jcments IN -w-------49tf RENT 15 room^MjODERTLM ~^?ager"Win pay $150 » ?-"" W month for long terjfojease McCAJXUM 1615 Shflfman-aV., OppA^y Hall. all. LUM (& CLA ian-av., Opp. C >R SAL We HayflBeveral Bargains in Houses. SoiQrWe Can Sell on Terms. Come In and Talk It Over. FOR RENT. Lee-st, 9 rooms, fine condition.$50.00 Chicago-av., 10 r., Yar. heat----- 90.00 Gj^nl^ty_Jij^ojn_bungalow Hartzell-st.j ^.0 roomsHEurnaeevT-32.5 Maple-av., cor., 14 r., garage.... 85:00 Lincoln-st., 7 rooms, hot water. 40.00 Sherman-av., cor., 8 rooms.....30.00 ^Large~List orApartmefits F0R SALE--EVANS^N. anyorie want a^cheap good lot^f I have oieLlf ^artzell-st. for $900, including/^imoro)rements. E. B. Betts, 2219 CintraFst.. Kvanston. Phone 3369-L.________ A" SNAP~1n VACANT ltc PROPERTY east of Sherman-av., on Djn^Pst., beautifully ivooded, read^or build- iAg, at $40|a fooWclea: Wessments. (Paving let t 111 other ckpensf »id vacant so Ah oljj^ntral, Sherman, An be secu to $15 a fjbt of thlHr>riee 1575 Sherman nv., Evanoton, 111.----- ______Phone 548. ltc FOR SALE-HOI)§£S FOB^SALE--6-R easy terms. Davis-st. GE, ON ter, 807 4tf FORJBALE--A GOOD EIGHT-ROOM •, hofise; : lot y3xl65; $4,000. Lot S|fal50, westjfide, $900.j*ight-room house with Jood JiarnJceljtral loca tion, $6,000 GE 845 Chicago-av. Furnished and Unfurnished. McCALLUM (©» CLARK Sherman-av., Opp. City Hall. FOR SALE fSALE--CHASE & BAKER OUT- le player; smjtfT"lize ;y*aahogany case; with 15 roily of pnyic, $50. Patterson Bros.,*ft22 Snawoan. ltc >R SALE--COMBINATION O >k case and writing desk. Ekbne JvelHlworth 187, or P. O. !Box 354; ltp SALE -- ELM WOOD-AV.--$3,800 S-room bouse;'good barn; 40 ft. %Jbt. Lincoln-st $5,750 Greenle ft. lot Madison-st„ hard woo ft. lot; rooms; stucco house;.. 50 •00. ' ingled house; electric light;---60 Charles *f. Qo/va/or FOR SALEX^OAK CHJtfA CLOSET, curved "glasfc frmH, $15. Phone 709-L WilmetteV^16 Forest-av. ltp FOR SALE--COMBINATION CHINA closet ana sideboaroV gas mantle, complete, hall tree and\l Eastman No. ^camera, 41/4x3%, ,.wlto. postal sizjg*' developing tank and trass. E. Of Jones, 1428 Gregory-av., >SVil /mette, 111. Phone 953-L. FORJ5ALE--DROP HEAD /WHITER typing machin/rte-patfectTcondi- ^n; almost new;|$lp J1522 Sher- man-av. tfr ^r ltc 5ALE--MAHJDGAilf* UPRIGHT io, in first clasl^pndition; $90. itterson Bros/15»2J(feherman. ltc WANTED WANJED ~ SECOND-HAND BI- tyjfes; bring bj^yci^ 4j!j/get cash. OTandler, 630 feviJ6t.AN 62-tf REAL ESTATE FOR JtENT--APARTMENTS IN \/'THE ORRINGTON" 5 rooms, hot water hea^ janitor service. Phone 354. 24tf 631 Davis-st. f£ BARGAINS--BY OWNER. r-rd., 33xl5i), nr. Njyps, $350 fbsalie-st., S. w; jsot. 55^x180 ft. N._w, cor. M r Scheurmann, er ft, $20 Colfax, aln-offer Mfeh*-av., Ev. ' 23wtf 139 N. Clark-st. Evanston Phone 3934. * ltc FOR-SALE--BLMWOOB.AV. V(K>m plast «rellent 1q bargain. TJire^choice_ each, $50 d sessments ^n, $ raid ^AV^BIGHT- y^Blot; ex- can/bo gotten at a n^picAeer^rd.,-4 $4^nonth; all as CHAS. A. WIGHTMAN, Tel. 203. ltc 1606 Chicago-av. FOR RjENT--ST. CLAIR,, 620 CLARK: stjjFFine 6-room apartment :__jiwo :hes; $50 a month NEWSTEAD, 7/t' Si lent 6-room $60 a mont CHAS. Tel. 203. ltc ----------f-- st., excel- porches; IGHTMAN 1606 Chic&go-av. FOR SALE. Ih^roughly modern, 16-room, hot waflsr-heated home, co^npleted within the year; lot 50x200. _Convenient tions and schools. >#he thousand dollar nayment wilffisyure deed to this attractive plaberTSig^r O. Blake, Architect. The lest puWI^ase for the money offered inlNorth Evanston. m hd watef^Kled home -ay., neaj^^ter-stM east 1 lot^iux221 feet; house ibs condition and the only which can be purchased this figure in this location; ,000 will get it. A corner property, four baths, steam heat; lot 100xl8(h garage, with sleeping quarters; in the new north- east section; property on Orringtonr ay^. Owner has made other home ar- rangements and must sell this place. Entire property can be secured for $15,000. ' 1575 Sherman-av.,HEJvanston, 111: Phone 548. ltc Large Congregation Filled the Parlors of the First Presby- terian Service Sunday Night, CEREMONY WAS ELABORATE Sunday evening at the First Presby- terian church, the sacred and solemn vows uniting Rev. David Hugh Jones and the First Presbyterian church as pastor and people were given. The weather was/auspicious, being clear and warm; the day was fittingly the Sabbath; the music was of high or- der and in perfect keeping with an ecclesiastical function; of the rank this possessed. The A. Cappella choir of___Northwestern university, ,for the session 'of thit church the interregnum preceding tii| torate so happily begun, war liariy well fitted to give the chaijj^ the members of the"-'church. other helpful things he caution^ tjjl members not to allow the p^|J little things to compel the pastor to "leave the Word of God." to Benediction Closed Service. The,beautiful and impressive sen ice was closed with the benediction by the pastor, Rev. Jones, follows ty the choral benediction of t^J Lutkin's composition, given by thJ A Cappella choir. Thus the official! uniting of Rev. David Hugh J0BJ and the .First Presbyterian churcJ as pastor and people was duly and fittingly consummated and in the hearts of all concerned the ties oil Christian fellowship already formed j were greatly strengthened. Dean Lutkin, director, assisted the regular phurch choir in the music. Four representative ministers of the Presbytery of Chicago, being duly appointed, were present and con- ducted the installation service. Rev. James Madison Stifler, president of the Ministers' association of Evanston, was also present, and gave the invo- cation* the impressive form and man- ner of the Presbyterian church. Rev. George N. Luccock, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Park, and also moderator of the Presbytery of Chicago, presided. -Preached Sermons FO^f HENT--FURNISHED APART- *^nent, opposit^*%illaj*! Hall; will rent part or al^tfo^thap summer. F. A, B. 716 ClwrtTst.r^part. 5V._lte «fefr rV*M^v ----------------- lENT--APARTMENTS IN "THE SHERMAIH*> rull information givenjjmbtm quest. Phone 354. 631 Davis-st. ^4tf FOR RENT-ROOMS RENT--SINGLE ROOMS, VERY pleHn^nt; large room.....on firs^lfoor. Orrington-av.^/nphone +Jr it 1630 633. ltp FOR RENT--pp.1 second floor, 'fl^ojvjwithjru Ijlngton^bV^#»hone-lt467r^ ROOM ON on parlor 1823 Or- Itp The sermon was preached^by^Rev. Edgar P. Hill, superintendent of the chuxch extension board for the Pres- bytery of Chicago, his. text being taken from 1 Cor. 3:9 and reading as follows: "We are- God's fellow- workmen." * ______. v." DrTHill, in a masterly fashion, gave a discriminating presentation of the true character of Christian work. With a quickened sense of the- worth of the church the great audience, which completely ^filled the church, then "sang Luther's mighty hymn, "Ein Feste Burg." Following this the moderator propounded the constitu- tional questions first to Rev". Jones, then to the members. The moderator closed this part of the service with a prayer of real apostolic spirit. ChargeTWas Read. The charge to the pastor by Rev. William Chalmers Covert, pastor of 'the'~~TTblrty-first street Presbyterian church, Chicago, was a wise counsel in fraternal mood to Rev. Jones to conserve to the utmost his splendid powers of body and mind and his unusual qualities' of heart and spirit. Rev. Andrew S. C. Clarke, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church of -Evanston, having acted as moderator The Limit on Toughness. They were seeking to Impress tfat] stranger. "If vou really wish to get an ideal of the toughness of New York toughs," announced one, "you should by all means attend the annual ball given] by the Gorilla club. It is absoluteij the toughest stunt that is pulled any. where. If you don't get action then for your money you won't get it any| where." "Do you mean that fights are com- mon at that hall?" Inquired the man to-be-impressed. "Am I to understand] that shootings--*' He got no further. One of the oth I ers leaned forward, solemnly tool hold of his sleeve, and remarked: "Fights? Shootings? Why, even! single person that starts to go intothi Gorilla club hall Is stopped outsjfo and searched for concealed weapon*, and, if he hasn't any--they give binj some!"--New York Times. New One on Verms?: Mary, an older sister, had spent th«J morning shopping in town/ Among htrj purchases was a square of ^U< red velvet which she intended to^R as a background for a beautiful little stati of Venus de Milo, which had recently beejou presented to her. Just as had temporarily fastened the velvet «] the-wali-baek- of t he-Venusr1! brother Bobby, aged 5, walked injr her room. "Well, Bobby," said MaC "how do you .like my Venus de\MiIoT WouTcT you leave the" velvet there!"! Bobby looked thoughtful for a moment I or so and then replied. "No, Mary,': wouldn't. I'd take it down and w'ap ft "a wound her!"--Lipplncott5s. Important Thing to Know. It is easy to understand why the na- tion is willing that millions be spent on a weather bureau. If we can only foretell through weather experts, goose bone prophets, corn husk prog- nosticators or in any other way just what the weather will be from day to day, living will bo_.mafl.0- a great deal easier for us all. We can get the hay in out of that thunderstorm or hold up (fhaT shipment of perishable stuff thai a solid freeze and zero weather will utterly ruin. Better a Smile Than a Frown. The saint who smiles does a great deal more good in the world than the saint with a feng face. FOR' RENT--A NICE FURNI outsicle* room; steam heat; transportation. 1806 ShermanT'v: Phone 1577. ltp WANTED--ONE VERY LARGE OR two^adjoining tixpr in privat Doy four ye connection o references fu >ms for the sum- rbj^€oVple with boaifl djsired in vicSuy; highest shed and required; must be east of tracks. Address D _19j, W_g>m NeJ! gg i*_.«e «nor( Id MISCELLANEOUS GASH^ClD FOR SECOND-HAND overcoats. Evajfton Pant- atorium. Phdn"e1i9. J\! u HAVE YOUR the month Evanst JSED BY ntatorlum. \^ MONE MAS On Evanston an! < 1580 Sfermaa-av. Lot 50x1 Improve and the We are propert , neantfejji^Sler St. ine Ycmm House. ts^ are wort^mfffC.OO s worth $2750.00. oriz^d to offer this a sacrifice price of zih^L^ss^ son ^31 DAVIS STREET F

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