Local News, 16 Apr 1910, p. 4

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- % -. .. , ' ., . . . I • •. . -- I 't - '- - . :. ' • . ,. . - • . . , j * ., e .. . . --- --.--- r . I t . ,4, . . , I • .' . - b• F . . 4 .. 4 ' I . i .. . 4 b4 , a .. . d. *bljW q:•Øs. , , ,. VILLAGE OF WILMETTe . (! 4 ..,. -'. '. p i4b• . . • , tr. . i T I ' . - •. ., V a a. VILLAGE OFWILMETtE EJection. April 1 9th, '1910 '" L S a REIIIJLAR CAUCUS TICIB rn • -. ' , I ., Village Clerk .- I D EARL E. ORNER ç 6 a .. S , .--. .- ' • ' , •4•l . ----•--• •1 . b . . -. ---- . F •. I I . • VI1lng.• Tr.giiur•r D ChARLES L. HOSKEN Village Trustees [_ I DAVID ROSS ANl)ERSON? [ 1 GEORGE ENGLISH [ I LESLIEF' GATES a S S Village Triitce to fill vncancy I I JESSE R. GAThERCOAL . D1rector of Free PublIc Library I •I •'S B. lLSON S S [ •• (iE(). F'. BUTLER -. - ":-:. I S,•• •• . . .4 . 'I h • , ••-'f_- • • • . S • • _ - , ,• .•------ .--_-.I1I.' . .--•-------- ----- - --- - H - --- - - ---- - - •r- --- 'fJ SPECIMEN ., ..• ,.•. ELECTION,APL19, d- . Shall borida for the purpose of erecting a Public Building for the use of the Village, •I- . in the aumof $I5,000.OO,be iaauedby the..Board of Trustees of theYi11i1e.L.llmct1. ..: .. unde'r the ordinance printed upon this ballot? • "? I,:. ; .'. e : . •.' •) •' 0 1ag S ti'z) : -- •• IIbt1 ' . I4hftll 1)a tIiiit (:O) 1ivs (*.'b00.1H3) rlll')I, 131)11(1% IiII1Il)Vl'etI V. 1'III1(I M 1111 iflbqbeI.tI 11onds nuiiil.red c••• I1ii'I )i,bt)iM flhI?1)l).t'(1 . leII% t1LII1))(r((t . . Sniel 1nhIb( .I'h nil . i)I . S 0 I I a, • •• S. • . .0 '1 •' • S ,' S. _______ . EARL E. ORNRI __z_- --'--j' i ILLA T. J. BEVAN DECORATOR •TRie.hJ.7j1 -- WILMrTTE ILL. S •1 I- I I 19' ______ _______ ( r i ORDINANCE NO. 880. puzose of obtatntng funds to crect a public building for thb uie of the Vllge of Wietti, probg for the levy and oolleo• An ordinance providing for the lsuanco of bonds of the Village of Wilinotte, to the amount of rift. 1)iousijd dollars, for the tion of n dirot annual te to pay the. intereston and principal of said bonds ; and fizing the otb.i det4lt11 of the Iuue. p 5 _____ ll(b it OE'I1iIn't1 Ii)' th l'rai!alt iit Hoaril o 'I'rilgte*'N Of tli Village of \VIImttt,o S('tit) I . . Tit at t)I t h PL1IPL o( 1)t'()VIdifl tI1t iocti1ry )tIz1(ls whrcwith to er(ot a übIie I iii' g fur thc ue of the Vii- L)r XViI ;na'tt',. iii thi' ( ,OufltV ot' (()t)k nitil Stntu t)C i11iniii, t hi ri liaII be I)orroi'Pd 01) thu credit i t Ie Tillnge t1i mini of ft ______ tIiiiiitl th;11,n•s 'l3,Ck)O.Ofl, and tt elile,i'e iti)i 14uIn tliv'rt hn11 ho nnd tIiercl' a hercby di.d antI dirctcd tp lie ii. t)it' I)ig6btilIl IC )1)'iiI1 !)t)he14 qE iiütl 'illige or ;v ilii'ti' t •1i SLURI)Llflt.. Stiit l)OI)(l l)I1lI . he de. : ii tail " Villugo I lull I1oul ;' ILI EII lItl)", tl(Ifll)Vr(I cr01)) on" ( 1) to t1i1ty (at)) , 1)(;tlI iiieItiIvt', 1111(1 ot tlis itei i:a tion of five lIIIII(lrL'Ll tiol-- SniiI b(bflLl.a )ij 1t r LlatL of t ny 1 , \. 1 ), 10, and Millill h(L'ofliP duo nnit pii ) s Io1Lovs : • ()lHb ( 1. ) I ' ti 'i ( :: , hot ii nggr(gflt ing $2Ot).OO In 1I1fl()lIIIt, Ofl M ay 1.' I ' t!1 . ix C ! ) to till I , ltl jEhlUR1C, ' I%t g *..OO.(J() in , :onat,, on Iay . I '22. IIlI.•q• II I I I ' to ti ft..i 12 ( i:.y, hOt 11 n.hiqki. ngrtgiit jug *.i(X).O() in auzount, on 1 ti I t, 1 !)2 p.%t Ci1 , -l i tO t vvflt)• ( 20) , 1)01 ii 1I1t'lIINI1', lIggrgatIII. *25fH).()I) in amount, on 1.iy lit, I 924, t 'i')Ity.Qfle' 1. :3 1 ) tO t%llt.v.t'Ivrb (2'i , 1()t) 111(1 1l$jvi, uggr'g1Lt ing 25()O.O() In ai vu ii? , on I ny 1 xt, 1 1125. ______ t 1ity.'iX 2'; • a tc thirty :10) , ht h i11vilI$vL', ngs'4g4Ititig *2OO.OO ' in tirno ni, in 1 t, 1 92(L l):tr ilIt"rt'4t lri tlU'ii Iii iiiti1 piiitl ut t II(' E41tt (It f(UV titiil oe--tiaIf (4') )t• ut u:ii ir iuniuin, piiy.ibli I 1B%...1:iXt--1'r;IY% ot Lny ie1)il NI)V'flh))'r II) eii•1i )ILII',,W1) leli int"r't Inatall,nnt.s ah ii I' viites'ed by jrjir coti-- I nt I '1i" I 4) ni tI iitl Oflhl )H it ii ' j)IiU'1)'II BIt1 1ntt'rvL what) 1. pnvabti hi Invt'ii1 ,,ioflpy of the 1' t it 'l Htritrb of i)1)"rieiI lit _______ : ht tir'r1('( .,r ti I'i',itrt'r o i*u iii ' jfl of V Utn'tT7" I,, ,,Id i1lig'. ' . I S('tieb!I 2. 'Fun t or ii 'iII 1ieId% niiI 'it'h ()t t1i i1ltrt%t L'jI)IIii tO 1)1' I )II r(t0 attalu't, 1ta1 . I:) stibstitutinily the foi le'•izig th()Vfl164, r'4jt'ItiVe'1, tov'it •. • . ( i'()rI31 of IIOfl(1 ) '.%-- United Statci of America. Btü.e of IlIinoI, County of Coolc, VUlage of Wiluietti. Village I 11 Bond. No, . . . $500.00, ___ icxov .\ i .i i i:x i v 'ii I E, i: i i:s EN'rs : 'rhit t I)t'" 11iig' •nf 'iI tt)tte I) tll(' COhIflt,V 0! L))I( iititl Stflt of I II ifloiN, at'- l(fl')VI((1g • t '4'l I tti '"':. . I' r Vflhth' 1't'i't'It'd, 1ii'I'l)y I)ro11)bt'4 t o to' 1'iiri'r, ttu' u in f Ft i I tIN DRI) I )Ol t1% fi:'t thi f ?'i i., .\ ). 11I------- I r 't ii mt e'r'Mt on nitl mi t•rtiin th dato tircôf until jai I, tit. tli j'at_ of rf()ur niitl ()I)(' ______ [ii1t' i.•I 1 ,) i"'r i'I B)le j" I' l tititlIll, II14il)lt N'tflI.iIt)Itthhly oh th( ft•Mt (Ifl,I of 'lny 1111(1 Novcinbcr in ' Ii Ii "ar, a tvkle'n eu by arid 1IJ)iJ I li j r""tit ,tji)H tuki %'I 1'rniI"1"f t I' int' tt 'opii lI(rI't() at tii'Iitt tI t1IQ' Bvvrally b.' Due Itit ; both pI'i tt'iJtI IIIII1 IUtI'aMt in.vi:)li' it t Ii" I i'n ir"r uf sn III V i1Isig ni XVII in't t', n xa'iil village. , &n I forfrt)i j 'roinpt payin"iit of th i lt.til, iii?' r't n n'i at ion I ' irity, t hi' full foit i t'ri'tflt i iid s'ou L'i" of Nahi 'I11nge are' h' rt'I' irr'oi'nl'ly pI*'(I gt'il. 'i'liii bin'1 k ktI 'flikY I1aig, for Ii i ,'I)OMaJ (!ijhVIIIItlK t'1IBt1 t t'rt'ct a l)t111' Jut IlLtiI4 ti't Ilit' UM' of tIi tiiIil V i1 ____ _____ Lug" of \Vhiie'tt r nnl iu nt't)rlIEttI't' wit It the privisiotJ' t, iiii ()rtliI)IIIut' l4l l)fl$f'tl by t1ijii ji1'iit n,i1bonrl of trDRt(9' nt %1bi1 Ii !4: .I 144? C1I1V Of ) tir(.)I, 1). l'. 1 0, anti I)irL1III1t tø iitii it) fulL ompIiauc'o wit I the ,)r iiiti)) Of 1111 iit't of tlI( (Jiiønil •51.,h'•• yt• t.lb. tRtM ct, l11ino., ,6ntt1rId tI An A('t ' tO prnvI'ir' for th' Incorp(11*tIoi ,,I ' e •6• .j •vmnem,•1 flppVovNl ._, . ipriI 1)4 I "72, in'I ill n't a1n'IHlntory t)l(1'i)f ittiel ,ltlI)i)lI'IiIt'LItlIl tIicrto. . • I' ;?I(I• it J4 ))r'I•.'1y c.I '1( fl)( rI41tL'(l that 'nit I Iiiig'i, at't,t nnii t'ut1it ni1 rt'qr('c1 by th' lw e t c listitiet IOEI of tht Stnte of 44 11Iitaop to, 'i'n u ii hç iii ,i)t' i*rfirttii1, prt"Iciit to IILI in tlit' I4tflhI)ce' of thu i*" j .ui li"t'ti I)rop"rlY done nd ill r'g'I ur iiiitl cIit' 1"'i'm ii )'ttItt1t'('(l bY Iii' ; thi't tlit' totiti IflLIJ.l)tIII1 4)1 •ah I dl •ig, iieludin thi. bond, dot'e ut,t 4'X'q'((t t:1%t hut ,tiieI q,' at ut ory l'Itfltflt1OflI4 H 11(1 thiit l)I'O'iMit3I 1111$ l"'t'iI IIIIItI" t'i tilO •' II*IiI 1(111 of ii (liI'ct annual tax, ___________________________________________________________ in iId(tltiOJ, t( flu ')th"T' ?iN. Otfl f ftfl-lt' jji-jiuI-t,S'-jW WIêb•l Vä1Ia4*1., .aia,CLhijvjjt iii ainou j. to ppy the i)i[I'ct )IcrL'on a t Iii' Anhii' fit ,4r 4 jUt' ft II t 0 I !4'l)ft t',b t 1I(' j)I'I II I' IJ)U I iit't't ' I' flt 11111 t I- . . . - -• I ij tqt tII()t1V v)i,'rt'(,1', ths .,at [ " iIIng of \V ii uietti', by it 4 'rit1'ut iiii I I'oartl of t riit lu I ita. COVI)OI'It( Ncnl to I)Q hre'to nft'i,'il 1141)11 thi4 1)I)(I 5t b!' ?411ZII'tl l) It4 J)V'%ittt'flt ilUil fit tt%tt'tl 1)y ItN i'lerk, n:i I t'ii'li r i • ('()IIl)OUI hereto at-- tiii'1i:'.tl t l) ,x'iiittqI Iib I Iii' i;tll,hii:;i)1;;:1i1 t'it•:'.,ini1ii.• NignfltIIrl'14 of 14111(1 pri'iilt'nt iitul VIIIflIIP c)er1 thu tlrkt ay ot' iay, A. 1). IP1O. 25-1(U) loIllIr% II) Inwfnl 116)'I) •iI1i ge' ('lark, ( 4'nl ( I'oriit of ( ot1J)OU. ) No , . . . •i I .2 ' . -- l'E'a1%Illl't st t ( ) --------, I tIit' V iI1ng' o 'iItitti, in t I, ( 'ount,v ol' ( '()()IC 01111 Stflt' of IllinoiN, ciIl pay ta' ta rei' the iun of elevuii ,ini . . : . ' I 'flitI'(l St nt" of iiit'i'ii'n. at t lii' otf11" Of t )It. n1I,t,iiirer of 4I)( Vii 1iae of \'I1,nett, in wail , 1 • 'I1ti fer 'i'tni•iita!lUtLI jot *'ll'Ptt IIlL! tililt iliit on 1t ViIIag' I Lt 1 bond, tlntctl I ay I , 1 ) 10, No.-- , . ...--..----1'ri'%iah'Iit. Att'$t -- s 'iIlng• ( 'l'ik. A C L.. E A 7 •%,4:. Spet h)H :i. '1'[IIt ('lU•)i ot' siiid )t(lN shu II b ,eiKai'I l thi' pi'i'Nitli'I)t, at tl'Nt'tl by tini 'i1Iago 'Iirt of said 'U1ng', and ' liii-- AT • ;'rIst'(1 t%'Jt Ii t l[ ' i'irj )(II'U ti' I4'I1I ol' ,uii1 • V Ilingi' ; it iid i'nt'h of t Ii" i ntt'r'Nt l'()II )O!1K ilinli 1H' (Ze('lIt'tI )7 thO lithogral))IeL1 tsic--iimi It' igIIntI4r*-M . or %ti1(l pr'Ni(lI'IIt itini viIIiigi' clerk ; liNd mild ,ff'i'r art' In'rt'by anthorizi'd anil diretcd (o •o Z(Ct1tO IRI.1 bflUlN I 00 A GIl I NOTON ST. 1) 0(1 ('4)11) 't)1 Pt f4r 11 ntt (bfl 1'I,ii I I' 01' Sit ii I V Illugi,' . . .4 A Co. 5, 6 S"tIon 4. 'l'hzt tli*' iit"t"t nei'ring uo ,iid btiih in y('I.r 1 9 10 and on May 1 , 191 1 , utah bP paid out of t)i geut'ral funil . tax jf snltl • 'iIh g' IlI'rI'tofor4' 1e• it ii t'r t )n' ya'u r I 9oi. 1 t hut fi t 1II, E)tIrI)()It Of ' rt4inbiirslng iuieb geueraI fund on acconut ot • fl t'h iiitt'rei'.t I1yin'HtK thl'rI'fr4'nI 'zid ro'itling t)I( IIe'ccNIIry fIIfl(lS to Illihiat the Interest whl'h 'Ill neru on enki 1)011(111 01) NOV f the 1'eace tinher 1 , 191 1 ,. iijitl 1 ":'• 1 , U 1 " tIii'r' ,ihiill 1w 113)tl thl)r(a j )I('rcby Iv14.bd for tlic year 1910 on nil the taxable property In eald vii-- lagc, In itdditi'n to nil ,t)iet' tiix'e, a Ilir?ct tax NIIt't'iI'h'ut to ir(lu(!o the einii of •i350.00. And for thU of met'ting the '" iit,'rt •Iib'Ii 1I1 tu"rn" ofl iiL 1onds ,Wl)NI'(ttIl'Ilt to May 1, 1912, lifl(I to )kY the principal of'HI bofl(1I at their maturity, there /j, Itorney at 1ali' aliall bt. awd ,tIir' Oil nil of tlit, tnxal,1t propQrty in iak1 'i1lRglb, Ifl lUlditlOn to all oUir taxes tho following direct j cur,, . aunimi tax, to-wit: • • ' • -- ' Office: 1222 Central Avenue For e*'b of thn y'n'* WI 1 to 1!)1, Ioth inilnIve, a tax niit'(1di.nt to pro(Iuco the um of $676.) for Intereit. WILME1TE For thi' y"nr 191!I ii tax ufft'I"sit to 1)r1klI1(' thU Mifli of *3i,(L.00, l'ing *675.00 for Interat and +2500.00 for principal. •Vfl4INOCONSULTATIONATOFICB For tiP' yPHr l92( a tax Nuft'lci'nt to vr4Wt thj_im of 8O62.50, hiiliig 562.50 for inWteet ad 50O.O0 for principal. KY APPOINTM4T •NLV For t)ii' ye'nI' 1!)21, a tax ,mtti'1'nt-to pro4jce tJo rn'in of U5O.00, being $460.00 for Interest and $2500.00 foi' principal. For thr y.'nr 1922, a tax mffieicut to irotlt?41ie mm of Z837h0, being $337.50 for Intercit and $2500.00 for principal. fl 8CR WALL jor tlit, year PJ2, a tax Knft'iclcnt to l'ro(tu('t tIi atnn of 272500, being 225.00 for interest and i8OO.00 for prIncipal. For the y*'ar 1924, a tax saifficit'nt to I)ro(luce the sum of $2612.60 being 11..5O for Interest and W500.00 for principal. Teaming, Orading and Ex And the Vi)lat! Clerk of t1i Vi1tgu of \Vilmotte Is heruby diroctod forthwith to file a certifIed qopy of tli. ordinance with cavating Contractor the Couxity T'lcrk of Cook Countyflhlnois, to the end thit said .ennty clurk miy, tx. each of said years, 1910 to 1924, Iticluilvo, In Hisek Dirt, bad, Gravl aad ba4. nccordaiicc with t1 dutIi impowd upon him by law, aectrtain the rate per cuntum required to jro4tioe the aggregate tax here- . e I,6y said villago for gnnra1 viliag purpoics. tQrco11ection uPon the taz roll. In connection with the taxes levied in much year 1418 WiLmette Avenu• inabovu levied for mich year arni extend the patnO wIL!r1'ra, ELUNOII And in each of aahi yi'ar. 1910 to 194, both Inclualve, the taxod hereinabove levied shall be ollected 1y the eame officers, at the ianit timd. and In the same manner as the tazea levied by the .ald village tar general purpolea for such years are collected, awl whn co1Ieb Rhailbe placed in a ipecial fund and used solely for the purpole of paytni the Intireit ou and principal of the bonds hereby 1or1zd when ant ac the eamo mature. . Section 5. That when prpr1y cxecnted as aforesaid, said hofldi shall be delivered by th. Traatt? of said vWage to. the put. c1iaears of the caine from the president and board of trueteec of said YUta4e, at not l. than par, end the procødi derived thnre from ahali be uiied .oleiy for Ui' purpose for which cud boudi rrcite they are iued. . a Section 6. That'all ordinanes, or part. of eMlnazice., In conflict with the provialofle of this ordInaoe , be and the earn. are heTeby repealed. . Section 7. That this oMinanee shall be anbmltted to the voter. of Ui. village 01 Wilmitte at the general deottOD tO be held th M vrnag. on the third Th.SdIyOf April, A. D. iSlO, and the bon RuthorIftdb741S OrdtflIflOO Ih11 flOt hO IIUd UD1NI thu øidI .ctIon 8. Thu ordInee. shall ho In full fore. end effect froia and stW ha peeee( q1 andp.4ieauon. Eanc. Is approved at meld election b a majority of mich voters voting upon the qn.etIou. Paeeed by Ui. president aad board of trnat.ee of Ih• Village of Wilmette a the lal day u°h, A. D 1110, and deposited 'wIU1(1 #4r& EARL E. oara, :: 9w. deli ovd bi h. preskient of the Village of #lluiett. this let 4y of ueh, L D. iIiO. JOhn O. C*SUS PrOIldeUt Of th• vlIT1p of WI1mLAtte*ts len I. Oru.i', Village aerk. ' /' , Pbbt1*l the 5th day of areh, :. D. 1,10, In The Lea1 New., a .wqeper publldid 1d viUa.. Iul I.4, VII. larcbrh. V jb • 1 €a'.' .. . - . ----- - ___ Fl -- DR6 W. •G. BARACKMAN Dentist • Cox Hld. Telephone W1LMTTE, ILLINOiS 77 • . • I •• !% DR. DANIEL B. MACAULEY OtcopnthIo Phy Iclen I. e. m. In S p. m,, Tu.ida end 1r14.y, . I2m.tuJp.e,,S.nda. $200 CmP4TRAL AVf,S..... wH_.tt.. T.I.pW.*. 44* THE LAWN8 OP OLD S. ZNOLAND , An' fs'innitq--fnr tli.'ti- tt'(Tfl Ia'ifiil I)e'rfiu'tiofl and durability. Such Iawn p ir.iy t'• irptltit'til hi our .. ("ITitry it' .. . Imported Engilib Lawn S Grass Seed • )N 1),41'il. No '.'ti ieeda or t'oari,i' grnNrn'. lIaI'i13 iind 1)4'lItI t I t'ii I in t'olor ----- . Ilfl(t te(tlIr'. •'-- St'nI Uri't't 101)14 . " I j(y to sI',,(l ah).l K4'uj) 0 _ft] IEIIiIiNIi I4flVtI,' Frt't 4- Blatchford's Calf Meal _____Factory ".. MADISON AND BAND ItUIEfl. , wAI*IoAlq, ILLHOtS Z.lahHshed IS I,al.t.,, Ia&amd I ICI. . p • ,•. - . ._i__ --.•--- S t ' R (. S •L1• ,. S • -. -.. - ,.. - • A.5 S A POSTA L wiliruch m,4., all . hlnd.ot S Ourdii Work• Plantl,iI unit Trimming hrub and Tr. R.llabl. Woi k--Wllm.tt. *•t.r.ac.. P.Orah l,$t Cwuicw St.. KVAT4STON 1VLORIIT AND LAMDNCAPSOAIDIW$I : : . ---j - -- a •_ -_ --.--- .-- - .- - -5- - - ---- --- -.-••• - --5---. -- -- ••--•- -- ____L___ . -.. - • '4 -. S JACOB KRAMER ProtHIto$I !.UdOUIr I I5l Grading done ; Grounds laid out ; Adr1os and eitlmates free, iON iIeego . Ày. Pbs.. 4581 a 3VANOW, ILL, , ._& --. -- U ' % ••.•., I ' -Sn YE TROUBLES, I----_ •- j . __ - I-. -- - 'V . I'k - .. -.- I' -- *1•. O .Ii Sb.. $N *. ?. d 5. 1,0., .. • - . ,'•p, . . . I •,t'_ .1 --.• 7:, Lb 0. A,sL wfll ii,. rn--I. ek• -- IaaI mad '7, '3 w_, avnse. TeL UO. 1. __•f .- -I. - . - ,: ' , , .4

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