Local News, 16 Apr 1910, p. 6

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the Jiplast, i1. make pint •,i4 naU quaath et eiphsr u OOR•, A pinch ot su)ph iU hift iU Ii... ', -. '!'•W I .-- A t S * m :r: ---, --. -. I - -, ; . , ,.4.. - t.' .,.. . , j . -- _. -- ". - - -- p s-n -- m-1 . JZI,DUS OP m. -- __ Wh t liii, w hp th LasNia hIØ . Above th.m wb*, Ia4(Ksst, th. I1e H Wi Jata thur died. to zuaocu(om.d pr*Iae Azd crown with ghrlaa4a ot Immortal bays, • to Wtom, ltvtD4. W bt thOShL to cructty. •yat•m si to nih. r..ptmtioe . ________ . .c.uary for perbapi am mach a. *v. A mogiatalos ...m ia. glorious ,I.w.d too itgh, ifte thu prpertry bre 3 3 H 2 1 3 3 1 T 0 Ho, ofteL do th. groet wbom Wa Oory , Ii ov•r. one who hu mad. Ike OEg*nttc born to our aatonl.h.d •ue-- •rIm•nt found that fle ur tn• •1 ." e' I:cA Wb.u th.y a 4d; ut •ntorc.d breithIg I. p%e psi. • - - A41 rr- ___ ble to hold hi. bro*th ftprt I"d .. Tor, ihamed by )irpne.e, 3lt1Ieti..e 4I.t a halt minutes, though without ch A new k1n of d(tIve ham b..n brought into tb. Um.llgbt by es ____ And p.rti.aa and narrow hat put b, preparation his jlm$ wa oJ ae ... , ___ a)c iour milk And to etca. o*r tgnorRnt dolays polbl to do without rpirauo In• AaioclRtlofl. Burn. may ho .aid t hY tUht1t1 Ms ltIty w. shrine our h•ro.e for th• tuturo days . time during whI • is . d.Uve ..rvlo which act.a q$uar4Ian t a mtrth4t.DEbl7 medb$J L'9l bOllOd spootuL of With fond and .uiulous d.votlon try cre, oP course, with th )ngt ot ,., ia fath.r wia a p&Je. iIzthr41rxttMs 0. arpa; It Wbeu th•y its ded. t. durtug whlc1 (h. prper tpr, .pt a tieçp] .or. Ii Ce1umbs, m*l'iI$t t)q bcaj m4 h3ftN* --Florirnc. Farl. Coet.e. broathtng Ii carrto4 oó Wi oaly to trali1ng. Hut when h1 fither b.%ii. l4Iiqq cppElwl421a i naw fl.Td warn ' dW kw$ik,t?Aà..riuart.ra ciw -- .- .-.----= -- - - --' a cortala dIinIIo tlmtb iwblá v rtei open.bi upto (ha M1t• He wa•Y.r baii*1a. it*ut po1to.'NeeuItárs 4 iIfl4 With oni.b&t tee .omrwhet with differeDt pqrsons chumming with the detLIV and helping thtn to uhral mieb tEIi 0 ful ot Melted bdttf Heat and IMng after (hi. washing out o the p.nt.i out-ottheordtnary a.p.cta. It wee not long beJr the bOyc k a ho w.)lgriu.d griddle lung.,' em the Yogi phIto.ophe, uId thlItty t.am. ronhied. He did not ebasi the d)woviI7,t criminals • large tablespoonful to .ach cake." I1 it mu.t hew, bea c9S,I(qø thee La buard way but lAW llvt!J;Sor1ock Jfotzne by a proc.t 4e .. .. . pTepaV*torr breathitrg ft rut • ducUo4 d •llmlnitlon. % lvo. The change prdud I t. bsy. thi.t tpavee a trnck. Thra are n IIITetrkâ.' T3O1na * asi IW• mellad butter 432d a .lft• tm Ii certaln)y more tuan eeZ ehon that hi. theory ti correct bptttng ide ms in Innumerable •'""a then a lung trsn.tormetion. that tore. .. where othere have fitted. and would eppear to Indicate a tern j the crirutna) hl,tory of the United B1MH and europe tbr• wea Dever a.qeh. O)4.pl. beuIt. porary alteration in blood coestit. (ton cleverer forger than Charlie Ulrlcb until TAylor and Bred•ll of Tb. old way was to blat the bircult The .ffeet of this rapid brsethl,g e Philadelphia mmd. the 1100 silver certtflcatee w1tJ the Móuroe head that wee dough with an ax and to give It 300 I mental .tlmulaut I. very pro- tcrg.ry that even Oov.rnment elp.rts dedered It genuine UI. blows by actual count. The weilba. nounc.d. Mental fetigue may b. poet re ai ier'.ei a term of Imprisonment In o.rmaay a oa hi. r.lqa.. all thadoed .ut.ance was thenmwle Into l'oned. far hyond the usual pol' t, by government,. wore warned that be wee aaln at large and .cret .rr1• small round cakes wtlh the hnd.s---a _________________________ ___________________________ two minUtes of ripld deep bre .bin flts lrned that he was in CIncinnati. cutler Ii an IMult to true beien bi.. - zz: _ - - it haithour Intervals. A (eel g of detailed to the came end Instructed to get his man ma in cult--each about ball an iicb thick. ••Do you know, I bit! IU(h in extrior window to th aunlit lawn .0(1 the iiIegiIshn.i or ileeplneu may * ci (he evldenr wanant.d. 11. d'oid.d thit the only way to watch UlrIch The top of each one Is th•n pricked (mary dream eat night isid Della, daffodil. Rhaking In the .rlng breeze. most COfl)L)l('tely dispelled. ETher. thoroughly was never to let him git out of sight for a moment. Burns three time. with a fork, and they are a, she pour#'d out my fist cup of tna "It wi rather an odI. attra(ttva iCfl)R to b no rict1on, is In ti ease tniniedtiteI acrou the streøt from where lunch lived end bed then baked In moderite oven tot at br.ahtaat. 'A dellihttut Ircaru It sort of cireitu. of moet ,itlrniilinte. mu In .v•t way a wagon load of turnitur., nuwed In. From his windows the detetIY. sW from O to 30 mInutes. After you have we.. Irtiih'a4 ot those horrid thing. one "Till nrn," eald IN'Ita eagerly, was this "air jig Ii quite utl.fec' iy. that the forger was rar.tully noting all that warn going on. Hums do.ne once eaten them you are handy cur- gec.rally flrrsn)s abOut titIlIu down I: alt about ni.?' The on mu.eusr tat) cc ic working c1oth i.n1 •very nwrntng he left his home, carrying a 4tnner prtacd at theirfavor with the natives. precipice.. IZ)(1 biafle. intl trying to "WrIl, not--not qultø," I confciied. aiim str1ktn. A rcicfl f goipg o to his days tahor. Ito would walk thred or four blockd (2)SS.. eatch trains. and all ttict; thu was "But you wri In it In a sort of a with heavy wetibta Which unde ordt. and then double on hi. trarki and re-enter hi. home by the *ck way. Put squares ot chocolate Into a quit. dIf7rnt.' we,." nary itrcurn.tiinces ceuld not re o. the d.tIv• saw Ulrlrh Iave the house I a hurry. He to) double isucpan. When It is melted Bhe ha4 handed me my cup. sod 'Whom was It ibout' askd I)eIIa pct.1 more than 20 tlmee, ittr • four hini to the railroad station, wh•re. without even waiting to biy a zimove it from rite nr and stir Into w, torgt(trig hr UWEI. •St with her qUi('kly. mtnutes ot this prepar*tor bre thIng ticket. be Jumped on a traIn and came to New York Burns close behind , hat a cupful of sugar, then add a •)bOwe (it) the tabl. ant) an absent look We)l It was rP*J)7 mostly about ('0111(1 b (IODG 2? tIme.. Ehe ØuI,e Arrived at the Cort)andt street trrry, the greengoodi men entered a quarter cupful of hot witer. Return In her ey.a. someone I dtint know--not a real r heat goes up rapidly while the )eth orne. and wrote on bI*nk T ha's JUit errtvt4----' At Ibis to the flre, stir It until the Ings? Ii dl. Della (ifl)e ba('k from dreamland iou, you know," I eiplatned. "8h.---" IflK k cont1nut. Another curl s at. with a eIgh. and •tIrr1 hrr tea. 'It "8h.? I)elIa pricked up her cars. fect k the ipparnt rapid is e of Point he bce.me aware that Burns warn lookini over We shoulder. Iv and continua to cook 41 WIthout Are ou Interested?' aiked flinch. 'It you are, perhaps you had stirring untn a little dropped In wa wiant. •() much whet It was,' she e- 'Rho was, in her way, a remarkably tImø during the alter bait of . hard flnL.h the message for me." E can do that," said flurns. and to the ter can t. taken up and rolled between pIaIn,d. cryptically. 'a the feeling brautiful woman, I went on muitugly. trPftthlnK period. This change n t)ia others hmezment he wrote In the spec. Intended for the eddr..e, the nh)fl• the finger. like a eott ball. Pour It of It ""Quite young afld with that very iov tIni pen Is vet; no;1c..Ie1 "Whit sort of felIng? Rapture?" ly blond eenlre hair, don't you As mental &tlmulant', s L1 one.ot ibe ot PrOminent ocIIJi of the New York 1t sov.rRmen to the of i. I bazatd.4. know." mean. to incree.. the time IurtnR 'Wbt (tOthI this rnor asked UlrIch, 'e plncbY " Theta what it I.." , . '•Yl!.• thRtC just ,t. aeqpnted 1)elta. lt only worn by second rate at wtIch thr pyatem ca.u do wkbt it rew the Bocret Service man. Pr.r.r*iot •t.ai... 9 thonght I w.is on the goitliuka. repe,i." ja$ 1)eI)a curtly. piratlon, vioteut breithIn mu t finel Wi* caught the man nprni whoce .vldence 'flhlI" flrmkway got teR Instead of washing rice halt I doseri pIaIng. you know" (I)pIIa knows is 'Wttb a wave In It. you know-s ronRldPrAble useful appHcattoi ani NOW Jersey, and Dr. tltadford, a wertlknoWn New York d.ntlat, tfms in cold water to rcmvø the iuch of oIt as she knows of Coptic), natural wav, not like molt peoples.' daring reseu from suftocat ar flYs years In New York. starch, rins. twice In very hot wat'r asnd I t)flfl what you call I you know ) M eye roanipd over Della. head, quite enouih to niaks a ka 1eti In 15 Gen. Vreil,riea 1ø Moja I)1ann1 to start a røvolutlon In Costa cml the same results are gainad. Few a styrnlc In my hand. atiil I madu a titiconic1nuiily of course. r thIs posilbie threefold ea(IIrsnee RICA and by inme means mmnad to et promise of support from Pe1ent northerners succeed in getting the •pIIfl(114 'iliot with It. *wt a man there "You xwødn't be Ineuttini," she without air of no l)ile vsiia. Zeleya Of N1C115$ILa. Aiding de Mors In Nw York wea Rlcardo de Reqtiae- eparatd grains, such a. are aiwayl was awfully nice. I4h i1rtw breath icapped. ..--------- . . Part ut the plan of the conipiracy was to upset the money syitem of •can on southern tables. TO obtain .,1le aii th most iilighttuI man you My døar," I declared, opening m BRUTAL C0ST0 *ZT. Rica by flooding th.' rountry with fraudulent 100 peao nntes $2,000,000 them throw rfra .Iowly frito ripidIy •v'r saw.' eye.. '[rn only juit telling you whit worth of these wrr i'nt to Costa Rtra shipped in the back of a sofa. The botitni. .ilhtlY salted water and cook '1 (II(111t •te him,' I II)tcrjccted. but hiipent'I In my dream. iIeip4 to m flrlLI.b .tl,r •,r.t ervIc. wac Instructed to find who had eapocted the gr.enw'ods from twenty minutes uflcovered. L).IIa paiti no hiI. 'No, you wern't,' sail IeLla, cross W.t *.hor. at fli. .. York, and to hum. fell the talk. Mtr a ),t of work, the dçtactlve take.. "And IOflPhOW or othr'r I kn,w we ly. 'What itid happ.u?' AdtflIraI lord Cbar)ee ti.&. 'rl. t tOnd that th only clue was e piece at the burlip Ia which the cora bad One cup honey, onchalt cup butter were engad, and- ""Of course, I waunt enagt to the dinner In New York, defen 4 th packei. On it were XXX'. with the flgura 4 t'ne.th. ror weeks or drippings, one tAblcepoontiil bolted Wtat?" 1 aaid. citin; up 1rI," I went on haitily. j merely ad custom, o(flelali of the port, •qs the Burns went from one store to another until he found a man who kw where cider, onehalt cup hot w*te)' or one Oh, it was only a dream, you know, mired her very much, ac --a., eli, a YQJk Tribune. , that particular kind of burlap warn manufactured. Thq tacLiry proprietor belt sour milk will do Instead. _% course," .6I* t)alta deprecatingly. n' one could hive helped admiring her. "'h• IntellIgSnt y7flbg Uee acknowl.a.ç that the burlap had been mad. there, but of ®usi., pouldn't these l.d1en togeer, and H. bad untold thousand.. a years a.ud W, were In the COOeI741OP7, alone "lfl I diMeult eltIer-q'4iwI who had puh'hasi'4 ft. *ne th,rts w 4 •d.eI.d. H• then add one tbepooptuI gflpran I lovely country pLae, and several together at a dance, and I could hear thm541v1 idrotLi. The st4I are t. t ooaa o t. tact6rp until be traced a abipint bO a Ii,ng teeoontuJ soda W16 b' ;xtoc.. and a beautiFul collection of the distant music of the bend---" fas. that ma)ce them out. to b brutal sal City d.p.run.nt store and there eventually Cound a cJ.rk who rmn• to make a soft batter. , Uake Is aat pictures, because I went oler It after 'Jndp,d" said L.lla. in a distinctly id Indelicate. it It were Turke IOItIEL piece of burlap to • women. From the descrtpiói h. got wrdc.' chilly voice. noel flurni found that the purhuer warn de ft.qaeeen.' mtir•tnw, nft so the . -- II shouW like," said I. laying down Then it all changed' I hurried on. 'In the daya before Ratoerfl fell to ibipment of the greengoods was traced to the oonapIrsWr..--Motr,I etar. k.4 fl.rria. my knit. ml fork. t know ezeetly '1'ou know what dreams are. Rome RUMIi." he resumed, s ,iiIor on an when 70U w'nt over thu place" how or other we wqj walking In a English chip lying In t3atoui hitbo* -- - .------ ---- tLL4z_ Take the harrtnic, pud after wach Ing and drying, rub with ground 'In my dream, silly," said Della. tin- field, and there wa a pooi at water, went sahore and bought hITISIt PitY KLU AIJCZAI KOUS& a little crlppl.4 girl who wêa so fool c?ov., pepper and salt. Plate them In patiently, and tbpre was Lbs loveliest and-----" of troaies. ii. put tha Lruaee* on. - lahl.y grateful because Mtsa Alicia cant .hen pen, cover with. vinegar lot of jewels 70U ever saw--" •'l)o go on; don't Lak. all morning Ills old ones were quite woin out, and r. Pr...m.• •t 4,,...a,I, ia..a- her iowerj s,met1me.--as It things and tip them ovqr with a thick paper. 'I never- --'i but Delta con- over It," said t)elIi.. Irritably. be told the dealer to throw tb. •... pai.hI.a S. Bsim4. did not grow better for the pleking! Put them Into a moderite oven, arid tinued, with a rapt and almost ecstatic "Well, it changed egatu." t rubqd away. Then he started forth hit. the .. • Ii,. In Alicia's And that box w carved by Joe Gin. bake them tot' an hour. To be eaten look on her face. nu-- at least. I mean, somehow or sIJ't prosdly gsrieet' Constaic. eactRt..4. ru ID I)rtOnJUL b.cau. she bad 1d. : Tber. wera t*o ropes of pearl.. and other .he warn in the wit.tr, itruggling 'Koon he met a group of customs n agony ot a twu..i I kept writtiri him every week, Rh. jways plenty of diamond.. iui4 a tiara much for llt.." om(laic. They stopped him, and tbIr looking at Miss Alicia herself, is e"° tOm. but .11 tight, 5.a. b.tti'i than Mrs. I4tuyvennnts ' Bhe 'Ah" I)eiias e7es gleamed. chief said: quls. as It she hid stepped pt of and he did. Pot 4 ouncea of macaroni and a tea drew I I(Jt)g. deep. sighing breath, and 'J uad a ,duuge 1s.ieizd her, and "'Those aye new rQuaere yuu'yW t __ ivory miniature, end wonderLa Constance. eye filed with tears. spoonful of butter, salted a little, Into went on. And we w,re otng to be drageed her from the pool. dripping on? . h9w she could endure It. lye ilwaya " undetitaud flOW, (jeer MIs. All- two quarts of itock; let It simmer for marr$d th. day alter." with 'aiter. 1 cartied her in my arms " Ye.' kaid the celtor, 'I Jut boukht maintained that a house revealed char Tb. rest of 1)1 f'tj'ish t halt an hour. A. scn ii tender cut 'After you played golt?•' I Inquired to the bank and laid her down; her them."" . deter tar .vibre than any photorap!i with thiThgS. but yours is furalahed Into r1145, and drop It agln 1o bolt severely h.iutitul hair had corn. down and "'Then,' sail the customs (hif, 'you could do, but my theories never had wtth filth and hope and love." rig stock. Htew qiarter ui an hour Te-n() -o, I tiont know; I supp4)s, jI hanging over my shoulder. Its must pay duty on Ibeui. •tunnlpg blow is at Mi.. All she did not say it aloud; It and grate lIttle old clwc'u Ovr1t. •0," .atil I)tIla, who was obviously not gwrfimm came up to me. I could t..I "'Hut i've got no mofley left,• said ot's. TbIk of that atroctoul perfor wOuld have tronb14 Mica Aitcia.-- Tried iIirra.. --.--. -- Inter.4tei in a piiltry ticstton of (late. tht. beat of her h.art very fiat; and the sailor. And thb w tr HII "cargoard 'air-culls' hanging Youths Cnpenin. , cican and dry Very littli b4itter Ii *And th.n I f()Ufl(1 out bu.wa a steel t?en, I don't know what made me hat rppd had 40 pay ib• shop. tram t. aoor of that jlorlous old see . . . - - ----.---• . In which to try them. They iegciate.' do It, but is 1 bent o'ver her sh• looked gnan's bill. r.tsjyi . could have orl•dl"'°' à•)I#olaad, , should be well browned. Tb.yare rich •'tlood graelous" I exrla.tmed. 'Not • ,ieet anti helpless----" a money? said the 'TPf. Th.at'$ CimpI4ll smiled. Fihe had An Important propoqal has been enogh to be eaten withOut any kind tiii after you were enraged! !)o yoi I)elIa had been ominously ujet, mci very 14 r you, then. oulI hêv Cb Coflitance ill her life. made In Uerman.p with r.flri to th4 of lade.. They wilt take tIre.qusr mean to say you tiIIn't know hi. name had not dared to n,ae ?er eyesa . the trOubrs with us in that .. that you rlly have i*IMd at If.lIgolead, oil h. meuth ,f ters of an hour to cooL when -- " What (lid you doTsh.'aik.d In a ,.' m.n Mm AIIotW. bo$.?' she uked. tt 1b5 Jijvar pespie. ,• b__ "liii name wa. Al(hIII. 1)on't you hard, m.tallIn vtc•. t d14 net h.r "flit I've got notbtn un1er them,' Really seen It!" Conetanre echoed. diturelt 'ontinuea to crumble away. thisk It's a nice namer' asked lielia eyea then, and I •a1tr%. p objeettd the sailor. "Really seen It! Florence Campbell. The proposal Ii, unless some scheme flru.h pie crust with crqem to In reanully. looI .r7 a.'Insplrkigj, .'- I, 'Never mind; wb *0't look.' and what do you mean? Haven't I been °( preeIrvIa It n be ñund; to blow sure a rich, brow colqr. 1 think lt'i a most ugly name," I de- " be, IMo (be we. the chiW jIi. E• all r.at.d all the. word. 1,, am aoqualpt4 It UP. . . Paint which stIcks to ;ius can be c)ard. "It ,iounds .ornethlng between Icr," I said. •. , • . that ojr--tbeI would WIth.tO try to •zUreIs It. eqct UOfl Apparently thp Idea is that Iji the with vlnepr. I monkey and in flln.." There wai a momet4's pauqe and ( Iè,R. u•• ev.tit of war HaIigolan would ned • 'To eo1a hot dick lt i hurry plie. "Walter was hia first purred then D,!lii •zcIat4iM t s.nnthar ton., " shoeS 5r friend 'euggelted, to b'S V5r7 strongly defended, an4 ud it Iii L Ydseel tell of eoId salt water. .l1a softly. "how 'erN4t) éf toe, c.orgiei , thö 4.IM't'i4'l". • j: you il t 4Ise AllcIiq to 4.e ' a4ance or oeratlop.s Cutqp 'oaton, tnn1pa and carrots like to know one thing before we •° " J'L . d a You "T&1 OijI45 ibout , , , her about the against Germany. Tb. trouble does 'sr.* tue. flber makrn. them more ten. Look here, s*tt I, flrni)y, '1 should )loq .gnu •o. ' dera. _____ cardboard i%r-ütIe Perhaps )'o'il not lie wKh the risk o its being' er when cooked. a4l7 farther. Whsre did I .orn. in?" know ha4 4rezne ceI'.Imurbj, •• 'j ybur lheavy Is nol so tac"!4 o much a.. with the strata ol . oId them over a •(n), yoti cone in.1 Bald belle. sw4et. •Qj arp'tthq ;n., Ihing.r t, ,., , , , •. . .,r4, after &I." . bvlpg to (p4 . • bitIg ileobol' It doe. not Øei4ori whn runs and Icka up1$il. . . . r.d, eiph*Ucal1y. "ft It isitk idY £flII1S daê.lwrIiár, I,ap, qot op. t. uh.. , ,; "You were--whAt do ytu a!J th4 ptia torre , '$om*p1ng is wrong," Constance de- RolIkIaft, jay. rrd 'I" 1iji , t _wQr, Jelly1, 1) 1f?' ______ ____ _______ 511gbt •t4ilt cpn bq rnov.d from 1 Nave .ipklned Ibet I)e4I* doâ'W* w snq'3at*1'S1p ti' his .hlp a AItcI'e taa. I *Th't PlUtk*1 tJoipt' Ilt'rnauy.Ie ickèIotti br )'ubblngwIth a freshly hi.o•w very muck ebout.golt. h. prob. Of'the mdfl*eoét49fPkthament '4 '$' e.Vta WEqE96 rn,. gm I'4 S'i,tt5 $SJ*I4,L WU.J tfl$fl PP.4 all dotitA(uf tlatlori4 between g01. em ra# POt(O wIPl*s It witi clean what he lacked In drapery " almoet rather os. confld.nce Iii my I)ly mqant c4dtp. . wo hav.baidwt ih*tl")naideii _ ,th.rlp" land and G.rmani. It m*1hn..'.t 1 / it.a I "Oh!" I tIrew papuçlsrcam qd i2er.iiesitng .•j j .I•eOeqhM•V••l.Cj t,s,, aid eP.,detfUI*4Iofl:t0t pPe• 4u.tIa WhCfl YOU ik griddip çekes, beat Iro.y and wit into this remark a. was Instancp fl,Jg ta y..$aa .cijsr I.raø i.,sv. AIlci &i1i prwa', b It the •jgs and with together with egg cEe am ?tb end ot eaj bitbr. +h will alnre* melt In yo'ir 4ith 1tm to Tc1t .tgot'ëttdâeleLèon. ERtddIltdOlhI Ie ¶: ' i• L.1. ' . . ..., 4 . '1 F*cticIbts in the close epics. I)eIia , depcred bj 'p.:'.', reblin'Iàc.ntIl, ah 6O sdr4, am the ' i" rem ,ity. . . , . Ilk. a trig into the stream, threw the animal stance 1.4 the oonversetlon to the . 'ni -4 - f i ri "i tIcken ,1d 44 4.Ifrlop,q .it mixed 'Jwok. )icat . we wet. going to I rids ____ ______ ___ ________ ' , rrle4," ali. said sadly.. . . . . . i : 'Th5(iPI *te if0.. i tne oeai r.st nayoinai.. pie.. tti rn.at Into pep. !,, W1i,frn•) l.J 1. • w4e,piU #eee. o( gjseq, pepper and .$q 4iq4jic An4 high time. too," I said Inulig- then th.r. was a ____ 'U I%b WlbôtAeatref tti. titifrái 1t'ehbes ••' : I II4bI , W .1nflo* __ty, Where qo . qarg w. i*it4dwd. ad .hiibtm constantly pushed him huh with 11iq t t. dAt. lab1) . be Fat 19 if.- 1 t?Ink• ,I pr. ee e d ,'&rt'i. s p4 *c,. dream. cf ur. Into the water and woul4 Oert*loly ihI t it . math. Iti been hang and pa fltft' t' °""' i. i. households ho (set long, with macaroni or seqh.t9 Ins ___ IIDOO Ki. SC feet deep md two stories In height. cooking the cW Ith tt. of !)1ob .. . , . . - turD.q , eádIth..maliiai. ., •j drop ____ not Ui• dog, U In th.rp - 'Iion't_he horrid. G.org.!"satd Do- L=,r.I7. : :': caRt iIp year I IJ j;4 rih.flfl.sbl.t Ii.i* .bo. be. lStduaI.j prI flc*t away, and h In *we I a C I;s.rUu; t4iq tQo,thl qii4l tight but.roq hpp JoUnj oyr ,m tJ wit.r till imI1(J?Od O '•thi4ik1 'stais"&Stfer .poo _____ an it wit] SLIp 41' !M: . . , . ,, 4p*1d 4'ii 4S°iks et s11iJn ipprp th.a Ut. warn .s.d ___ 4 'Wi Aui 41 b ' w'i,& 411 .bi ug with a 41:bink yoo'N very a I "Who 1#1h 7LVéiewi '"" eR4NIrall Iatic _____ 1 w1tb dlpftL • .. ____ ___ f ?qe .qt,r- 'to'-- t ,, , , !k114.( i I1 Ied• suddenly--she wasn't sick more t " i ' t 7o weto •ng*g.d to _____ S. ek mlI,atre. __________ _____ _______ I "That's 1k. Shover," I _____ . Oiv• •i trio . . . _____ "I TI(àv.1 1W4 geehI 1 I. __ __ It)ae2 ft 13t'4iod 14i Is . us tp YQ.:'. . . . . . . . . . I puSh sucb a heavy thing am tbatr'•- wouldn't lbt anybody haow for t,er and four 7eers later rebuilL During the spot b'1o ics*. IL•" rt4: t . £ TQW whi ptSe, •d with the r.eId.nc' .silb a' I dD,e 4 --t, kr Em a. )ia " 1_ :_:.: iw"r pie may be divided late two c1a.e: I b*TS I a:elP: :.11:;.P.b br.fI1i.f aaother •xarnplsot perfm tb°e who hare rhiumsijam sad those J41 Ike 4' 1 ard• Itatt,* NIgk the wame eqtt Ike beth ot III? ' ft ' I 0 h g ii U a Ii II C I t t C F p.. thai'* em . e a Iii. for Imamage to r .. . . .,.w-i,'t . .,. , - :' U .i 4 __j •__'I. ?4 .-:. #J'. p. . ' . . I

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